Chapter 985

Liao Dong’s words reminded Xie Kai of a lot of useful information.

If according to the historical development, Silly Damu invades Kuwait, there is still time, and now the war with the Persians is not over, Silly Damu will naturally not be so stupid to attack Kuwait at this time, otherwise he will suffer from the enemy.

And their economy can’t support it.

Kuwait does not have a strong defense force, but there are many allies around it. Saudi Arabia will absolutely not tolerate Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in this way.

This must begin to prepare.

“It’s okay, I will think of a way. When that time comes, I will get a batch of helicopters for transportation, specially used for air strikes and fire support. I will find a way.” Xie Kai told Liao Dong not to worry.

Naturally, Liao Dong was not so worried, “Our base, they don’t have the courage to attack aggressively. At most, they arrange some small teams to infiltrate and harass, but the surrounding indigenous tribes have a good relationship with us…”

Seeing that Liao Dong’s tone was very relaxed, Xie Kai could understand the current situation of the crab mercenary group from his words.

The 32nd South African Battalion was originally a team of the South African Ministry of Defense. Although on the surface, this specialized mercenary broke out of the jurisdiction of the South African Ministry of Defense in 1980.

The nest of the 32nd Battalion is in South Africa.

In the past few years in Angola, fighting with the Angolan government’s army, behind the backing is the South African government and the US government.

Had it not been for Angola’s support from Cuba, who had directly participated in the war, they would have destroyed the country a long time ago.

“To really fight with them is usually on the battlefield over there. Now that the Angola civil war is over, there is no major civil war yet.” Liao Dong comforted Xie Kai.

Xie Kai sighed.

Africa is rich in resources and has always been an important source of profits for multinational companies in Europe and the United States. Especially in areas with precious metals such as diamond mines and gold and silver mines, wars are more frequent.

The emergence of the crab mercenary group will naturally make many people uncomfortable.

How can those bastards in Europe and the United States easily give up the benefits they get?

“In this U.S. stock market disaster, my income is pretty good. I originally planned to replace you with a batch of fighters, equipped with two transport planes, and equipped with some 359 tanks and 363 armored vehicles. It seems that not only these equipment, but also You have to increase the cost of helicopter procurement.” Xie Kai didn’t talk about other things, but changed the subject.

“You are always like this, it’s not very good. Ibrahim and Kovarubi don’t want to invest money in updating equipment.” Naturally, Liao Dong also hoped that better equipment would be available.

However, the other members of the mercenary group are not so easy to talk.

Liao Dong didn’t even understand why Xie Kai wanted to give them shares and let them divide the money.

Even giving them an annual fee is better than giving them equity.

“I will persuade them. This is also a win-win situation. Equipping you with advanced weapons and equipment can improve combat effectiveness on the one hand. This is entirely for actual combat training and can also provide references for the direction of domestic military construction. Another one On the one hand, the domestic need for weapons production orders, the military’s funds are getting less and less, and a large number of units have no business. What do I keep the money for? It is treated as an investment…” Xie Kai said.

Except for a part of this money to be used in the Soviet Union, Xie Kai is really useless to keep it.

As for Ibrahim and Kovarubi, they are unwilling to spend money to update the river crab mercenary group with advanced and powerful weapons?

This is impossible.

Before Xie Kai brought them in, they had already made it clear that 40% of each business income of the mercenary group must be used as a mercenary development fund.

This fund is mainly used for equipment updates, training consumption, and compensation for wounded soldiers, etc.

Compared to the heavy equipment Xie Kai wants to replace for the mercenary group this time, the current money is definitely not enough, so he can only advance it in advance.(Read more @

“That’s fine. I don’t want to deal with them. They are all stingy guys.” Liao Dong didn’t say much.

They are a must for heavy equipment. The fighters, tanks and armored vehicles in use now are used by Kabila to train their own troops.

“Don’t pay attention to them, you first make a list of the demand plan, and I will operate the US stock market…” Xie Kai said with a smile, “The US stock market provides us with development funds.

Liao Dong didn’t understand investment or something.

Anyway, if Xie Kai said that he could make money, he believed that he could make money.

After all, Xie Kai has done a lot of preparatory work.

At this moment, Qi Zhengshan is being interviewed in the TVB headquarters building, and it is broadcast live.

At present, most people in the whole Xiangjiang are paying attention to the situation of the stock market. The market has been closed in the morning, and the decline is unacceptably large. Many millionaires are on the verge of bankruptcy in just half a day.

Some have even gone bankrupt.

Countless people hope to find Qi Zhengshan and find this madman who was once laughed at by everyone.

If you find Qi Zhengshan, there may be a way to stand up, just follow Zhengshan’s next steps.

For Qi Zhengshan, who came to the door on his own initiative, the TVB TV headquarters attached great importance to it. There was almost no hesitation, and it was ready to broadcast immediately. After all, all TV stations are now reporting news related to the stock market crash.

“Mr. Qi, no one is optimistic about your short US stock market operation before, and many people even call you the plague god in the investment world… I think all the audience friends are like me, want to know what reason you did this A bold decision?” The beautiful host asked Qi Zhengshan with a smile on his face.

Qi Zhengshan grinned, “Good luck, fooling around, God has opened his eyes…”

“…” The beautiful hostess was stunned.

Everyone knows that Qi Zhengshan is lucky, but if you continue to talk like this, it will be strange not to be scolded to death.

“Mr. Qi, you are really humorous. Although luck is important, I predicted the stock market crash three months ago, and mobilized huge funds to make a huge profit. It’s definitely not just luck.” The host quickly reacted. Up.

“It’s really luck. The U.S. stock market started to rise well last night, and it is now up 6%, and the largest batch of contracts in my hand was delivered at 3 pm New York time… At that time, I was already sitting on the windowsill. Just about to jump, the New York stock market reversed…” Qi Zhengshan’s answer made it almost impossible for the hostess to continue.

What about this live broadcast?

The leader next to her kept gesturing to her and asked her to take the initiative in the conversation.

The problem is that Qi Zhengshan doesn’t play cards according to common sense at all, and it is no different from the lunatics called by those people.

“In fact, this stock market crash can be predicted from the beginning. Since 1982, the global stock market has entered a fast-growing bull market, and the economies of various countries have also been developing…Last year, the escalation of the war against ships in the Iran-Iraq War led to global growth. With high oil prices, the European economy is beginning to weaken…”

Heavier than some dry goods.

The hostess looked at Qi Zhengshan with gratitude.

Listen carefully to Qi Zhengshan’s introduction.

It sounds like this is indeed the case, but it seems that everyone knows these things, but why choose the US stock market, and it is definitely this day, this is everyone’s concern.

“Mr. Qi’s analysis is very complete. I think everyone wants to know why Mr. Qi chose the US stock market. Can you tell me a bit?” The host looked at Qi Zhengshan eagerly.

Qi Zhengshan smiled, the host was a little unnatural, and then he said, “In fact, many people know the reason. The United States is the world’s largest economy, whether it is GDP or fiscal revenue, it is the entire world. The strongest. However, the US military expenditure is also the largest in the world. In the competition with the Soviet Union, in order to maintain an invincible position, they have continuously increased the military budget, which has also caused the United States to build high economic debt. Due to the high domestic production costs, the United States Products are uncompetitive and the foreign trade deficit is increasing year by year. Only last year, the US government’s fiscal deficit reached 221 billion U.S. dollars. The foreign trade deficit with other countries around the world was as high as 156.2 billion U.S. dollars… The entire government’s foreign debt was even as high as 263.6 billion U.S. dollars. Although the U.S. stock market did not rise the most in 2015, it is the capital market that attracts investors the most. A large amount of hot money poured into the U.S., causing the entire stock market to rise sharply… Once investors find that the U.S. economic situation is not good, they will withdraw in large numbers… ”

This time, Qi Zhengshan brought out the economic data of the United States last year.

It is almost impossible to refute.

The host didn’t want to let him go, and continued to ask, “Then Mr. Qi, why did you choose October 19th, US time?”

For this question, almost everyone wants to know.

Can Qi Zhengshan predict what will happen in the future?

“I know that many people now think that I may predict the future. The answer is obviously not the case. If I have the ability to predict, then I would not have been called a plague god by the investment community before…” Happy.

The god of plague has become a god of stock.

It’s so cool!

Although it is for Xie Kai.

“The reason why I chose October 19th is not because I know what will happen on that day, but because of the original contract. Because of the problem of choosing leverage, I chose 30 times. The maximum contract period is three months, not At the end of the settlement, otherwise, as long as the stock market rises by 3%, I have to liquidate my position. This is why the US stock market rose so much last night, and I still did not liquidate my position. If the stock market closed yesterday, I would now It should be in the funeral home, not here…”

“Mr. Qi, you are so humorous.” The host smiled unnaturally, ready to end the topic, and then asked Qi Zhengshan, “I don’t know what Mr. Qi is going to do next? Continue to short the stock market or what?”

“Short? Why should I be short. I am ready to invest most of my money in the U.S. stock market…”

The host was stunned.

Everyone in front of the TV was stunned.

This Nima thinks that there is too much money, and is ready to return the money earned from the US stock market?

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