
Chapter 358 Stairway to Heaven

Different from the primordial style of the black rock throughout the hall, this obelisk features a It is made of silver metal, but a small part of it connected to the ground has been assimilated into the same black rock material as the cave.

Judging from this detail, this hall is probably not originally a black rock cave, but some other structure.

The player girl stands in front of the obelisk and appears to be reading its contents.

But Anves walked over and found that she was actually using the system screenshot function to take pictures of the content on the obelisk, and then sent it to the forum’s troubleshooting area – the ancient text section.

The text on the obelisk is mostly written in High Elf script, occasionally mixed with some special Gumani nouns.

“Are you curious about the record on this, Vivi Young Lady An?”

Walking to her side, Anves said with a chuckle.

“Wu! Yes, Lord Anves—”

Suddenly hearing Anves’ voice beside her, the player girl who was concentrating on taking pictures was startled and turned around quickly.

At this time, Claire also came over and glanced at the records on the metal obelisk.

“This is the language of the High Elf, and the recorded content… seems to be the origin of this city.”

The sea-like blue eyes turned slightly, and Claire read it intently. The text on the monument, while explaining its content to the player girl.

“Pomiya, the city’s name is Bomya.”

“The ‘Stairway to Heaven’? Pretty much in line with the high elves’ aesthetic.”

Anves nodded, pointing out the meaning of the name in a natural tone.

According to the records on the obelisk, the city was completed in April 7035 of the high elf calendar, and was a ‘Silver Moon’ Floating Void City in Twelfth.

When completed, this Floating Void City served as one of the main forces involved in wars between the High Elves and Legendary giant dragons and Titans. There are achievements in creating a Legendary Golden Dragon, a Legendary Crystal Dragon, and a Silver Thunder Titan.

When the Purple Moon Amis came, a large number of Unknown Creatures came with Purple Moon, which had a wide variety of shapes and were all weird and terrifying. The high elves named them ‘Moon Beasts’.

Afterwards, the high elves and giant dragons, titans and all the native creatures of Yar Continent fought together.

Floating Void City Pomiya, as an array striker, once killed one Legendary-level moon beast, twelve ninth rank extreme moon beasts, thirty-one ninth rank moon beasts, and ninth rank the following month Countless beasts.

At the end of the Purple Moon War, the high elves decided to withdraw due to the unfavorable conditions of the war.

At this point, the content recorded on the obelisk ends.

After listening to Claire’s remarks, the panel of Summer Night Firefly automatically jumped out. At the top of the quest menu, the progress of [The End of Pomiya] was refreshed, and the completion rate was increased to 20%.

“Thank you for explaining it to me, Claire elder sister–“

The silver-haired girl quickly thanked her, she knew very well that from the conversation just now, both Anves and Claire had a similar relationship. Can read the writing on the obelisk.

And Claire read it over, just to take care of herself.

“No need.”

Glancing at her equally pointed ears, the half-elf girl looked the head, but her expression softened slightly.

“Then, Vivian, I need your help with something.”

At this moment, Anves suddenly spoke, attracting Xia Yeyinghuo’s attention.

As he spoke, he took out a scarlet diamond he had previously obtained from the altar and shook it, causing the reflection of the gem to dazzle the eyes of the player girl.

“See that black cocoon in the center of the hall? If you can help destroy the contents of the cocoon, I will give you this gem as a reward.”

As Anves’ voice fell, a task trigger prompt popped up on the player girl’s panel.

[system hint: You trigger the SSS-Rank quest ‘Destroy the Unknown Black Cocoon’]

[Task introduction: Anves hopes you will eliminate the unknown black cocoon in front of you, of course, this is more like is a joke. ]

[Mission Objective: Eliminate Black Cocoon]

[Quest Reward: 1eEXP, Top Grade Dragon Blood Crystal Drill*1]

[Recommended Challenge Level: 96+]

? ? ?

Looking blankly at the huge black cocoon in the center of the hall, Xia Ye Yinghuo turned her head again, her face full of question marks.

The upper limit of the version is only 9Level 6, right? ! How could there be such an outrageous task!

“Anves, are you serious?”

Claire also looked at him strangely, not understanding what he wanted to do.

“It’s nothing, just kidding.”

laughed, Anves glanced at the panel of Summer Night Firefly, and casually confused the matter, and at the same time turned off the perspective of fate Peek at the thought of that cocoon.

He had always had some doubts before, whether the “darkness from the distant stars, sleeping in the eternal palace” described in the prophecy of the Old Days Secret Scripture actually referred to this black cocoon.

It’s not that the aura of this cocoon isn’t strong, but it’s still a lot worse than the dark seal he absorbed last time.

But at this moment, Anves’s heart suddenly moved, and his eyes quickly turned to the direction of the door.

In the direction they came from, there were some abnormal sounds and breaths, and they were approaching rapidly! .


A few minutes before Ren picked up the stone egg, the four of Roach’s squad were at the huge black stone clock where they were before. In the cave, try to unearth the surrounding stone pillars.

Their team had a disagreement before. The student Peez, who had never been accustomed to Roach before, and another member of the team chose to explore other areas of the ruins, hoping to find some lost high places. Tier equipment.

In the case of ineffective persuasion, the four people in the team can only let them leave.

“Yes! Mundoro Captain, this one seems to have a special ore in it!”

After spending mana to open a crack, Roach looked at the magic ore in the crack The unique luster, exclaimed excitedly.

“I’ll see.”

Hearing his voice, all three teammates gathered.

The brown-haired temporary Captain Mondolo summoned a light ball and checked the material of the dark golden ore in the gap.

“It’s a good ore. Although I can’t see the specific type, it can be determined to be a high-level magical mineral.”

Confirmed by the experienced and knowledgeable Captain, Luo Unable to hide his joy, he immediately began to use spell to find refreshed, and Matt was also helping.

According to the previous agreement of the crowd, like this kind of ore discovered by a certain team member, the discoverer can get 60%. The remaining 40% will be converted into gold coins according to the value, and the entire team will be divided equally afterwards.

Laughing and watching Roach and Matt dig, Mondolo leaned on a stone pillar, glanced from the corner of his eye and looked relaxed, but he was always vigilant After Eliza, she suddenly spoke.

“Hey — three, what do you think about the [Xinghuo] organization recently circulated in the empire?”

“Xinghuo? I heard that it is a civil ‘Rebel Army’. ‘, a force aimed at resisting the rule of the high-ranking nobles of the empire.”

Roach and Matt’s digging paused for a while, but did not answer immediately. Instead, Alyssa thought about it and said what she knew.

“To be honest, I think the dream of this force is a bit out of touch with reality. It’s like a child holding a wooden sword and challenging a giant.”

In the end, Ai said Lisa made her own conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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