Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 182 The Gate of Hell Appears

"I..." Dagu hesitated and couldn't give any explanation. Maki Shuo could only pick up the topic and replied helplessly.

"I created a shield for Dagu to maintain on the surface of his body."

Lina's eyes were still a little suspicious, but she didn't ask any more questions. The carefree Xincheng simply ignored the question without even thinking about it.

Yerui reluctantly raised his arms and tapped the keyboard a few times, displaying the latest statistics on the screen: "According to statistics, the number of people resisting Ultraman has increased from 15% to 37%, and it continues to grow. rise."

Qijela pollen is indeed gradually disappearing, but it is only a fuse that stirs up inner desires. Once the fuse is burned out, it does not mean that the flame of people's desires will be extinguished.

"Let Diga and Gaiying get out of the earth!"

"We don't need Ultraman to protect us, we're just fine this way."

"Why do you want to meddle in your own business and destroy Qijela?! Why!"

Dagu lowered his head in silence, not wanting to see those remarks. Although he had already made up his mind when he forcibly interfered with human beings' choices, who would not be disappointed in the face of such an attitude?

Maki Shuo patted his shoulder, a little helpless. Not long ago, the Mephilas planet in the Kingdom of Light universe had just made him experience this feeling. It seemed that this method was applicable to humans in all worlds.

Jian Hui bit her lip and wanted to say something, but couldn't. She wanted to apologize to Dagu and Maki Shuo as a human being. But she has no doubt that humans will continue to make mistakes like this.

In this case, what's the use of apologizing? Will humans change their minds and be grateful to Tiga?

Da Gu said sorry, turned around and left the combat command room. Zhen Mu Shuo nodded to a few people and followed them.

It's that familiar street again. Dagu and Maki Shuo didn't drive patrol cars. People still stagger on the street today, and cars can hardly move.

The two walked side by side on the street. There were weak flames in the surrounding rooms, and the walls were burned black. Everyone has entered a dream state, and the necessary living conditions cannot be maintained.

Water, electricity, and signals began to go into chaos, and no fire brigade came to put out the fire. If Dagu and Maki Shuo hadn't eliminated Qijela as quickly as possible, human society would have collapsed at this time.

But humans who were freed from the influence of pollen still failed to recover immediately. They were still nostalgic for the sweet dreams they had not long ago, and the streets were full of colliding cars.

The driver, whose forehead was bleeding, did not deal with the wound immediately, and was still muttering Qijela's name with his eyes blank.

This is just a corner of a city, but it is enough to be called a microcosm of the entire world. Qijela is not a particularly powerful monster, but its impact on the entire earth is unprecedented.

Maki Shuo turned his head and glanced at Dagu. Dagu was very different at this time from when he just left. There were heavy dark circles in the corners of his eyes, and he was a little listless. Although his own mental state was not much better.

"Senior, I have been dreaming recently. I dreamed that the world was swallowed up by darkness, and I dreamed of the petrified Tiga..."

Da Gu's voice was very soft. If it weren't for Zhen Mu Shuo's hearing that was far beyond ordinary people, it would have been difficult to hear what he was saying. But what was contained in his words was not the usual confusion before, but fatigue.

The pressure of saving the world weighed on him, making him breathless. Although Maki Shuo's arrival had alleviated some of the pain, the terrifying darkness even shook his trust in his senior.

Maki Shuo patted him on the shoulder, looked at the chaotic city, and said softly: "Daku, Ultraman is definitely not a god. There are things he cannot do and people he cannot protect anyway."...

He pressed his chest, feeling the warm light that had been present in his body since time travel, and said sincerely: "So no one requires you to save this world. We just need to go all out, right?"

Dagu breathed a long sigh of relief and nodded vigorously, as if he wanted to convince himself in this way. Maki Shuo didn't tell him that he was also suffering from nightmares, which was meaningless.

He is now almost the source of most of Dagu's confidence. If he tells Dagu all this, his little confidence will probably be completely wiped out.

The hand on Maki Shuo's chest suddenly tightened. Since the darkness in his body returned to this universe, it has been trying to break through Regjedo's blockade more and more frequently.

The originally strong seal became more fragile with the loss of energy. Although he mobilized his own light energy to replenish it, it was still difficult to restore it to its original state.

This made Maki Shuo even more certain that the darkness in Albert's body must be related to Gatanjie, and it was almost equivalent to confirming that Albert would definitely follow this universe.

Gatanjie alone already made him feel extremely troublesome. If he had to face Dark Amber, unless the Ultra brothers from the Kingdom of Light universe came to merge with him again, Maki Shuo really couldn't think of how to defeat them.

Just when Zhen Mu Shuo was worried secretly, the negative energy in the sky suddenly gathered quickly and formed a huge door standing on the clouds.

There are countless reliefs of legendary demons on the door, and their ferocious claws and wings almost fly out from the door. Just looking at it makes people feel heart palpitations.

The unusually obvious spatial fluctuations made Maki Shuo instantly aware of its appearance, and his telepathy spread all around in an instant. Sure enough, he caught Mitsuo Itabashi and the black-robed woman not far away.

A clear voice passed directly into his consciousness, with a sarcastic smile: "Gai Ying, Diga. You see, you giants of light cannot protect humans. They are always waiting for us Kiriello Germans to lead them."

"Stop talking in your sleep, if you lead mankind, can you save the earth from His hands?" Maki Shuo replied impatiently.

His mind was always paying attention to the door, but at this time, the closed door actually had a tendency to open. Maki Shuo immediately activated the light particles in his body and was about to complete his transformation.

But on the opposite side, a flame-like crimson light appeared under Mitsuo Itabashi's feet, and he also grew in size.

Dagu was a step slower, but he also took out the spark prism from his arms and completed the transformation. The originally scattered crowd on the ground almost drained the last bit of strength from their bodies under the fear of death, and fled into the distance in a panic.

Gai Ying cautiously stared at the Kirialodians on the opposite side who had a slightly better aura than him, and did not take the lead in attacking. On the one hand, they were not sure of victory, and on the other hand, they were waiting for the crowd to flee further to avoid causing too many casualties.

Diga's red and purple body appeared beside Gai Ying in a burst of light, and said to him: "Senior, go and solve the Hell Gate ground and leave it to me."

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