
Chapter 352 Brave


When the two touched, a short and An extremely sharp magic buzz sounded instantly.

The violent confrontation between the dimensional cutting and the force field shield has caused a large area of instability in the space near the collision point.

The attack level of the former is much higher, but Because it has been stored for more than several millions years, and the user is not a real Legendary. Therefore, although its formidable power exceeds the limit of ninth rank, it still cannot reach the true Legendary level.

And the shield, supported by continuous magic, just briefly maintained a relatively static state for a moment.

But over time, the shield’s protection can’t resist the formidable power of dimensional cutting.


A crisp sound, part of the barrier shattered like a film, and the dimensional cutting penetrated instantly. Due to the problem of the attack angle, it went directly from the other side of the barrier wear out.

But what everyone didn’t expect was that the barrier didn’t completely disappear due to the shattering, but only opened two opposite round holes.

Even, these two holes are still slowly repairing themselves!

Seeing this, Vice President Hughes and another ninth rank no longer hesitated, and immediately entered to save people.

But when they just arrived at the breach, a terrifying huge white golden magic column shot out from the breach, instantly hitting the two who could not be avoided.

It was an attack from a defensive tower in the city. Due to the reconnection of the magic power source, the semi-discarded Defensive Array column of self-discipline resumed operation.

On one side of the protective cover, Hughes and the other person appeared slightly embarrassed. Judging from the different degrees of weakened breaths on the two of them, they were both injured in this sudden attack.

“The interior space of the ruins is extremely stable and cannot be teleported, so it can only be forced.”

Shook the head helplessly, and Hughes said what he had just perceived.

Looking at the slowly shrinking protective shield, everyone was speechless.

The formidable power of the white golden magic column, they can all sense it, it is very close to the limit of ninth rank.

Maybe they have a way to resist for a short time, but because the shield of the ruins is still being repaired gradually, and no one is sure if there are other defense devices in the ruins. No one dared to take the risk of having no way out and rush in against the attack.

“At this time, one member of my Alfred family is trapped in the ruins. Lord Karrot, what is the situation of the Olivendi family?”

Looking in the direction of the ruins , Beside Duke Karrot, a middle-aged man with short curly golden hair and amethyst-like eyes asked casually.

“Olivendi’s situation is even worse, Sir Kieran, my two children who are studying in Pamir are currently in the ruins.”

Browning slightly, Karrot shook the head and answered the question of the man beside him casually.

“Are they all inside?”

After confirming this, Kieran’s expression became a little grim. At the same time, he secretly conveyed a spirit strength message to Karrot.

“You shouldn’t have agreed to let her participate, you’re joking with our only achievement!”

“The royal family seems to have found something, in order to prevent more suspicion, I agreed to let her participate in the grand competition, which was indeed my mistake. But no one could have predicted that such an accident would happen to the ruins.”

Also looking in the direction of the ruins, Karrot looked steadily forward’s reply road.

The reason why they agreed to change the location of the grand competition to the Meteor Remnant is precisely because they have already explored it and basically eliminated all dangers.

The students who trigger the fortuitous encounter will not be too many, only a few at most. Even if all of them die due to some accident in the fortuitous encounter, it is completely bearable compared to the huge discovery that may be brought. .

But at that time, no one could have imagined that a relic that had been basically explored could still be packaged and transported, and at the same time expelled all ninth rank professionals within it.

“hmph, some people are finally here, really dog-like sense of smell.”

Suddenly, Kieran coldly snorted.

At the same time, another slightly indifferent voice suddenly reverberated throughout the entire piece between Heaven and Earth.

“It’s very lively here, everyone, may the glory of God shine on you–“

Following this voice, many silhouettes in red and black robes, Appears on the side of the ruins.

The leader is a solemn-faced middle-aged man, clad in a solemn crimson robe, shrouded in a faint light. It is one of the seven Archbishops of the Holy See [Holy Inquisition] Jorgeson.

Following his words, a fist-sized milk-white irregular spar appeared in the palm of his hand.

The words that His Holiness the Pope had said to him before he set off reverberated in his heart.

“For the sake of the light, leave as many of them as possible in the seabed–“



this , the ruins are underground.

After sending numerous students to rendezvous with the main force, Anves’ silhouette reappeared in the cave hall.

Noticing his departure and return, everyone was somewhat surprised, but Claire glanced at him thoughtfully.

“Your Excellency Anves, didn’t you send them to meet the rest of the Academy? Have you arrived?”

Laughed reluctantly, Ren’s tone was a little unnatural. ‘s question.

“Of course not, I’m leading them to converge in the direction of the Academy team, and now back here, this is just one of my Avatars.”

Glancing at him, Anves He spoke calmly.

“It is my duty as a member of the Olivendi family, and for the good of the Empire, to lead back students who wish to rendezvous with the larger force, with the least possible casualties.

But for me personally, I also want to continue to explore the mysteries here. As I respect your opinion and will not force anyone who doesn’t want to leave.”

Is this Avatar?

After listening to Anves’ words, Ren felt a little puzzled, but didn’t say anything.

No one continued to say anything, Anves returned to Claire’s side and waved towards a certain silver-haired girl in the crowd.

In this kind of ruins where all the information is unknown, there is a player next to him, which can play a very important role.

Especially if the player is stupid and obedient.

“Anves…do you need any help?”

Seeing his actions, Xia Ye Yinghuo walked to his side with a forced smile and greeted him habitually.

Her teammates had long since left with Anves’ other Avatar, and once again she was the only one left here.

“You are very brave.”

After glancing at the girl who came over and remembering who she was, Claire nodded to her and spoke in her usual cold tone.

“Thank you for your compliment…”

Looking at the latest [Assist in Investigation] task in the taskbar, Xia Yeyinghuo wanted to cry without tears.

Because I still owe Anves 17,000 gold coins, this task does not support rejection——

gu gu, seems to have a bad stomach…

(End of this chapter)

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