Chapter 995

“No. There is no such demand in China now.” Wang Guilin shook his head.

“Yes, even a special army aviation regiment has not been formed. However, the special forces brigade is currently applying for an armed helicopter to test the combat capability of the ground armored cluster.” Zheng Yucheng said.

Xie Kai was a little surprised, “As for?”

“Whether Feidun-359 can quickly deploy as soon as the armed helicopter attack cluster is discovered, what are the shortcomings of the avant-garde air defense missiles against the armed helicopters… These are all questions.” Wang Guilin added.

404 not only develops spears, but also shields.

If you want your spear to be sharper, you must have a shield with higher defense to test it; if you want your shield to be thicker and have a stronger defense, you must also have a sharper spear to poke.

“So, we have to get that one back as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can only find a way to get it from Iraq. Now the Iraqis are so poor and crazy, they actually offer 10 million U.S. dollars for a Mi-24…” Zheng Yucheng Complaining.

Xie Kai was speechless.

They must have been in contact with Iraqis.

If you know it from the beginning, you can just find a way to get an original CH-47 Black Hawk gunship back from the Americans.

The Israelis should also have the technical drawings of the Black Hawk helicopter.

When Zheng Yucheng and the others urged Xie Kai to let the crab mercenary group get back the Mi-25 gunship that Libya had lost in Chad as soon as possible, Liao Dong had already arrived in Oman.

This has become a temporary office location for the River Crab Mercenary Corps.

“Dimikov, what happened to the wreckage of the Libyan gunship left in Chad?” Liao Dong ignored the exhaustion of the long flight. After returning, he found Dimikov and asked about the Gaddafi army in Chad. The condition of the leftover Mi-25 wreckage.

“Don’t you want the mercenary group?” Dimikov asked Liao Dong in surprise.

I told Liao Dong a few times that I don’t want this stuff.

“Did you sell this thing to the CIA?” Liao Dong frowned.

Dimikov is a bit unreliable.

“How is it possible! It’s just that the CIA gave some money, and we didn’t report the news to Moscow.” Dimikov thought for a while before speaking.

Liao Dong almost wanted to curse.

This bastard, isn’t he saying that he doesn’t share the same spirit with the Americans?

Was it actually bought by the US intelligence service, or the KGB’s most loyal head of Middle East intelligence?

“Don’t look at me with such a look. Although we have not reported to Moscow, the KGB does not need to dispatch the most elite operatives to destroy the wreckage of this highly intact helicopter. But Gaddafi can send people, otherwise they will Will face the anger of the Soviet Union…” Dimikov smiled and motioned to Ivan who was following him to pour a glass of wine for Liao Dong.

This product has completely fallen.

It is no longer the intelligence chief who is loyal to the country in the KGB, but is like those crows at the bottom, eager to enjoy.

Everything is for money service.

“Someone wants that helicopter, a helicopter that can fly.” Liao Dong ignored him and said calmly.

Dimkov’s face was embarrassed.

“Two hundred thousand dollars.” Liao Dong knows what’s wrong with this product, what’s wrong, everything depends on the money.

“It’s not a question of how much money. It’s that we can’t make another move, and the Americans also gave us $200,000.” Dimikov told Liao Dong, “If you want to get it, you can only think of a solution by yourself. ”

Liao Dong felt extremely bad about this product.


“If we can, we don’t need to look for you. Mr. Dimikov, don’t forget that you are also a shareholder of the mercenary group. If you only want benefits and are not willing to bear the responsibilities that shareholders should bear, then…” Liao Dong Skin Xiaorou said without a smile.

In the original transaction, Xie Kai obtained the frequency and parameters of the GLONASS global satellite navigation communication system of the Soviet Union through Dimikov, and the Middle East interests of the crab mercenary group also gave Dimikov a lot of money. .

It was originally planned to establish a new base in the Middle East, but because of the discordant relationship with the intelligence agencies of Western countries, it finally gave up.

But the deal with Dimikov is still valid.

Liao Dong knew that the reason Xie Kai was willing to give Dimikov such a big benefit was to prepare for the Soviet action.

But now, Dimikov is obviously unwilling to get this.

Whether he cooperated with the American CIA or put pressure on Liao Dong through the CIA, this is not a good thing.

“Take the responsibility of the shareholders? Didn’t we take it? The mercenary group now uses the KGB communication system to share the information collected by the KGB…” Ivan said dissatisfiedly.

Once this matter is known by the KGB, they will all be forever.(Read more @

“The mercenary group now needs to purchase more than $500 million in equipment…” Liao Dong said calmly.

Both Dimikov and Ivan jumped in shock.

The profit they got from the crab mercenary group was less than ten million dollars!

“Xie Kai advances funds…” Liao Dong said coldly, “but his request is which Mi-24 he wants, and it is a flying Mi-24!”

“We can get him another one!” Ivan gritted his teeth.

They know that Xie Kai is the real behind-the-scenes controller of the River Crab Mercenary Corps.

As soon as Ivan finished speaking, Dimikov stopped him, “Ivan!”

Then he turned his head and asked Liao Dong, “They want to imitate this kind of helicopter?”

“I don’t know. We only accept the client’s task without asking the reason.”

Ivan wanted to say that the KGB wanted to apply for a helicopter, which was very easy, but Dimikov was staring at him and did not dare to speak.

Dimikov can give him 5% of the benefits, and he can only take twice as much as he can take it back from his hands, and even make him disappear in this world.

He didn’t know what Dimikov wanted to do, and he didn’t regard himself as a shareholder of the river crab mercenary group from the beginning.

“Must have to?”

“It must be,” Liao Dong said, “The River Crab Mercenary Corps cannot do this, at least on the surface.”

The attitude is obvious, this matter has to be done by the KGB.

The GRU under the KGB was dispatched, whether it was to explode or get it back, there were good reasons.

As for the worse relationship between the two parties?

It doesn’t exist at all.

When did the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States get better?

Liao Dong went out after speaking. He knew that Dimikov needed time to think about it.

Originally, on the way back, he wanted it, and acted in the name of the KGB. This operation allowed GRU to take refuge in the Sergey Squad of the River Crab Mercenary Corps to perform this mission.

It turned out not to be bad. The bastard Dimikov took the news to blackmail the CIA.

As a result, the difficulty of the task has risen linearly.

The Americans will definitely worry that the Soviets will blow up the helicopter, either as soon as possible, or arrange special personnel to guard it.

How is Liao Dong not angry?

“Asshole!” After Liao Dong left, Dimikov roared and smashed the wine glass in his hand.

Ivan didn’t know what he was upset for no reason, “Colonel, their request is not excessive.”

“Not too much? Let us betray the country again and again!” Dimikov said with red eyes.

Ivan has nothing to say.

Selling to Americans is also selling.

“Ivan, do you think that taking American money means betraying the country?” Dimikov asked Ivan.

Ivan did not speak, but his demeanor betrayed his true thoughts.

“Originally, I was going to ask Gaddafi to send someone to blow up the helicopter when the Americans acted.” Dimikov said his plan, after speaking, he paused for a while, and continued, “Yes. Otherwise, how can the Americans’ 200,000 dollars be enough? But now they are going to get this helicopter back! This makes the whole mission more difficult.”

Regarding Dimikov’s remarks, Ivan was noncommittal.

What can Gaddafi’s army do?

Without dispatching GRU, it would be impossible to complete the mission.

“But what should I do now?” Ivan was a little worried.

“What can I do? Send out GRU and Moscow will know.” Dimikov gritted his teeth.

Moreover, spare parts must be mobilized from Libya or elsewhere, which makes it more likely to be discovered by Moscow.

“They can send Sergey team…” Ivan said.

Dimikov was stunned.

He really didn’t expect this problem.

Although he did not report the betrayal of the Sergey team to Moscow, Dimikov has never regarded Sergei, the once GRU team, as his own.

Now Ivan mentioned the Sergey team, which gave Dimikov an idea.

“We must also arrange for maintenance personnel.”

“Look for those drunks from Libya or Iraq, and then kill them…” Ivan gritted his teeth.

This kind of thing must not be leaked out.

In countries such as Iraq and Libya that use a lot of Soviet equipment, there are many retired technical personnel from the Soviet Union. These people are unsatisfactory in the Soviet Union, and then they are expensively invited by countries that purchase weapons and equipment abroad to repair and maintain their equipment. Various weapons and equipment.

Even if these people disappeared, they would not cause much concern.

The requirement of the KGB is that as long as these people do not betray the country, there is no problem.

Betray the country?

Just kill it directly.

“You go to do this.” Dimikov nodded.

After Liao Dong came out of Dimikov, he did not go directly to the hotel where the mercenary group was working, but went directly to an ordinary private house on the outskirts of Muscat.

Sergey and several of his men recovered from their injuries in Saudi Arabia since they were arrested.

Just got here a few days ago.

“Is the injury healed?” Liao Dong asked a few people.

Several people ignored him. In the beginning, the two sides met, either you died or I died. Now even if you join the River Crab Mercenary Corps, it is impossible to have a very harmonious relationship.

“If you have any task, just say it.” Sergey said coldly.

“Sergey, we will be comrades-in-arms in the future. We are all soldiers. There is no need to make the relationship too rigid.” Liao Dong said, “Otherwise, it will be to our disadvantage.

“You are not our comrades-in-arms, our comrades-in-arms are all Slavs. Now it is a cooperative relationship at best!” Sergey didn’t buy it, “I have a mission, I can say.”

“The Mi-25 thing in Chad.” Liao Dong said.

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