
Chapter 315 Response

At this time, Harken Prince wasn’t the only one in the coffee area.

The children of several other marquises, as well as the seventh son of Aslade’s current patriarch, are all chatting here, exchanging some of the latest information from the forces behind each.

This act of exchanging information is very necessary. Information that is not important to some people may be vital information to others.

They are all senior students who are about to graduate. The reason why they are not in a hurry to graduate is to maximize the use of various high-quality resources on the Pamir Academy platform.


At this time, after watching this dramatic scene, the eyes of several people suddenly showed a look of ridicule.

But no one spoke, waiting for the others to break the awkward silence.

“…I’m so sorry, His Highness the Prince, this was my mistake, I shouldn’t have given him an invitation.”

Finally, the one who had previously given Dani an invitation The fifth rank senior student of the letter, unable to withstand the invisible pressure of everyone’s eyes, stood up and apologized in a low voice.

The scene where he gave Dani a frantic wink just now was noticed by many people, and they were all waiting for him to give an explanation.

Even if he was reluctant to be this early bird to touch Prince’s bad head, he had to brace oneself to stand up.

“Forget it…it’s not your fault.”

The gloomy face looked at Dani who was being dragged out, silent for a moment, Haken Prince finally turned around and glanced at the A fifth Rank senior, gently exhaled, some self-deprecating shook the head.

“It was no accident that he came here tonight and did that clowning show.

Even without you, I think our dear Lord Anves, There are other ways to get him an invitation.”

While speaking, Haken Prince turned his gaze to the crowd.

“A little question, let’s laugh. In fact, the cause of this incident is like this…”

Looking around, Prince happily told everyone briefly, This is roughly the entire process of development.

It may not be very glamorous, but it’s not a secret after all that it is implied that the follower is trying to find a way to test Anves.

Everyone here has their own information channels. As long as they want to know the inside story behind this, it is only a matter of time before they find out.

It’s better to speak out generously and leave a graceful image.

“So, this should be his response to my temptation, Pie… what’s that clown called?” Mo glanced at Fifth Rank’s attendant who came out to apologize.

“His name is Dani, His Highness Harken.”

The student replied quickly.

“…Paedani came to me directly to show his intelligence ability, and he was able to find out all the whole sequence of events behind this incident within two days.

“… p>

And manipulating Dani to perform that ‘funny drama’ is to show his strength.

I think, before he jumps out to perform that comical performance, everyone here No one should have noticed, is there anything unusual about him?”

As soon as Prince’s words came out, everyone recalled the scene just now, and couldn’t help but be a little silent.

In fact, from the time Dani came at first to being dragged out by the guards at the end, they did not perceive the special fluctuation of mind manipulation magic in Dani.

“Anves, I’ve heard his name, the fourth descendant of Duke Karlas.

It is said that he inherited the Legendary bloodline from both parents at the same time, and reached a state of balance, As a result, his hair color and eye color are completely different from his three brothers.”

After a moment of silence, Aselaide, the fifth son of patriarch, has a reptile-like golden vertical pupil. ·Aslade spoke slowly and said what he knew about Anves.

“He should have a strong innate talent and be able to break through the third rank in less than a year after entering the school, which has surpassed his brother’s record and is on par with the Duke of Karlas that year.

And, I heard that Olivendi Chamber of Commerce’s new merchandise, the cursed wyvern egg, is also based on the magic knowledge he deciphered on a mysterious relic item.”

The three daughters of the Marquis of Draka also spoke and told the information they had obtained.

“However, it is reported that he seems to be trying to invest a lot of resources recently to establish a foreigner subordinate force called the [Secret Society], which is now quite large.”

Mentioning this news, everyone couldn’t help but smile at each other.

Another person who fell into the big hole of the Stranger Organization——

Although he is talented enough, unfortunately due to his age, he has suffered from lack of practical experience after all.

Completely blinded by the great virtues of those foreigners, they don’t realize that they have no loyalty and discipline at all, and are less reliable than those vulgar mercenaries who only recognize money.

But it’s okay, strictly speaking, it’s in their favor.

Everyone is basically a competitive relationship in the future. Anves will inevitably consume more energy and lead to inevitable backwardness in other aspects.

And the slower Anves grows, the better for them.

But at this time, thanks to Dani’s episode, the discussion of Anves is not limited to the descendants of the many great aristocrats in the club coffee area.

On the top floor of the Eternal Gold Club, in a study in the classical style of Gloria II, two figures are watching what happened in the club through special magic.

“What a beautiful counterattack, Draka! Such a skill is much stronger than when his three brothers were the same age!”

Seeing Dani being dragged The scene of going out, sitting on the sofa on the left, with a hood silhouette covered in a faint gray mist, could not help but applaud softly.

As if the audience below the stage were applauding for a wonderful opera performance.

“It’s normal. With his innate talent and behavior, if he doesn’t make a decent counterattack, I wonder if there’s a problem here.”

In Opposite him, the Marquis of Draka spoke flatly.

“However, he has only just left the family for more than a year, and his age and experience are his natural shortcomings. It is reasonable to make ideal choices.”

“Let’s adjust it a little, and officially adjust the level of attention to him from Level 3 to Level 2.”



In fact, Dani’s previous self-destruct-like actions were due to a mental cue that Anves gave him through the Twisted Seed.

‘After meeting the Eighth Prince Harken, repeat the process you warned me about earlier. ‘

Different from direct mental manipulation, the suggestion of the Twisted Seed is not to violently distort the subject’s mind, but to change his common sense invisibly, making him think this is a normal way to greet him.

After confirming that Dani’s performance was finished perfectly through the perspective of the Twisted Seed, Anves directly retracted the seed.

Not to mention that Dani himself is just a small character, even the 8th Prince, whom he dreams of following, will prove to be nothing but a mediocre person in future history, so there is no need to waste it A precious Twisted Seed location.

As for Dani himself, neither Anves nor Haken Prince really care.

Dani is, after all, just a harlequin pushed to the foreground, a string doll manipulated.

In the face of the opponent’s temptation, instead of going to trouble the rightful master, but instead put down his body and take anger at a clown, that is the real loss of face in the circle, and it will leave a reputation of incompetence.

(End of this chapter)

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