
Chapter 376 After the Event

2461 Years of the Glorious Calendar, the first bud month, the 24th day.

With a thump like thunder, a dazzling stream of white light like the Star River shone in the night sky above the endless sea east of Yar Continent.

From the side of the huge Floating Void City in the sky as the source, this radiant river of light with destructive magic spews out like a long rainbow thread, flowing to the endless sky.

Accompanying this stream of light overflowing at the same time, there are countless tiny crystal dusts shining with crystal light.

Under the reflection of the bright white river of light, these dusts are like a layer of tulle dotted with rays of light, covering the surface of the river of light, making its edges slightly hazy.

With the continuous gushing out of the river of light, a small part of the Floating Void City disintegrated directly, and the rest was lit up by blazing white flames.

After a whine, the rest of the body could no longer maintain a stable suspension, but began to gradually sink.

In consideration of the possibility that the core energy room may fail, there are three backup energy rooms in the whole Floating Void City.

When an emergency occurs in the main energy room, it can be temporarily activated to buy time for the emergency repair of the main energy room.

Maintaining every second of Floating Void City’s suspension requires amazing magic power. Without the core of eternity, the remaining backup magic power source can only maintain a slow descent state.

Now they’re working faithfully, ensuring that Floating Void City doesn’t fall like a rock.

It’s just that, after several millions of years, there will be no more high elves to fix it.

The glory of the ancient golden age will finally come to an end in time.

Many ninth ranks have left, and the seawater that was previously expelled has returned to its original state.

Reflected on the gloomy sea below, the city of blazing white flames is getting closer and closer like a real shooting star.

Finally, in a huge wave, the huge sky city sank back into the seabed.

At the same time, it seemed that the end of the mission was confirmed, and the giant statue of Themis, cruising in the vicinity in the sky, with the last magic in the core, opened a gap in the chaotic space, and disappeared into it.

Until this moment, several ninth ranks who were watching from afar approached cautiously and began to check the remnants of Floating Void City.


At the same time that the stream of light erupted, the Magic Council, inside the Stargazing Tower.

The complexion of [Stargazer] Brunz, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly turned white, the breath on his body quickly weakened, and the strange translucent spiral beard on his chin was instantly broken in half.

At the same time, the faint fog of fate that had always shrouded his body suddenly trembled violently, and even his body seemed to gradually become transparent.


After reading Alwani’s emergency summons, he seemed to sense something. Brunz smiled wryly and looked the head, his expression changed. It was very complicated, a little helpless, and a little self-deprecating.

It has been a long time since he became the continent’s only ninth rank prophet. Just didn’t expect, this is the only accidental miss, but it was such a serious blow.

There is no doubt that the source of such drastic changes in the Web of Destiny is probably still the variable hidden in the Web of Destiny that he vaguely sensed before.

However, although he paid a heavy price this time, it was not completely without profits. At least he can be sure that the true identity of that variable is within the range of those who entered the ruins this time.

And there is a high probability that it is the mysterious person who claims to be from the ‘Ring of Truth’.

It’s a pity, not to mention that the Meteorite Ruins was at the center of the wave of the Web of Destiny before, and just because of his current state of serious injuries, he is unable to make large-scale predictions again.

A faint magic radiance flashed across his fingertips, and an array of messengers flashed across the air.

“Olvani, Vernica, for the next fifty years, I will temporarily close the Stargazing Tower and will not accept all outside information.”

said , Brunz squeezed it casually, picked two slightly illusory stars from nothingness, and threw them into space.

“The two Stars of Destiny contain my prophecy power at the peak period three times. If you encounter some major problems, you can activate it with your spirit strength.

At the same time, at certain moments, it will tell you something by itself…”

After leaving a few short messages, Brunz lowered his hand again, and the silhouette gradually faded away.

This time is indeed his careless, but fortunately, he still has enough time. Get everything back on track with your own hands before that final moment arrives.

Fifty years later, when he recovered from the backlash of fate, he was able to lock down that variable once and for all-

“Brentz, are you hurt?”

Moments after Brentz disappeared, his last message was sent according to the settings he had arranged. The next second, a slightly lazy female voice came from the void, seeming to be a little puzzled.

However, in the empty room, no one answered.



Second day Early in the morning, the headlines of Yar Continent’s top newspapers were all dominated by news of the meteorite ruins.

Magic Times, Imperial Morning News, Federal News, etc., have reported this from various angles.

‘The true face of the Meteor Remnant that fell to the Gloria Empire has been confirmed to be the Ancient High Elves Floating Void City! ‘

‘The control of Floating Void City was in the hands of a mysterious person! It claims to be from the resistance organization ‘The Ring of Truth’! ‘


After carefully reading the contents of several newspapers, Anves took a sip of the elf black tea beside him, and leaned comfortably on the sofa.

Previously, when the countless teleportation brilliance shone, the feedback from the Web of Destiny once again increased his prophetic strength like a rocket, directly from the original seventh rank to the seventh rank. The degree of rank Peak.

At the same time, with the cover of numerous teleportation waves, Anves immediately used the secret technique after leaving Floating Void City, and the ontology switched places with Avatar on the Duke’s side.

And after Avatar was teleported to the nearest imperial city with the firefly in the summer night, he was directly disbanded and turned into dust.

Then, according to his last mission, Xia Ye Yinghuo collected all the dust in a box, put it into the backpack, and then bound it, thus achieving the purpose of perfectly eliminating traces.

Without traces, he wasn’t worried that someone could trace him through prophetic magic. Since he himself has become a high-level prophet, and at the same time is wearing that strange isolation cloak, prophecy has no effect on him at present.

He has now returned to his residence at his Pamir Academy. Because of this set of operations, the outside world did not pay much attention to him.

Academy Fang, on the other hand, awarded him and several other students with similar credits a lot of credits because of his credit for leading many students back to the team.

Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the magical projection on the newspaper that looked like a real scene. Anves’ thoughts returned to the scene he last perceived.

At the last moment of the core explosion, several ninth rankers used the ultimate life-saving method to forcibly break through the dream blockade of Floating Void City and escape alive.

But except for a few ninth rank limits, at the moment of the explosion, the rest remained in the ninth rank in the Floating Void City dream space, and the whole army was wiped out.

Anves isn’t sure how many ninth rank slept through the devastating explosion of the Eternal Core.

But at the last moment of escape, because he failed to get out of the state of destiny manipulation in time, he was also affected by the huge shock of the net of destiny and was slightly injured.

Anves was certain of one thing, based on the momentary violent shaking of the Web of Fate.

The fate of so many ninth rank has been changed by the strength of oneself through the means of fate intervention, which led to the source of the current situation. [Stargazer] Brunz is definitely the first to bear the brunt.

At this time, the backlash of the Web of Destiny may really make him unable to eat and walk around, and he doesn’t know how long it will take to recover.

Those who tease fate will be teased by fate.

gu gu, gu gu, gu gu gu gu gu—

gu gu gu gu, gu gu!

(End of this chapter)

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