
Chapter 335 Meteor Remnants

At eight o’clock in the morning, a special dark golden floating ship shaped like a whale, Slowly hovering over the square.

Dean Pamir of ninth rank appeared in person for the first time and explained to many students the history of Pamir grand competition for thousands of years and the rules of this grand competition.

Pamir’s Academy grand competition adopts a point system, which is divided into two points: individual and group points. The points of each mode are calculated separately to judge the comprehensive ability of the students.

The grand competition will be held in team mode, with a maximum of ten people per team, and all the winning teams will get the same team points.

On this basis, combat points and logistical points will be subdivided according to the students’ specific schools of study, and they will be distributed to individuals according to their specific contributions.

When the dean finished speaking, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Then, the hull of the ship emits light, teleporting everyone in the square into the ship. The huge floating ship slowly climbed and fell into the clouds.

The exact location of the meteor remnant is located in the Magna Province in the southeastern part of the empire. According to the speed of this special floating ship, it takes about two magic hours to reach it.

After Floating aboard and helping Fiona find her cabin, Anves accidentally bumps into Claire.

The pure blond half-elf stood in front of a porthole, with both hands supporting the window frame of the porthole silver, the upper body leaned forward slightly, looking out the window quietly, still looking lonely.

At the moment of noticing the girl, Anves’ first reaction was to glance out the window.

Fortunately, since the ship now has more than one ninth rank accompanying, all the flying devil beast groups that wanted to pounce were basically driven away.

The abnormal Celestial Phenomenon, thunderstorm clouds, spatial dislocation, elemental turbulence, etc. near the route were also wiped out by the ninth rank of the ship when they just had a little sign.

“Hello, Claire—”

Confirming this, Anves reassured himself and went up to greet the girl.


Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, the girl turned her head, and there was a hint of joy in her clear eyes like the sea.

“Speaking of which, this is the second time we have boarded a floating vehicle together, right?”

Walking to Claire’s side, Anves looked out at the porthole at a height of 10,000 meters in the sky. The scenery, the tone is relaxed.

“Second time?”

The half-elf girl tilted her head slightly, her white pointed ears twitched, a little puzzled.

“Yeah, the second time. Senior Sister, remember the ‘Silver Blossom’ airship that was attacked by the flying devil beasts during last year’s New Year’s Day?”

Looking out of the window from a distance, a group of small black dots that were about to approach suddenly changed direction, Anves said in a low voice.

“You were on that airship?”

Claire looked at Anves in surprise when she heard Anves’ answer.

“…Wait! Did you send someone to drive away those gray-winged moas?”

Said, the girl suddenly reacted.

“That’s right, it was my bodyguard who shot at that time.”

Watching the girl’s eyes suddenly change from doubt to surprise, Anves happily laughed and answered the girl’s question. doubt.

Next, Anves and Claire continued their casual chat by the window.

Anves has past life memories, and personally likes to read, and has a very rich knowledge reserve.

And because of her own ‘curse’ and growing up in the mage tower, Claire has also read a lot of knowledge of various continents.

The two chatted all over the northern part of the Southern Sea, from the prehistoric biomes in the sea of ruins to the eternal night aurora over the Arctic ice.

At the end of the chat, both of them were surprised by the breadth of the other’s knowledge, and they could not help feeling like they had met a confidant.

It wasn’t until the floating ship was about to arrive at the ruins that Fiona came out to find Anves with Kate in her arms, and the two in conversation came back to his senses.

“Introduction, this is Claire, my Senior Sister in mysterious branch.”

“This is my younger sister, Fiona.”

“Hello” x2

Anves introduced the two of them to each other, and the two girls shook hands in an equally friendly manner.


When shaking hands, Kate also stretched out a small fluffy claw and greeted the half-elf girl.

“Her name is Kate, she seems to like you very much.”

Noticing the reaction of the blue-gray little kitty in her arms, Fiona looked at the half-elf girl curiously.


Claire blinked, and after thinking about it, she suddenly stretched out two fingers and shook hands with little kitty.

“Meow wu~”

Kate let out a cute cry again, looking very happy.

“Claire Senior Sister, can you help me take care of Fiona when I’m not by her side?”

Watching the interaction between the two girls, Anves suddenly spoke, his face on the With a harmless smile.

“Of course there is no problem, but I may not even be able to take care of myself a lot of the time.”

The half-elf girl was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, but she agreed.

“It’s okay, Senior Sister, just do your best.”

Hearing Claire’s reply, Anves nods, and seems happy that the girl can agree.

“Brother, it doesn’t have to be like this! I’ve grown up and can take care of myself!”

At this time, Fiona also spoke up, expressing dissatisfaction with Anves’ words.

Looking at Claire at the ‘third rank primary level’ next to her, she still couldn’t help but say that she was about to break through the fourth rank, she was better than you.

“Yeah, Fiona has grown up too.”

Stunned for a moment, Anves showed a soft smile and also nodded to the girl holding little kitty.

“Then, that’s it.”

At this moment, the scenery outside the window suddenly began to sink.

During the conversation between the three, the floating ship completely arrived at the meteor ruins.



To be honest, it feels weird to be on the same boat as so many Pamir students.

Among Pamir’s students, there are many children of destiny. A large group of growing hero biography protagonists are on the same boat, if not for more than one ninth rank to accompany them, I am afraid that an accident would have occurred long ago.

For Anves, who is infinitely close to the advanced level of the prophet, because he can faintly sense the huge fate on the ship,

It is like an ordinary person sitting on a gold On the missiles made, some are envious, and some are frightened.

After many students disembarked at this time, Anves could even faintly feel that the net of fate seemed to have a slight fluctuation.

But soon, he was attracted by the ruins in front of him.

In the huge crater with a length of nearly 100 kilometers, an irregular city ruin with a length of tens of kilometers is inserted obliquely.

This is still the result of a group of imperial ninth ranks reducing the impact destructive power as much as possible, otherwise, this impact is enough to cause a big tear in the entire Yar Continent again.

The remains remain largely intact under an unknown force, with irregular tear-like marks on one side. From the crack, you can still vaguely see some internal structures.

From the perspective of the external architecture, this relic does have a strong style of the city in the sky.

Two changes, gu gu

(end of this chapter)

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