
Chapter 333 Message from Zero

The task list of “Mysterious Era” is based on the level and importance of the tasks , to determine the top and bottom order of tasks.

The higher the level, the more important the task to be completed, the higher the position. However, when the task list is not specifically clicked, the default area of the panel is only enough to display the top two or three items.

Looking at the introduction of the first two missions, Anves was frowned inwardly, but the surface remained calm.

The people in the gate of the pupil plan to secretly win over the marquis of the empire and attack the ruins?

And, from the second half of the first mission, ‘Get the key things in the ruins before the Empire’s Four Great Families’. The door of the pupil should have been identified, and there are still problems in the ruins.

Because it didn’t open, Anves couldn’t see the quest rewards, and couldn’t see the specific completion progress. But this task description alone has already allowed him to obtain enough information.

Because of his reasons, the original trajectory of the Web of Destiny has been deviated a lot, and it is gradually moving in a new direction. However, it seems that some major events are still developing in the direction of the previous life.

As for the second mission… Now you are also a ghost, so don’t be surprised.

“Okay, Mr. Zero, you came to me with a lot of trouble this evening, why did you do it?”

After looking at Zero carefully, he seemed like an ordinary student. With a similar appearance, Anves finally spoke again, with no hint of joy or anger in his tone.

It is clear that the other party has changed his appearance in some way. And the technique is so brilliant that he couldn’t even see it at first glance.

Fortunately, he once saw the game character photo of Zero himself on the official website of the Silver Blue Club, but he didn’t look like this.

“It’s nothing, but when I met with the Marquis of Barman before, I heard from the Marquis’s mouth that you have an outstanding innate talent, no less than the former Duke of Karls.”

Not knowing that he has been seen, Zero has a polite smile on his face and patted Anves’ flattery calmly.

This is one of the skills of language negotiation. ‘Unintentionally’ revealing that one has a relationship with a certain other great character can often leave a proven image in the other’s heart.

“Barman Uncle?”

Sure enough, hearing Zero’s words, Anves’s expression softened a little.

In the background plot of the game, the Marquis of Barman is more pro-Olivendi. Clearly, Zero had done his homework before coming here.

“That’s right, so I hope to cooperate with you. As a sincere cooperation, I also bring you a special secret message.

It is about three days later, The one that was chosen by your Academy as the grand competition venue.”

Speaking, Zero calmly threw the bait.

This is his basic operation. For these descendants of the great aristocrats who have not undergone the rite of passage, he is more focused on finding ways to win over and cooperate.

Different from nobles who have acquired their own territory through the rite of passage. These descendants of the great nobles who have no real power and whose forces are weak usually have more needs.

In other words, it is easier to trigger the task, and the level of the task is often not too high or too low, and the rewards are particularly generous, which is suitable for professional players to share with the club.

Yes, what he is doing now is actually to maximize the value of the task for the club.

“Secret news related to the ruins?”

Although the tone was still cold, but Anves’ eyes had a hint of emotion, as if he was talking to Zero. The content generated a little interest.

“Your Excellency Anves, we’re just standing in front of the door and talking, won’t you invite me in?”

Zero suddenly stopped talking and just smiled. Look at Anves.


Slightly frowning, Anves looked at Zero, who had a fearless attitude in front of him. After a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed.

“Of course not, please come in, Mr. Zero.”

Then, the two entered the living room of the residence one after the other.

“Please sit down and drink whatever you want.”

In the soft golden light of the crystal chandelier, Anves waved his hand at will, so the pearl wood coffee table suddenly became full of A variety of magic drinks came out.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

Zero was not polite, sat down on the sofa with a thorn, and naturally picked up the Venus tree with only one cup of the highest value. Raspberry juice, drink it dry in one sip, and the upgrade prompt is directly brushed on the rear panel.

“Okay, let’s get down to business. I think you should know that the ruins have been explored by many ninth rank leaders.” The long stemware is put back on the tray, lazily leaning back in the sofa.

“But unfortunately, your majesty did not search thoroughly, and some of the most crucial things are still sleeping at the bottom of the ruins, waiting for the moment to reappear.

The purpose of this Pamir Academy grand competition is to take advantage of the existence of students and stimulate them.”

“If this is the information you want to talk about, then it is a pity that I have already passed the The channel of the family learned about this.”

Sitting across from Zero, Anves shrugged, spread his hands slightly, and didn’t seem to care.

In fact, the reason for this temporary change of venue has been passed back to the family.

The high level of the empire also noticed the problem of the ruins through the changes in the web of destiny. They suspect that there may be something highly hidden in the ruins that must meet certain triggering conditions for it to manifest.

For example, professionals with a strength lower than a certain level, or professionals with a special bloodline are required to enter.

The students of the Pamir Academy, which brings together the overwhelming majority of geniuses, demons, and Destiny Children, are just suitable for triggering hidden conditions.

Because what this relic represents is too important, after many heated debates, all members of the jury finally voted unanimously.

Yes, it can be dangerous for students, but it also represents a huge unimaginable opportunity.

But after careful analysis, the high-level officials of the empire found that due to the previous impact of the beast tide, the protection systems in the ruins have basically been triggered, and the current level of danger has dropped to an acceptable range.

even more how, for the sake of danger, this nominal Academy grand competition will be protected by a number of ninth rank professionals, which can fully guarantee that students will not really encounter Mortal danger .

“…That’s right, after all, it’s the Olivendi family known as the ‘Never Falling Crystal Bird’. It’s only right to receive this news immediately.”

After listening Anves’ words were zero nodded, and then the conversation suddenly changed.

“Then, if I were to tell you next: there are more than five Marquis who are conspiring and secretly teaming up to get the treasure in the ruins before the Four Great Families when the hidden things of the ruins are triggered. What about it?”

I got stuck last night, this chapter is to make up for yesterday’s goo

(end of this chapter)


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