
Chapter 371 The Core of Eternity

At the real world level, I looked at the countless students who suddenly appeared in front of me, two ninth rank I also have some doubts.

The dream teleportation just now was obviously intentional.

In other words, the mysterious person who is suspected of controlling the city is actually likely to belong to the Gloria Empire, or at least have goodwill towards the Empire.

At this moment, several leading mages of the Pamir Academy are looking at the two ninth ranks that suddenly appeared in the square with ecstasy.

Although they are all high-ranked sorcerers, their situation is actually not much safer than that of the students in this ruin that is a great threat to the ninth rank.

In addition, they didn’t even dare to show their nervousness, and they had to act as if they were confident, so as not to cause widespread panic among the students.

Now I finally waited for the ninth rank to arrive. Several people were completely relaxed. One of the team leader mage came out and consciously began to report the current situation of the students to the two of them.

“The two dukes, the overwhelming majority of Pamir students, are all gathered in this underground square. There are currently 4,106 students, accounting for about 94% of the total number of people entering the ruins.

Among the 262 students who have not returned to the team, 117 are confirmed to be dead, and the remaining 145 students are in a state of missing contact. /p>

For the time being, I don’t think about the mysterious person anymore. Listening to the report of the leader of the mage, the two Duke Karrot were nodded, and their hearts were a little heavy.

In previous years’ Pamir grand competition, the number of deaths exceeded double digits, but this year it lost so many people at one time. One can imagine how furious the Emperor Your Majesty would be when he heard the news.

“Okay, now the situation is critical, and the Pamir students who are still not present will be punished as confirmed death!”

He glanced at Fiona and Anves in the crowd, two ninth The rank was all relaxed, Duke Karrot looked around, and the sound of magic spread to the whole underground square.

“Everyone, don’t resist, we will take you out of here safely.”

With the words, the two ninth rank started their respective fields, shrouding many students.

Under the action of magic, the bodies of the Pamirs in the cave gradually shrank, and then they were put into a special space ring used to accommodate living creatures.

Before entering the ring, however, Anves stayed here in the hidden Avatar, finally delivering a message to Duke Karrot.

“Father, there is a huge danger here, please get out of here as soon as possible!”

Of course, although it is a secret communication, in front of the ninth rank of the Alfred family, The scene where Anves delivers the message of spirit strength is completely invisible.

“It’s dangerous here, and he wants me to get out of here as soon as possible.”

After wrapping up the crowd, Karrot briefly explained the content of Anves’ message.

“Alright, let’s send her…they back first, that’s the safest way. Otherwise, if there’s a fight, it’s hard for us to keep them safe.”

Simple negotiation After a while, the two finally decided to give up the search and sent everyone from the Pamir Academy first.

However, although the goal has been determined, it is not an easy task to leave Floating Void City with everyone safely.

The people in the Academy are waiting for the rescue of the ninth rank powerhouse, thinking that as long as the rescue arrives, everything will be safe.

But what they don’t know is that the two ninth ranks themselves are far less confident than they are.

Standing in the position of the two, I can see the current situation more thoroughly, and I am also very clear about what to face when I leave now.

In order to prevent someone from touching the Eternal Core or the Core Tower Spirit first, and then using teleportation magic to escape. Centered on Floating Void City, the space within a radius of several dozen li has already been blocked at the highest level by the three parties.

In addition, all the forces remain in the hands of professionals who observe the situation from the outside world, and I am afraid they have reserved breaking-level trump cards.

There may not be many, but there will definitely be, and its purpose is to deal with those ninth rank that are ready to leave.

No matter which ninth rank leaves Floating Void City first, it will usher in a thunderous blow from the other Two Great Influences.

Duke Alfred is an old ninth rank, and Duke Karrot is too young in the ninth rank, and his strength can barely touch the edge of the old ninth rank.

They were a little unsure about whether they could successfully take the students away.

Looking at each other, the two quickly left in the direction they came from.

On the other side, in the control room at the real world level, Anves watched the two Dukes leaving, while controlling the space corridor inside Floating Void City to distort, causing a team of Holy See ninths who were exploring in this direction. rank, staggered from the route of the duke and the others.

An interesting thing, on the reality level, Anves can control the Floating Void City in the dream level, but can’t observe the huge unknown creature. Only when you enter the dream layer can you see it, and the reason is unknown.

At this moment, more than seven minutes have passed, and some ninth ranks are very close to the core energy room and the central control room in the dream layer.

Over in the core power room, Anves isn’t sure what these ninth ranks will encounter. But the central control room is one of the core nodes of Floating Void City connecting the dream space.

If they get there, they can easily leave the dream world and enter the Floating Void City area of reality.

Time was running out, and after making sure that the duo duo would not meet the ninth rank again, Anves lifted his scepter again and teleported himself outside the core energy room.

For the sake of delaying time and humanitarian spirit, at the dream world level, Anves is also trying his best to manipulate the space-time corridor to move as much as possible to allow more ninth ranks to explore in the direction of the core control room.

After all, if the number of people is small, it is likely to be killed by the body of the giant blood-colored eye. Couldn’t bear to see them die too fast, Anves kindly helped them gather more strength so that they wouldn’t be powerless to fight back.

In the real world, the core energy chamber does not seem to be abnormal.

After careful perception, and after confirming that there is no danger, he used his authority to control the rise of the demon-loathing metal gate several meters thick.


From the tiny crack of the door, the pure white rays of light are instantly transmitted.

Behind the open gate, an extremely pure and transparent core of white radiance was reflected in Anves’ blue eyes.

The core presents a perfect regular octahedron shape, with a length of about three meters from top to bottom, and it is smoothly suspended in the center of the huge core energy room.

Countless tens of centimeters wide constant gold magic loops are densely covered on the wall surface of the entire energy room, collecting the shocking Human Demon power gushing out of the core, and continuously transporting it to all parts of the city , maintaining the operation of Floating Void City.

“What a splendid…”

Staring at the dazzling core in front of her, Anves can’t help but be a little fascinated by its beauty.

This is the crystallization of the supreme magical attainments of the high elves, making the whole city break away from the earth and touch the core of the miracle of the heaven-【Core of Eternity】

However, just in the At the moment of taking the Eternal Core, Anves’ movements suddenly stopped.

gu gu has created a new Unival (world) character, if there is a fanart and you can’t find the corresponding character, please murmur here——

(End of this chapter)

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