
Chapter 190 The respective goals

In the end, most of the lunch was wiped out by the girls with a little vengeance.

Anves just kept a gentleman-like attitude, accompanied the girl to eat a little bit of food, and ate the lunch that the girl originally prepared for herself.

“Well…Thank you for your lunch, Anves…”

The half-elf girl didn’t realize this until the lunch was over, her ears suddenly became a little rosy, and she opened in a low voice the mouth and said Thank you, Anves can’t help but want to reach out and touch it.

“Please don’t take it seriously, it’s just a lunch, it’s nothing—”

Hearing Claire’s words, Anves laughed and waved his hand casually.

“Besides, Sister Claire Senior, didn’t you also show me the two ciphertext slates, as well as the deciphering notes corresponding to the ancient writing on the slate?”

said Here, Anves’ conversation suddenly changed.

“Instead, I would like to thank you for that. At the time and place where we are now, this information is far more valuable to me than a lunch.”

“It’s nothing, Anves.”

hearing this, the half-elf girl looked the head, and laughed softly. The golden hair swayed slightly in the sun, reflecting the sheen of pure gold.

She raised her white left hand and gave Anves a slight gesture.

“We’re companions, aren’t we?”

Between her wiggly white fingers, Anves saw the familiar pale silver ring with sapphire inset.

“Yes, Claire, we are companions.”

Looking into the depths of the girl’s blue eyes, the pure and bright color, the aristocratic boy with light blond hair couldn’t help it. Laughed as well.



“Then, Anves, I’m leaving—”

Holding the unknown handle The slender magic sword, Claire said goodbye to Anves seriously.

It’s been a little too long with Anves, she wants to get to the huge castle on the top of the mountains as soon as possible, and then get out of the mountains before the sun goes down.

“Okay, Sister Claire Senior, may the gods bless your steps.”

Anves nods, watching the girl’s silhouette leave.

May the gods bless you wherever you go…

Forget it, don’t embarrass the gods anymore.

Looking at the top of the mountains, the huge and lonely castle.

Originally, Anves was going to explore there today.

But now, he changed his mind temporarily and decided to wait for a while before going.

Although it stands to reason that walking with Claire should be able to get a lot of fate feedback afterwards.

However, after learning the information about the slate, Anves planned to find the seal as soon as possible because he was worried that he would have a lot of dreams, and then go to accompany the girl to give feedback on fate.

Of course, this also has a little to do with his not wanting to explore the castle, which is clearly a high-risk area, with Claire.

Staring at the back of the girl who was about to turn into a small dot, Anves glanced all around the seemingly unproblematic environment.

I don’t know why, the crisp and melodious bird chirping that sounded in the forest just now suddenly became quiet.

Anves lightly sighed then said.

Well, he now has a little problem to solve.

It turns out that the time it takes for Clare’s law to take effect is actually a random number.

Although Anves has only been sitting with the girl for a while, it seems that some trouble has come to him…

This time it is a stronger Fifth Rank esoteric.

There are three in total——

“Your Excellency Chom, I’m sorry.”

I casually clicked on the stone table and restored it to a small ash- gray gravel, Anves slowly turned and walked away, letting the violent surge of magic behind him blow the brown hem of his traveler cloak high.

He has now removed his disguise, and this place is not located in a town. Chom can use his Eighth Rank strength without any scruples without worrying about being noticed by outsiders.


A moment later, Chom followed from behind, and the three black robed man fixed by the force field floated behind him.

Although their strength has risen to Fifth Rank, the three are equally impoverished like the two previous pagans.

No space item exists, the item they carry, except for the black robe, is only the dark silver necklace engraved with the strange pentagram.

The same is true of the soul search, simply has no rational information to read, nothing but that weird frenzy.

During Chom’s soul search, Anves noticed that the similarity of the three people’s mental frequencies reached an extremely astonishing level.

The mental frequency is similar to the fingerprint, and the frequency of each professional is unique and completely different.

And like these several pagans, the similarity rate is more than 90%.

Even if it is a twin of a compatriot, the mental frequency is impossible to be similar to this.

This is just one point.

Most of their spirits have been assimilated by something.

After thinking for a while, Anves tried to take out the “Old Days Secret Scripture” and activated it around the three pagans to see if there would be any changes.

It turned out to be unsatisfactory, dark green’s thick book as usual, unresponsive to the presence of the three Fifth Rank pagans.



After the incident, Chom directly used the magic of Extreme Cold to freeze the three bodies into powder.

While Fifth Rank professional corpses have some value, they mean nothing to Anves.

The only thing that counts as a gain is that the total amount of Fate Feedback has increased by another unit.

Just as the sun was about to set, Chaom and Anves returned to Lavanles.

The harbour city in the evening gives people a slightly deserted feeling. The sunset is the gray and white granite buildings in the town, plated with a touch of strange purple purple, and the pedestrians on the road have obviously become scarce.

The vendors and street performers who were selling fruit on the streets during the day have all closed their stalls, and the guard team in Hong Kong Town is on its last or penultimate patrol today.

Ravenles has a strange custom. For some reason, the local residents never take to the streets at night, and even the guards do not go out to patrol after nightfall.

Before night falls, Anves and Chom quickly make their way to the old explorer Bergson’s residence.

“It’s very late, who is…”

The door opened, revealing the old explorer’s impatient face.

Seeing the silhouette of Anves and Chom outside the door, the impatience in the blue-gray eyes of the old explorer suddenly disappeared.

He glanced left and right, and quickly welcomed the two of them into the room.

“Although it’s very late, I think there’s still a little time to do business before night falls.”

“So, outlander, do you need anything else? ”

Anves laughed, handing him the parchment scroll with the full picture of the ruins.

“I would like to ask about the specific geographic location of this ruin on the island.”

hearing this, Baigson took the picture of the ruin and looked at it. a bit.

But looking at it, the old explorer’s expression gradually became solemn. He put down the scroll and looked at Anves with some complicated eyes.

“Yes, foreigner, I know this place.”

“So, your goal is also the Moon Calling Secret Sect, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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