
Chapter 373 Heaven Falls (Part 1)

At this moment, in the dream world, the ninth rank, the magic council with the fastest exploration progress, has arrived first the outside of the core energy chamber. But at the same time, an abnormality in the energy room was also discovered.

“Wait… something is wrong, don’t open the door yet!”

At the last moment of opening the door of the energy room, [Mystery Seeker] Olwani suddenly raised his hand, cautiously to stop the movement of everyone in the team.

“Have you found anything, Your Excellency Speaker Olwani?”

In response to Olwani’s sudden warning, the movements of the three surrounding council ninth rank mages stopped as much as possible down.

After one of the female sorcerer sensed it, the robe moved slightly and asked a few people’s doubts.

Although it seems to the outside world that the number of ninth ranks coming from the council side seems to be the largest, but the people who really belong to the magic council side are actually less than double digits, and most of the rest are from Itel The lone ninth rank of the major kingdoms of the federation.

It was only because Olwani, one of the three major speakers of the Magic Council, was personally there, so people from the council temporarily took the lead.

“According to the secret information, this should be the core energy room, but I sensed the existence of something extremely dangerous inside.”

Frowning slightly, Orr Varney’s silver white eyes swept across the dull metal door, a little hesitant.

“Before I set off, Your Excellency Brenz once made a prophecy for me alone, ‘There will be a huge danger in this trip’, and now, it is very likely to be near the core.”

“Your Excellency Speaker, what should we do now?”

After listening to Olwani’s explanation, another sorcerer asked.



But just as Olwani opened his mouth, the heavy gate beside him suddenly trembled, and then slowly Turn on by itself.

The moment the door opened, a sense of crisis of sending cold shivers down one’s spine immediately spread throughout the entire body of several mages.

“Not good!”

Too late to think about why the door would open on its own, the four mages immediately backed away, trying to hide their breath as much as possible and stay away from the door.

And at this moment, from the corridor on the other side, the Holy See team led by Holy Splendor Church Archbishop [Holy Inquisition] Jorgeson just arrived, and also noticed the slowly opening gate and the retreating parliament. team.

“Meet again, you guys—why are you running?”

Not immediately paying attention to the gate, Jorgeson raised his hand directly, and several were written purely by the rules. The white illusory chain of the construction of Saint emerged from the void, and quickly shot at the four, trying to leave a few of them behind.

In the face of Jorgeson’s attack, except Olwani, the other three mages could only mobilize Rule Power to resist, but the speed inevitably slowed down.

“Damn! Jorgeson! Stop it! Don’t you feel what’s inside the door?!” The wind blew past, and immediately disintegrated several chains from their roots.

“Oh? This feeling…”

He put down his raised hand indifferently, and Jorgeson turned his attention to the door. The same dignified down.

“Is it the outsider, the ancient foreign object that descended in the darkness, awakened in the corner where the glory of the gods has not yet reached?”

A pure white Divine Punishment spar, reappeared in his hands. At the same time, several Holy See ninth ranks behind him spread out slightly to form a simple guardian array.

At the same time, the metal gate of the energy room was almost half-opened at this moment.

The interior is completely dark and nothing can be seen. On the contrary, there is an extremely ominous pitch black dream atmosphere, like viscous oil, flowing continuously along the open door to the corridor.

Both sides are highly vigilant about this unidentified lacquer black qi message. Several ninth ranks tried to use Rule Power to eliminate it, but the effect was not satisfactory. Almost three copies of Rule Power could offset it.

A black interest.

At this moment when the two sides were temporarily confronting, another group of ninth rank teams from the Federation and a team from the Empire finally arrived here.

But before they could react, an illusory projection wearing a dark cloak and a hood covering its face suddenly appeared in front of many ninth ranks.


Everyone was stunned by the way this silhouette appeared, and then they immediately reacted. This is probably the one in the intelligence who controls the city. the mysterious person.

Not only the many ninth ranks explored in the city, but in the sky outside the entire Floating Void City, suddenly there are several huge projections inside the Floating Void City, among which the protagonist is a A ninth rank team exploring the ruins.

The current exploration status of each Great Influence ninth rank is very clearly displayed in the eyes of the outside world.

“Look! It seems to be a scene in the city!”

Seeing this scene, many ninth ranks who were watching from a distance were a little surprised, and immediately contacted their respective forces.

Soon, almost all the large forces knew about this change in Floating Void City.

“Who are you?”

In the city, while alerting to the darkness in the door, Jorgeson stared indifferently at the projection in front of him, his tone icy as if he was interrogating a heretic .

At the same time, several ninth rank mages started to cast spells directly, trying to trace the location of the body directly along the projection.

However, with the entire Floating Void City’s magic system as defense, this retrospective doesn’t work.


In the projection, Anves’ hood droops slightly, silently laughed.

“I wonder if you have heard the name of the Gloria civil resistance organization ‘Spark’?”

“You are a member of the Spark organization?!”

hearing this , a ninth rank from the Aslade family was suddenly a little surprised.

Suddenly, from the mysterious person in front of him, he heard the name of the rebel organization that was making noise in his own province, but he had never noticed it before. At the same time as startled, he could not help but start to re-examine the threat of the organization.

“The Spark Organization…even if your Excellency wants to fool us, there should be a limit.”

Staring at the image of Anves silently, for a moment, Alwani shook the head , in a very firm tone.

“Indeed, as Your Excellency Alwani just said, I am not a member of the ‘Spark’ organization.”

In the projection, Anves slightly admitted, quite frankly at this point.

“However, the focus of what I just said was not ‘Spark’, but the Gloria civil resistance organization.”

There are many ninth rank powerhouses and forces in and around Floating Void City Under the gaze of Anves, Anves bowed gracefully, and his tone suddenly rose.

“Today, here, I am honored to introduce to you a new resistance organization – [Truth Circle]. As the first ceremony of the organization, ceremony, I will give you a great gift!”

Sensing the slight ripples produced by the web of destiny, Anves’ will penetrated deep into the scepter, communicating with a green spot outside the city, which had previously been dormant in the sea.

As a result, under the astonished gazes of many ninth rank, the sea level near the city suddenly had an unusual tremor.

A deep shadow emerges quickly from the sea. The next moment, an incomparably huge blue golden metal arm, with countless mottled seaweeds and shellfish, suddenly stretched out from the sea!

With a huge thunder-like sound, the huge metal giant statue like a mountain ripped apart the sea and returned to the sky.

The clouds parted on its sides, and the silver and violet moonlight shone on its surface in a flowing brilliance. The oppressive terrifying magic power fluctuations made the ninth rank, who was maintaining the time-space blockade in the distance, suddenly change color.

At this moment, the forbidden weapon from the ancient golden age showed its power to this new age for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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