Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 105 Dark Movement

"Dago, do you know?"

In the car returning to the Far East base, Shuo Maki looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the car window and suddenly spoke. Dagu said confusedly.

"What's wrong, senior?"

Maki Shuo turned to look at Dagu and said softly: "Beyond the universe, there are many, many other universes. There are countless Ultra warriors fighting the invaders. Some of them succeeded and some failed."

His memory kept going back with the words, as if he was standing on that battlefield in person. Different Ultra Warriors fight with enemies or compete with light. Violent explosions triggered from time to time swept away the surrounding area, turning the place into almost a dead place.

There are countless divided battlefields, each with its own winner or loser. Some monsters or spacemen disappeared in the explosion, while some Ultra Warriors were scattered and disappeared into light particles.

Dagu didn't speak, just listened quietly. He had only seen five Ultraman in his life, including stone statues and tokusatsu dramas. Let him imagine countless Ultra Warriors traveling and fighting in the universe, that was beyond the scope of his imagination.

Even in the more tokusatsu dramas for children, Ultraman has sacrificed his life, not to mention the world that really exists?

Dagu also knows very well that every time TPC faces a monster, there will inevitably be casualties. If he hadn't transformed in time, I'm afraid the victory team would have changed people several times.

Surprisingly, no car passed by on the roads on both sides. There was only the sound of wind and the friction of tires against the ground. Dagu still didn't speak. Maki Shuo didn't seem to expect an answer and continued to talk to himself.

"Getting this power is not what many people imagine. It does not mean luck, but hard work and fighting. You have me helping you now, but there are many, many worlds where Ultraman has no helpers. No matter how terrifying the front is. In the darkness, he alone can move forward."

Maki Shuo's tone became lowered, and when he said the second half of the sentence, he thought of Nexus. Ji Yajun, who was used by humans for research, still decided to transform when alien beasts appeared.

Da Gu remained silent, but Zhen Mu Shuo could tell that he was thinking about something.

The two returned to the Far East Base in silence all the way. Hui Jian knew that Maki Shuo's identity was Ultraman Geying, but thinking of Tiga's identity...

She glanced at Dagu who was absent-minded, and then looked away without confirming her guess. The TPC's debate at the meeting was still fresh in their minds, and Ultraman was likely to become research material in their eyes.

This is also an important reason why she has never revealed Maki Shuo's identity to anyone. In order to keep it secret, she did not even tell Zongfang, and Zongfang still believes that Maki Shuo is a cosmic person with good intentions towards mankind.

After the victory team's daily patrol, Dagu once again participated in the training arranged for him by Maki Shuo, and he was even more proactive than usual.

When he accepted this power from deep within his heart, the light particles were always improving his body, supporting him to complete this high-intensity training that ordinary people could not bear.

After Maki Shuo completed the most basic training every day, he rarely continued, but silently looked in the direction of the Pacific Ocean.

The use of telekinesis many times in the human body not only shortened his lifespan, but also continued to exercise his telekinesis. And the battle that had just transformed made him feel an extremely repellent aura in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. .

Only a very small part of that aura leaked out. As expected, the source was Gatanjie, which was sealed in the Pacific Ocean.

Is the seal of the super ancient giant loose?

This was Maki Shuo's first thought, but the aura was indeed only a very small part, so he did not check it rashly. Once the power of light stimulates Gatanjie and makes it appear in advance, you will really cry without knowing where to go.

Sighing, he turned his thoughts back to the battle. This was the first time he used the power of Achilles and Hero to switch forms, and it was surprisingly easy to use.

Whether it is the flexible blue form or the red form that pushes the power to the extreme, it can play a great role in fighting different enemies.

As long as he didn't encounter an enemy who completely defeated the red form in terms of strength, it would be difficult for him to feel helpless against opponents of the same level.

But this kind of power only gives him many more means when facing opponents with similar strength. When facing an enemy like Gatanjie, he will still be crushed and defeated.

Even though he came to Ultraman's world not long ago, he had already determined that the so-called data was just Ultraman's combat power when he first appeared in human sight.

It can only represent the lower limit of an Ultraman's combat power, but with hard training, continuous improvement can be achieved.

Before Gatanjie breaks the seal, can he reach the point where he can defeat him with only his own strength?

Not only is it difficult, it is simply an impossible task. Ultraman wants to greatly improve his strength, if not by borrowing external forces, at least based on a thousand years.

But now there is no time for him to train slowly. It is still unknown whether he can live for a thousand years.

Although theoretically, he is now fused with light and has a life as long as Ultraman, but the theory comes from the setting of the tokusatsu drama, and it is not certain whether it is consistent.

At least as far as the plot is concerned, there are not many things that go wrong?

Maki Shuo made another cup of coffee and took a sip, but immediately took a breath from the hot water. He put down the cup, put his hand on his temples, rubbed them, and sighed again.

In the Earth of the Kingdom of Light universe, he needs to be prepared for the emperor who will come in the future, but at least the Kingdom of Light has the cover. But now in the Tiga world, he is the one who has the bottom line.

It had been a long time since he had fully relaxed and had a good rest. After the Emperor and Gatanje are dealt with, give yourself a break - if you survive until then.

He pressed the position on his chest, and then thought of the darkness with consciousness and Ultraman Able's unknown whereabouts, and felt extremely anxious.

He glanced at Dagu, picked up the coffee, stood up and returned to his room.

Although the battle just now was not at full strength, the high level of concentration still brought a certain sense of fatigue. Coupled with the physical exertion of daily regular exercise, he was somewhat tired.

Maki Shuo tried his best to throw all the enemies behind, yawned and fell on the bed and fell asleep.

In the center of the flowing light in his body, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in a black mist. He glanced towards the Pacific Ocean, and after a few collisions with the blockade of light particles, he regained his composure again.

Among the ruins on the seabed, a tiny trace of dark energy escaped and spread around.

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