Rebirth of Northern Technology

Chapter 389: Cousin (Part 2)

When eating at noon, the two got together again.

"Xiaoxing, did you install a TV in my house?"

"What's wrong?"

"It's boring, there's nothing to do after work! Just now, one morning, when you were downstairs in this mall, I almost went shopping. If there was a TV at home, I would have gone back to watch TV."

"Uneasy, my house is uneasy TV."



"Sister, if you are free, read some books."

"Why do you study? How old I am, and reading a book is so much a joke!"

Xi Juan doesn't miss studying at all. In the first two years, without salary, she didn't even think of going back to school.

"You haven't graduated from high school. It's not easy to arrange a job!"

Cheng Yongxing decided to zoom in and frighten this disobedient cousin.

"Isn't there a job now? Isn't that good?"

"You are working as a temporary worker. You don't have a decent diploma. You can't get a regular job. And in the past two days, I heard some people gossiping!"

"Ah!?...Huh? Didn't you boast that there was no problem with the work arrangement? Or I wouldn't follow. You didn't lie to me and you changed your mind?"

"Um..., how can this be a lie, the sweeper and the canteen cleaning do not require academic qualifications, what are you going to do?"

Although the cousin does not read well, she is not stupid.

"Who will go then? If that work, I will have it in Jiangcheng. Running so far and still doing this job will not make people laugh."

"Yes! And since you have a diploma, it will be convenient for me to arrange work in the future, which is justified."


"Aren't you in charge of this company?"

"What's the final say, the management is sent by the National University of Technology. I have a bit of face, but I want to arrange a better job, and I have to follow the rules!"

"What kind of work can you arrange for sister?"

Xi Juan is very satisfied with her current job. Quality inspection is a popular type of work no matter which company it is in. The power is large, the load is low, and the environment is good.

"If you have a technical secondary school diploma, there is no problem at least arranging a team leader or something!"

"If I go to study, how long will it take to get back this technical secondary school diploma? I have heard that it takes three or four years to study a technical secondary school!"

Xi Juan was embarrassed to refute it directly, but was looking for different reasons to avoid it.

"That is for junior high school graduates to study. It will take three or four years. You have graduated from high school. Although you don't have a diploma, these are easy to handle. You go to school and one year is almost the end."

"One year is too long, I won't go!"

Xi Juan thought for a while, but still didn't want to read it. In her vision, two or three months is a very distant matter.

"Well, I served you! Go read it, and I will find someone again. It will be done for half a year, half a year!"

Cheng Yongxing felt that he was really tired, and he had to coax these older children.

"Can it work in half a year?"

"You can do it, you don't want to see who is going!"

Cheng Yongxing did a show of biceps, but it was a pity that no one could understand it during the winter.

"You are so good, so just get the technical secondary school diploma directly to save me the trouble."

Xi Juan had a whim.



Cheng Yongxing almost vomited all he had eaten in his mouth.

"I said grandma, I can find a door. As long as you hand in the paper, even if it is a blank paper, I will find a way to pass you, but you always have to hand in the blank paper! You don't even hand the blank paper, so how can I find someone?"

"Okay, okay, I'll read it."

Xi Juan also felt that she had asked too much, and she was a little embarrassed.

"But I'm going to work the night shift next week, can I read a book?"

"It should be possible, I ask, if not, I will let them only arrange your day shift!"

"Is it convenient? Everyone else is scheduled, I don't?"

"What's the inconvenience, you are just a temporary worker. In addition, there may be daytime classes for correspondence courses. Now that school just started, this semester will follow, and it will happen to graduate! The time is just right. Let Zhang Yan ask in a moment!"

"The deputy general manager? Let her ask for me?"

She met Zhang Yan just now, and in the process of communicating with her colleagues, she learned that this "Queen Dowager" is the de facto leader of the company.

"It's her. She came forward and spoke better than me!"

Cheng Yongxing doesn't care about the queen mother. Zhang Yan did these things better than him. Among other things, his age was underestimated as soon as he came out.


Xi Juan thus began her intense life of part-time work.

She still shifts the work, because there are several time periods for teaching, which can be done during the day or at night.

Not everything is smooth sailing, the news from the Broadcasting University is that the technical secondary school diploma can't be issued!

Xi Juan had just jumped in halfway through the line, and in addition, she couldn't provide a high school diploma. No one dared to issue this diploma, and could only issue a certificate proving that she had come to the class.

But this is enough. With this proof, everything is easy to operate. If you admit or not, the company has the final say! If you don't admit it, this is a piece of waste paper. If you admit it, it's a diploma.

It’s easy to handle the high school graduation certificate. After two days, find someone to do it. After waiting for two years, no one remembers this. With the reissued high school diploma, plus the proof of study, it is easy to change to the secondary school diploma.

However, Cheng Yongxing didn't talk to Xi Juan about these things, because she was afraid that she would be out of line and would not learn.

She must find something to do for this cousin, otherwise she will always bother herself if she has nothing to do. This is unbearable.

In the previous life, my cousin was not such a person.

My cousin took good care of him and bought him delicious food every time I met, which was really strange.

He had known this long ago, he would not take this matter down.


There are always surprises in the development of things, and Xi Juan's letter is received by the uncle's family. Because she wanted to make her family feel at ease, she praised the environment of Bingcheng so much that her cousin was also tempted.

After quarreling with his parents, Xi Dawei ran away from home again just like he did when he was a child, except that he was in Bingcheng this time!

Cheng Yongxing, who was so busy in the workshop, was called to the door, he was stupid?

"Big Viagra, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't you write and let me come?"

"I write?"

Cheng Yongxing was so busy these days that he didn't react for a while.

"A letter written by Xiaojuan!"

"Sister Xiaojuan writes for you?"

"She writes so well here, why don't I come?"

Xi Dawei has such a temper, he can do whatever he wants. It's pretty good now. I had a fight with my father two years ago!


Cheng Yongxing is considered to have taken it. He has a problematic children's concentration camp here, but everyone who runs away from home will run to him in the future.

Since people are here, they have to settle down first.


The next day was Sunday, and the three brothers and sisters got together. Cheng Yongxing went out to buy some food and ate together later.

"This is our new house?"

Dawei walked around in a 60-square-meter room. "Sure enough, there are refrigerators and washing machines. But why don't they have TVs?"

"Xiao Xing didn't pretend."

"It's weird. Buy a refrigerator first, not a TV. What's the use of a refrigerator? There is a natural refrigerator outside the window, which is a waste of money! It doesn't matter. After two days, we will pay the salary and buy it ourselves."

"Xiaoxing won't let it!"

"Why don't you let me buy the TV myself, what's his business?"

Xi Dawei has an advantage in that he doesn't recognize birth anywhere.

"Do you really treat this as your own home?"

Xi Juan has been a quality inspector for more than three weeks, and her temperament has changed a lot. The faint majesty exudes, and Xi Dawei is taken aback.

But before he could speak, the door opened. Cheng Yongxing bought some cooked food and came back. Several people started at home at noon and stopped eating.

Cheng Yongxing feels that this big Viagra is just a waste. He and his cousin do everything for cooking. This cousin really considers himself a brother!

"By the way, the eldest uncle and aunt will not be running in two days."

Cheng Yongxing raised his question at the dinner table.

"I don't know, I don't know! Maybe!"

The old couple has retired, and the possibility of coming with their children is not small.


What a trouble!

In this way, Xi Dawei stepped in the footsteps of his younger sister and began to work in a different place. Rebirth of Northland Technology latest chapter address: of Northern Science and Technology Full Text Reading Address: of Northland Technology txt download address: of Northland Technology Mobile Reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Cousin 389 (Part 2)) reading record, next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Rebirth of Northland Technology", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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