
Chapter 378 Investigation and breakthrough

At the same time, as the ruler of the province of Frey, where the ‘Spark’ organization had been the most ravaged before, A The upper echelons of the Slade family also really began to pay attention to the existence of these resistance organizations.

Have the ‘Ring of Truth’, a secret rebel group that has acquired the ancient Magic Empire vault? Are there suspected ninth rank extreme professionals at the top of the organization? Did you harm the plural ninth rank at one time? !

Incredible! Incredible!

Thanks to the early discovery, if this is not taken seriously and let them develop secretly for a period of time, the province of Frey is afraid that it will not be changed.

After some urgent discussions, the royal side’s [Crystal Door] Baier and the Aslade family quickly reached an agreement.

No matter what the cost, the trace of this organization must be found! At least let them turn from the dark to the light!

But first, their investigation needs a breakthrough. And the resistance army organization ‘Spark’ is very suitable.

As a rebel organization, ‘Spark’ is likely to have a connection with the ‘Circle of Truth’, or at least know something about it.

After confirming the action plan, the Spark organization suddenly fell into bad luck.

Under the personal actions of several ninth rank professionals, a large number of rebels were arrested in just a few days, and all the cities that had been lost before returned to the Aslade family. under control.

However, in the process of exterminating the Xinghuo organization, a short-lived accident shocked many ninth ranks who participated in the arrest.

When a ninth rank of the Aslade family raided a secret stronghold of the Spark Organization, he actually ran into a ninth rank professional who hid his identity!

But unfortunately, in a brief encounter. The mysterious ninth rank did not fight him, but directly activated a strange magic Rare Item, which instantly disappeared through the dream jump.

Suddenly, the ninth rank had no time to completely block the dream layer, and could only watch him escape.

After this accident, many ninth rank’s actions became more cautious, and they also began to carefully detect in advance when searching for the stronghold of the Spark Organization, and be alert to possible attacks at any time.

Previously, although they said they should pay attention, they still didn’t take it seriously.

But now it’s different. If there is a real ninth rank in the Spark organization, it is equivalent to a group of sheep, mixed with a lion in sheep’s clothing.

Not only the circle of truth, but even the spark that they had never cared about before, it seems not so simple.

The depths of these so-called ‘civil resistance organizations’ are very deep!

After the short arrest, many ninth rank immediately began to arrange soul search, trying to find the news related to that mysterious ninth rank and the ‘Ring of Truth’.

A lot of valuable information was indeed obtained from the memories of the captured senior members of the Spark Organization.

Although most of their memories have been blocked by special magic seals, being touched by foreign magic will cause permanent deletion.

But after research by ninth rank professionals specializing in seals and souls in the Empire, they managed to intercept some of the information before their memories dissipated.

I don’t know if I don’t check it, I’m shocked when I check it.

The senior management of the ‘Spark’ organization actually has a secret connection with the notorious Itel federal conspiracy organization ‘The Door in the Eyes’!

There is evidence that they have received large quantities of support. Among which is included a large number of mid-level and high-level battle-type magic guide constructs, as well as some unidentified high-level professionals, seem to be conspiring to do something.

Immediately informed of the latest situation, Gloria III, while shocked, once again invited two ninth rank reinforcements to the investigation team.

At the same time, the rest of the Three Great Families also began to search their provinces and territories to prevent them from being taken advantage of by the legendary ‘Circle of Truth’.

In the previous Floating Void City explosion, the current Duke of the Enoch family was unfortunately killed. At present, his consciousness of staying in the outside world has just barely awakened, and his strength has not even recovered to the fourth rank. .

In order to avoid tragedy, the Three Great Families began to search for information about the ‘Circle of Truth’, and no one wanted to be the ‘next’ Duke of Enoch.

In the next half a month, the situation in the empire was in a turmoil. Except for the resistance organization, some other gray black organizations also suffered, and were destroyed by the ninth rank who personally inspected.

Under the sudden high-pressure attack, the civil society of the Empire, such as the Thief Guild and other underground organizations, almost all began to temporarily shrink their power, and did not dare to jump out at this time to touch the evil head of the Empire.

And during this time, Anves also arranged the environment required for the advanced level and was ready for the official breakthrough.

In the secret chamber of the anti-magic alloy in the underground laboratory, Anves controlled the mithril inscription pen and drew the last three-dimensional inscription in the center of a huge array on the ground.

With the successful branding of the inscription, the entire array emits a faint dim light and successfully passed the self-test.


Exhaled, Anves relaxes temporarily.

This isolation array is enough to completely isolate the magic power fluctuations above Eighth Rank, and it should also be enough to cover up the breath of his breakthrough.

Because he did not reveal his true strength, the entire array was completely drawn by him independently, so it took him a long time.

His own strength is about to break through the seventh rank, and he is not ready to reveal it to outsiders for the time being.

A freshman in Pamir who has been in school for more than a year has broken through seventh rank. The news is too shocking and may lead to some results that he does not want to see.

The huge power dragon Avatar lay beside the array, observing its own body from another angle.

After activating the array effect, Anves walked into it, sat down slowly, and began to continue the previously unfinished breakthrough.

At the same time, the rune array on the wall of the secret room also began to operate, completely blocking the indoor breath, and partitioning the inner and outer spaces to prevent the breath from overflowing.

Following his command, a huge stream of power suddenly came from the Old Days Secret Scripture floating beside him.

The breakthrough process that was temporarily interrupted in the ruins has finally started again.

When the last chord was lifted, Anves’ body suddenly began to emit a pale white shimmer.

It is a symbol of the complete harmony of spirit and coordination, and the spiritual fire spontaneously ignited by the complete union of spirit and flesh.

In this spiritual fire fueled by everything in oneself, either completely sublimate in the combustion, transform into a little spiritual essence of seventh rank, and successfully advance to the high rank. Either completely burn out spirit strength and lose all power.

But Anves noticed a special situation. As the strength feedback from the Old Days Secret Scripture is still coming, the burning process of his spirit strength seems to be supported by the power of the Old Days Secret Scripture. .

Thanks to the book friends 20180417145547941 for the 500-point reward

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(End of this chapter)

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