
Chapter 360 Shock and sneak attack

“Miss Alicia, although you are from a noble family, according to your I can sense your style of action, you are a rare true Knight who always upholds the principles of justice in his heart!”

Staring at the slightly shaken young Dame, Mundoro slowly walked from the stone pillar Get up, look sincere.

“Then, I wonder if you would like to temporarily let go of your noble status and see the other side of this empire with your own eyes?”

“I…I don’t know… But you have a chance of winning, you…you simply don’t understand how powerful the empire is!”

Shao Dame’s heart was already a little chaotic at this time, although he knew that there were ‘dangerous’ resistance in front of him Soldiers, but listening to Mondolo’s words, her original concept suddenly began to shake a little.

Defying the power and protecting the weak, this is exactly what Alyssa has always followed. But in this brief moment, it clashed with her identity.

“On the contrary, Miss Alicia, we know exactly what we’re up against. The Empire is indeed very strong, but not as strong and invincible as imagined.”

Mentioning this, Mondolo waved his hand gently.

“Those rotten nobles have long hollowed out the foundation of this empire. Like a disease-riddled, aging giant, the superficial mighty strength is just a layer of shielding eyes. It’s just fog.”

“I have seen the descendants of the minor nobles use their power to seize the treasures and lovers of the civilian professionals, and I have also seen the City Guard pretending to be robbers, looting merchants and travelers.

Even in the black market, I have seen the border guards secretly reselling the city defense armaments. And what happened at the bottom, the top of the empire did not pay attention from start to finish.”

“I know , you may want to say that facing the ninth rank powerhouse, how many low-level professionals are useless.”

Said, Mundoro blinked suddenly.

“However, since we dare to stand up, we naturally have ways to deal with high-level professionals. As for the specific details, it is inconvenient to disclose.”

“I understand that we are facing Our enemies are powerful, powerful enough to easily destroy our resistance. But Miss Alyssa, in the spirit of the Knight you follow, do you have to hold back when you encounter a tough and powerful enemy?

In the face of the bumps and thorns in the road ahead, some people will always stand up, pave the way for the latecomers, and leave the fire.

Even if we really fail in the end, our latecomers can learn from us. Learn lessons from the failures, so as to move forward on the right path!”


His this remark, said that Alyssa’s heart was even more shaken.

But at this moment, at the main entrance of the cave, there was a sudden sound of a violent running, and some kind of abnormal sound like a giant soft creature crawling.

“Help! Is anyone here?! Help!”

A moment later, a panic-stricken Peez silhouette appeared at the entrance of the cave.

The aura of some low-level Wind Element spell wraps around him, increasing his running speed.

In the cave behind him, a huge swollen blister with a sticky surface and a black-green flesh wall with a surface similar to grease and metallic luster followed closely from behind, blocking the entire passage. Seriously.

Seeing the four people still staying in the cave, Peez’s eyes suddenly had a strong desire to survive.

“Help me! It’s catching up with Ahhh!”

Shouting to the four in horror, Peez suddenly tripped under his feet and nearly fell. Inevitably, it slowed down for a moment, which made the distance between him and the wall of flesh behind him suddenly narrowed for a long time.

At the same time, a long tentacle suddenly stretched out from the meat wall and quickly wrapped around Peez.

“Peez?! What is that? Where is Ax?”

Seeing this thrilling scene, the four of them were startled and immediately terminated their previous conversation. . Alyssa and Mondolo joined forces to pull him to the crowd with force field magic, temporarily staying away from the wall of flesh behind.

“I don’t know! It just appeared out of nowhere! Akers, he, he’s in there! He’s engulfed by it!!”

After being rescued, Pez pointed Desperately pointing at the wall of flesh behind, the words are already incoherent.

After entering the hall, the speed of the ‘meat wall’ also slowed down slightly, and the material that made up its body spread out, pouring into the cave hall like a wave of dark green ooze. , slid from both sides of a stone pillar.

Everyone can clearly see that it is actually something like a giant amoeba. It was only because Tong Dao Idol was too narrow for its size that it appeared like a wall of flesh.

Alyssa tried to mobilize her bloodline power, sending it a huge half-moon slash with golden red flames.

But this magic slash with formidable power close to third rank Peak just punctured a bubble on its body, and then silently submerged into its body, even sluggish it. not.

And judging from the bubbling that keeps popping up on it, I’m afraid it’s simply not a harm.

Seeing this result, everyone ran away.

The only entrance to the cave has been blocked by ‘Amoeba’, and the only way to escape is the black stone gate that they had been reluctant to explore before.

But now, they have no choice.

They rushed into the gate one after another, and all five of them used trump cards to escape. At this time, you can see the comprehensive strength of everyone.

It was undoubtedly Alicia who was at the front, and Roach was as fast as Mondolo, Matt was slightly slower than them, and Pez was still last.

Seeing that he gradually distanced himself from the people in front of him, especially Roach, who had looked down on him before, and now his speed could be tied with Captain, a trace of jealousy flashed in Pez’s eyes.

trifling is a freshman who is less than third rank, how can he run faster than himself? Definitely using some High Rank magic equipment!

And he is stronger than the lucky guy in both innate talent and strength, but because his equipment is not as good as him, he has to back him up?

Thinking of this, Pez’s eyes sank down.

During the previous escape, he actually fled with Aikes, but Akes accidentally stumbled on the corner, and was unfortunately caught up by monster.

And he remembered very clearly that the moment Ax was engulfed, there would be a brief pause in the monster behind.

At this time, with everyone rushing quickly at top speed, the gate at the other end of the corridor was already faintly visible in the distance.

At this time, Anves and the others inside the door also noticed an abnormal sound in the passage.

“That’s the people just now, and some strange creatures that fill the entire passage are chasing them!”

Seeing the scene in the passage, Anves couldn’t help but feel in his heart. sink. The thing chasing behind the crowd reminded him instinctively of the huge amoeba he had seen in historical images.

That thing, but even the light of purification of the high elves cannot kill it at one time.

“Not good! The space here is blocked, and there is no other exit in this hall. If it comes over, we can’t escape!”

Also aware of the situation In danger, Claire’s eyes turned sharply, and his eyes quickly fixed on the two doors at the door.

“The gate looks solid and should buy us some time. Anves, can your scepter control the gate to close?”

“I try Try!”

Without further ado, Anves took out his scepter again, focusing on closing the door.

This method is indeed effective. With his thoughts, the two doors suddenly began to slowly close, leaving only a gap sufficient for a single person to pass through, so that after everyone escaped into the door, they could use the fastest speed. close the door.

Seeing Anves who was controlling the gate at the door, everyone in the corridor thought for a moment and understood his intention.

But with the explosion of the crowd, Peez was suddenly dropped by the crowd again, and he was about to be caught up by the wall of flesh behind him.

Seeing the change of the gate in the distance, I am worried that I will be abandoned as an abandoned child. While anxious in his heart, Peez no longer hesitated, and directly aimed a ring in his left hand at Roach’s back.

(End of this chapter)

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