Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 306 The Eternally Hungry Monster

"So, you went back to the past?"

Maki Zhong was slightly stunned. As early as 30 million years ago, he was taken to the future by the world of time and space and saw Maki Shuo at that time.

"No matter how many times I see it, I still feel that this kind of technology is simply incomprehensible. If Hikari were here, maybe he would be very interested."

Nemoto Tianming lamented that Charlie's time travel device, at least on the surface, seemed to be a technological creation, surpassing the Kingdom of Light by an unknown amount.

Rō Koshizaki sighed as he recalled Kazuya Akutagawa who looked much younger. If the other party really listened to his advice and didn't continue to study the energy source, maybe he wouldn't be where he is today.

But since the Deep Diver chose to transform him, does it mean that his research on alienated energy really threatens the Deep Diver?

In the sky, a black meteor flashed past and was caught in the corner of his eye. Yue Qilang was stunned, how could there be a black meteor in the world.

But when he looked again, there was only a blue sky and white sun, and there were no shooting stars. .

In a dark universe, a spaceship sailed towards a black sphere that was approaching at extremely fast speeds. The golden ring-shaped light wave was emitted from the front end of the spaceship and disappeared the moment it hit the black sphere.

There was no explosion, no burst of energy, it just disappeared out of thin air.

"Damn it, why would a monster appear in the garbage dump?"

A spaceman with a round head, covered by huge yellow circles on the left and right sides, cursed in the universal language of the universe.

"Perhaps some of the garbage still contains some energy, so it attracted him."

Another cosmonaut who looked exactly like him answered casually, and at the same time steered the spaceship to deflect quickly, passing by the black sphere.

At the moment when the distance was close, in the sight of the spaceman, a huge mouth and a monster with a faint golden light shining all over were clearly visible.

The light waves they launched before were not resisted or avoided, but swallowed by this monster.

"What should we do? The spaceship is seriously damaged and this guy is flying faster than us." The spaceman on the left said.

"Continue to attack, I don't believe this guy's appetite is big enough to swallow all our energy reserves."

Looking at the monster that was turning around and chasing after him, golden light waves were emitted again from behind the disc-shaped spaceship. The monster still opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the comers without hesitation.

"What are the results of the detector?"

While maneuvering the spaceship to avoid the collision of monsters, he spoke without looking back. The cosmonaut on the other side sounded as if he had seen a ghost, but his face could not express such a rich expression, he just said in horror.

"What is this? There is... a black hole in that guy's body?"

He looked at the display of the detector in disbelief, suddenly turned his head and said hastily: "Don't waste energy, run away, this guy's stomach is not full."

The other cosmonaut quickly changed direction and flew towards the nearest living planet according to the marks on the star map.

Their damaged spaceship is no longer enough to fly back to their home planet. The planet in front of them, labeled "Earth", is their only hope.

"The unknown spacecraft is rapidly approaching the earth."

The mechanical alarm sounded, and the originally peaceful room quickly became noisy. Orders were issued one after another, and the people coming and going seemed chaotic, but in order.

"Immediately determine the opponent's spaceship model and compare it with the database."

"Send a signal and ask where the other person is."

"Mobilize attack satellites and be ready to destroy the spacecraft at any time."

The person wearing a dark blue EPU uniform next to him adjusted the movements of the artificial satellite for a moment, and said with some worry: "Captain, last time the spacemen attacked in front, we used force rashly..."

The middle-aged man with a resolute face shook his head and said: "Before paying attention to the people in space, I must first be responsible for the earth behind me. I am the captain of the Space Defense Force, and I bear all responsibilities."

"Unknown life forms are approaching the earth at an extremely fast speed."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mechanical beep sounded again.

"Damn it, why is there another one, bringing the picture in?"

The person sitting in front of the computer responded quickly and projected the second image of the unknown life form detected on the screen.

A monster like a meteorite, wrapped in black energy, followed closely behind the spaceship and landed on the earth together.

No, it was more like a fall than a landing. The monster had no intention of slowing down, and it quickly hit the earth.

"Captain, the other party replied, using the universal language of the universe."

The screen quickly divided an area and translated the reply in the universal language.

"Are the victims in the universe forced to land on Earth? Change the attack target to launch the monsters chasing after you."

The satellite in outer space turned its muzzle under control, and dozens of red and blue beams were fired from all directions, hitting the monsters wrapped in black energy one after another.

"Attack Satellite No. 1 hit."

"Attack Satellite No. 2 hit."

"No. 3..."

The captain did not listen to the continuous reports, but stared at the screen. The moment before the beam hit it, the monster opened its mouth and all the beams were included in it.

"Didn't hit...but...were you eaten?"

He frowned tightly, turned around and said: "Continue to attack, avoid the position of the monster's head as much as possible, determine where the monster fell, and send a warning to the local EPU branch."

In the Japanese branch, in the combat command room, a rapid siren sounded. Kyoko Imoto put on her headphones and after a brief exchange, she quickly released the information delivered by the Space Defense Force.

"An unknown alien from space was chased to Earth by a monster?"

Harada Hiroki was stunned and complained: "Is this what Chinese people say about diverting misfortune to the east? He was attacked and we were attacked together."

"Now is not the time to pay attention to the cosmonauts. Move out immediately and move the monster's falling position as far as possible to avoid causing too many casualties."

Fujii Takihiko raised the communicator and took a look, then forwarded the information about the monster's appearance to the communicator of the person noted as Nemoto Amei at the top of the contact list.

Nemoto Tianming, who was sitting in Koshizaki Rō's home, took out his communicator, clicked on the forwarded message, and frowned at the picture of the monster.

"Ula? Black Ula?"

Maki Nakaya glanced sideways, then shook his head and said nothing. Yue Qilang said with great interest.

"What Ula?"

Gen Tianming said uncertainly: "Hmm... a monster born from garbage?"

Koshizaki was stunned for a moment, glanced at the picture, and then at Nemoto Tianming, then came back to his senses and complained: "I feel that no matter what turns into a monster, it can't surprise me anymore."

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