Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 265 The will brought by love

According to common sense, for such a scientist, even if the things he can keep at home are not required to be kept secret, he would never leave them so casually.

Yuki Akutagawa and Rō Koshizaki looked at each other, and both noticed the confusion in each other's eyes. Yue Qilang bent down to take a closer look and let out a light sigh.

Between the instruments on the table, there was a small puddle of dried water left behind. There are also many marks on the drawer lock that appear to have been left by fingers. However, the marks are similar in color to the lock body and are difficult to detect without looking carefully.

He tried to reach out and pull a padlock, and the lock opened with almost no effort. The part that was pulled out seemed to have been violently corroded by something, and the entire lock was completely useless.

"They're here."

He suddenly spoke, his expression a bit ugly. The deep diver's abnormal energy can easily do this, and coupled with the water stains on the table, the fact is almost obvious.

But if the deep divers had really arrived, why did they continue to follow Yuki Akutagawa last night? Or did they not find what they were looking for?

Despite this, Koshizaki still broke the corroded locks one by one, opened the drawer and looked at it. Nothing was found except a few inconsequential records and new ideas not yet crystallized.

Akutagawa Yuuki opened a drawer on the other side. There were no documents or records in it, only a blue-grey fish scale lying quietly at the bottom.

The fish scale was about three or four centimeters in diameter, which was by no means the size of a fish scale that you would normally see.

Just as she was about to reach out and touch it, Koshizakiro's urgent voice sounded: "Don't touch it, that thing is very dangerous."

Akutagawa Yuki raised his head, frowned and said, "Do you know what this is?"

Koshizaki's identity was close to hers, but the confidential research was impossible to tell the family. What she doesn't know, it's only reasonable that Koshizakiro shouldn't know either.

"Well, the fish man I chased yesterday had scales like this on his body, but the scales on his body were finer. Only the chest and other parts had scales of this size."

Yuesaki Lang mentioned it vaguely without saying much. He couldn't explain his source. Although he knew the Deep Ones far better than his words let on, he couldn't tell Akutagawa Yuki.

What surprised him was that Yuuki Akutagawa didn't ask any more questions and retracted his hand without hesitation. Yuesaki Lang breathed a sigh of relief and said no more.

But at this moment, he felt the familiar sense of peeping again. Koshizaki looked around warily, and a pair of human eyes came into view by the window.

Koshizaki didn't have time to think about the human eyes, so he rushed forward, opened the window and jumped out.

Seeing Rō Koshizaki leaping and chasing after him, Akutagawa Yuki was stunned. Coupled with last night's speed and today's performance, it seems that Yuesakiro is no longer the skinny kid she remembered.

Out of Yuki Akutagawa's sight, Rō Koshizaki speeded up without any scruples, and his physical fitness beyond ordinary people was fully demonstrated at this moment. ..

The sudden acceleration seemed to be beyond the expectation of the black figure in front. Koshizaki leaned forward and jumped. The distance of more than ten meters was instantly shortened, and he pushed the figure in front of him to the ground.

"Come on, stay away from me, the further away the better."

Repeated murmurs reached his ears, and Koshizaki frowned and looked down. Even with his current psychological quality, it was almost unbearable.

The person he held down was looking ahead blankly. His face was covered with scattered fish scales, but the alienation had not been completely completed, and he could vaguely see what he looked like as a human being.

This was not the most difficult thing for him to accept. What was most difficult for him to accept was that the face was 45% similar to Yuki Akutagawa.

"Uncle Akutagawa?"

He spoke hesitantly, looking in disbelief at the alienated human who was pinned to the ground without even struggling.

Even Shuki Maki was in a bit of disbelief. This was the first example other than Ultraman of someone who had come into contact with Ketruf's energy but was not completely alienated.

You should know that even if you are contaminated by a small amount of abnormal energy, you will become a deep diver within one to two days as the abnormal energy spontaneously expands.

But Akutagawa Yuki had noticed someone following her four or five days ago. This had already exceeded the alienation time, and he could still maintain part of his human form.

"Gai Ying...Uncle Akutagawa..."

Maki Shuo sighed and said: "He should have been a deep diver a long time ago, but some kind of strong willpower caused the abnormal energy to be forcibly suppressed. This is the first time I have seen a strong will that can affect that guy's power. arrive."

Koshizaki fell silent and compared Uncle Akutagawa's recent whereabouts. He naturally knew what the source of that willpower was.

It is his daughter, Yuki Akutagawa, who is his deepest concern in this world.

"Is there really no chance?" Koshizaki asked unwillingly. He really didn't want to see Yuki Akutagawa lose her father like this, and he didn't want her to see her father's alienated appearance with her own eyes.

Maki Shuo shook his head and said: "Although I expelled the evil god from Albert's body, his consciousness has not been alienated. Akutagawa is different, his consciousness has been affected, and it is very likely that what he saves will be a vegetative state. .”

"But you have to try. What if you succeed? Uncle Akutagawa's will can resist the power of the evil god, and he will definitely wake up."

Yue Qilang said stubbornly. He has never been so deeply aware of the influence of abnormal energy. When he encounters other people being alienated, he will feel sympathy and anger, but he has no tangible feelings.

Once someone you know well is affected, the feeling becomes extremely clear. Maki Shuo sighed and said, "Then let's give it a try."

Koshizaki took out the spark prism and pressed it on his chest. The wings partially spread out and spread over his body, turning into a breastplate. The light spread throughout his body and turned into a body of silver, red and blue.

The tall figure raised his hands in front of the colorful timer, his palms filled with hazy mist-like light, and pushed towards the figure below.

The light gradually expanded its range after leaving the palm of his hand and shining downward, covering his entire body.

The soft light particles purified all the abnormal energy in him that had been suppressed by willpower, turning it into a puff of black smoke.

But that's the limit. Molokmu Purification can only purify the abnormal energy and influence on the opponent, but it cannot restore the fundamentally changed body tissues.

He raised his right hand again to his forehead, which was partially covered with shadow crystal. The golden light gathered in his palm and was about to turn into a beam and shoot towards Akutagawa.

Several blue-gray destructive light bombs were fired one after another, exploding bright sparks on Gai Ying's back, and the cell conversion beam that was about to be launched was also forcibly interrupted.

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