Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 208 Pursuit

Zongfang suddenly raised his head as if he realized something, and his eyes met the figure of Gai who was looking down at them. He did not release the transformation and land next to them as usual, but nodded, stretched his arms forward and flew towards the sky.

The hand that Xincheng was about to greet froze in place, and the original joy of victory was mostly diluted by the farewell.

This Ultraman who always fought for humanity and resolved the crisis despite the curse of all mankind, this giant of light who almost died fighting the evil god once, left.

And they didn't even have time to say goodbye.

The shadows in their original form teleported one after another, chasing after Ketruff following the energy aura left behind when he ran away with all his strength.

It wasn't that he didn't want to leave a serious goodbye, but that Ketruf was too dangerous. Now this powerful force in him is not weaker than Shining Tiga. If Ketruf is not dealt with as soon as possible, he will probably be the only one who fails in the next meeting.

The remaining space fluctuations appeared in his telekinesis. In order to get rid of his pursuit, Ketruff actually crossed the universe directly.

But the original Gaiying had a far better understanding of space than Ketruf. He simulated the original space fluctuations and did not open a new space channel. Instead, he reopened the space channel that had been closed recently.

As Gai Ying's silver body rushed straight into it, the space channel closed, and he also completely left Diga's world.

In the radiant space passage, two figures, one black and one silver, were advancing very fast, and the silver figure accelerated to catch up.

Feeling the huge energy aura approaching behind him, Ketruf was forced to stop his progress, turned around, clenched his claws with energy and punched out two punches.

The silver and black fists collided with each other, causing the entire space channel to tremble violently, as if it could not withstand such a powerful force collision.

"Gai Ying, do you have to pursue me so hard? You are indeed very strong in this posture, but I am not that kid from Gatanjie. If you continue to pursue me, you will lose both sides at best."

Gai Ying said nothing, and the silver light on his body suddenly became extremely bright, which was obviously the result of all his efforts.

Ketruf did not try to escape again. In front of the original cover shadow with all his strength, as long as he was hit by one move, he would never be able to run away again. He cherished his life, but he was by no means brainless.

However, Gai Ying, whose power was stretched to the limit, did not emit light as he expected. Instead, he released the light of aerial flash and exploded this power together.

The silver original shadow actually ignited a golden flame, which was extremely pure light energy and was released in a way similar to Ultra explosion.

Gai Ying is well aware of the source of his power. The light of the super ancient giant is okay, but the light of human souls is slightly less used. He simply didn't have the capital to fight Ketruf for days or even months.

This kind of battle can only be fought quickly. As long as he can defeat Ketruf as quickly as possible, no matter how much energy is consumed, it is worth it.

"You madman, you giants of light are all madmen!" Ketruf roared in the connection of Gai Ying's telepathy. This approach was completely difficult for an evil god like him to understand.

Just like a person fighting desperately to protect a group of insignificant ants, to him, a small and weak life like human beings is not even as good as ants in the eyes of ordinary people.

And Gai Ying is obviously the lunatic and fool in his eyes. I poured boiling water over an ant nest, but you want to rush up and fight me?

With just a thought, Ketruf's whole body was burning with golden flames, and the astonishing imposing figure was already approaching within a hundred meters.

He didn't have time to think anymore, and he also burst out with the terrifying power in his body and rushed forward. The golden and black flames eroded each other between the collisions of fists and feet, and the mixed black and golden energy spread in the space channel.

The impact of the explosion caused the already crumbling space passage to completely crack. Dozens of cracks of different sizes were like dozens of gluttonous mouths, wildly sucking in everything in the passage.

On the battlefield, Ge Ying and Ketruf were still fighting each other, and the invisible shadow of the fist created the illusion of dozens of attacks colliding simultaneously in the field of vision.

The biggest crack became bigger with the successive impacts, and the terrifying attraction dragged Ge Ying and Ketruf between the battles closer to that direction.

All the monsters are aware of this, but this level is not enough to pose a threat to them, so naturally there is no need to expend strength to resist. ..

During the fierce battle, none of them noticed that the terrifying power of this battle spread along the space channel toward the endless universe, and was felt by each and every strong person.

In a void, a universe that has not yet been born. The originally peaceful space suddenly shattered, and a silver figure burning with flames collided with the strange creature whose body was covered in black flames.

Gai Ying could clearly sense that the light from human souls was rapidly being consumed. If you continue to fight, I am afraid that you will be the first to be unable to hold on.

He completely detonated himself without hesitation, activating the ability of a certain super-ancient giant similar to Ultra Explosion. His 120-meter body quickly grew in size until it was as big as the 300-meter Ketruf. stopped.

The golden flames soaring into the sky showed an explosion regardless of the cost. Ketruf also completely gave up the idea of ​​​​escape, and the same black flames burned blazingly and rushed forward.

The destructive explosion spread rapidly in this void space, and then quickly contracted. The two balanced forces surprisingly stabilized, forming a small ball of light similar to the sun.

The black and gold parts are intertwined and flow slowly on the surface, and one can clearly detect the huge energy contained inside that is enough to destroy the universe.

Ketruf, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, finally found an opportunity. The space channel opened beside him, and he crashed into it without looking back.

Ge Ying, who had almost exited his original form, immediately chased after him. His current state was not good, but Ketruf would only be worse than him.

The two streams of light passed through the space channel again and appeared in another unknown universe. Gai Ying's knife slashed hard on half of the bat's wings, causing Ketruff to lose his balance briefly.

He immediately changed his method and turned his body into a black energy ball with a red edge. The cover shadow also turned into a ball of light emitting golden light, chasing Ktruv and flying towards a familiar planet.

When he saw the blue planet in front of him, Gai Ying was speechless for a moment. After chasing him in circles for so long, he unexpectedly returned to "Earth" again.

In a modern and prosperous city with people coming and going, two high-speed flying balls fell towards the center of the city, dragging their tail flames.

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