Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 321 The Five Emperors of Nao

Gai Ying was not too eager. The setting did say that Dyna's Solget beam would also be resisted by Neo Gaigared's surface defense, but Ultraman's power was never static.

According to the setting, Rostim's light when it first appeared was unable to break through Neogaigared's defense, but what about now?

He quickly retreated, and distanced himself from Tiga one after another. Zaipellio's light and Rosim's light were launched at the same time after a short period of energy accumulation.

Neogaigared quickly deployed the subspace barrier, and the Zepeli'ao light, which had dealt with countless enemies, failed to break through its defense.

But Tiga is still releasing light continuously, as if he is still unwilling to increase the output to break through the subspace barrier.

The shadow behind him slowed down a step, but the full-strength Rostium light fell on Neogaigared's back without any hindrance. After only a brief stalemate, the scorching heat and destructive power broke through his body surface. open. ..

The subspace shield that resisted Zaperi'o's light lost its hold and disappeared, and the light from the front and back hit Neogaigared's body one after another.

The white and golden light around it alternately lit up, and then fell heavily to the ground. Neither Gai Ying nor Diga looked at the explosion that shot hundreds of meters into the sky, but turned to look at Blitzblotz.

Gai Ying lowered his head and glanced at his chest. His color timer had turned into a flashing red light. Diga was in slightly better condition than him.

Gaia and Aguru took a few steps back, and the four Austrians lined up in four directions, surrounding Blitzblotz in the center.

Gai Ying spread his arms and quickly rose into the air, arriving directly above Blitzblotz. Gaia Aguru and Tiga also shifted their positions, forming a triangle to close the distance.

Blitzblotz's thought of spreading his wings and leaving the ground was quickly extinguished, and he looked left and right at the three Ultramen who were about to surround him.

The twelve fighter planes in the air converged toward the center in three directions, and red lasers were fired one after another, but they were blocked by Blitzblotz's hard surface.

Gaia quickly formed an L-shape with her arms, and emitted a faint light, with a slight hazy feeling. Blitzblotz's chest opened, and the red gem-like organ was revealed for the first time.

Gaia's light was easily swallowed up by it. Blitzblotz raised his arms, and two red light bullets flew towards Gaia, which was emitting light.

Gai Ying quickly raised his arms in mid-air, and two light blades rushed forward, intercepting him on the way. Tiga and Aguru accumulated energy one after another, and the white and blue light hit Blitzblotz's arms at the same time.

Blitzblotz's body was covered with electric current, and the absorption organ had reached the limit it could bear. He only stayed stiff for a few seconds before exploding, and the fire engulfed even Siao.

"Did you win...?"

"Win, Ultraman wins!"

Chaotic and excited cheers rang out, and Gai Ying slowly landed on the ground and nodded to the cheering crowd.

On the rooftop a little further away, three people standing side by side looked at the city after the ravage. The red ball in the hand of the person in the center lit up slightly.

Galula, Zorga, Kipbu, Blitzblotz, Naogegared.

The translucent enemies slowly floated up and converged towards the center in mid-air. The powerful energy fluctuations caused the four Ultra Warriors to divert their attention.

The flying bird on the ground was stunned. His light energy, which had always been suppressed, became active again, which meant that he could transform.

He raised the Flash Sword for the second time and transformed into Ultraman Dyna in the light rising into the sky.

The five Ultra Warriors stood on the ground, looking up at the monster souls that merged into one, and a voice sounded in their consciousness at the same time.

"Come on, this is your last enemy. Defeat the Five Emperors of Nao, and everything will be over."

The brand new monster fell from the sky, with the black wings of Zorga and Blitzblotz behind it, Garula's head, Kipbu's left arm, and Neogaigared's right arm.

Blitzbloz's absorption organ can be vaguely seen between the opening and closing of the armor on the chest, and Neogaigared's horns can also be clearly seen on the head.

"Deal with him as quickly as possible and the crisis in this world will be over. Use the fusion light."

Yue Qilang conveyed the message, and the other Ao nodded at the same time. Five rays of light that accumulated a large amount of light energy gathered in front, and the red, blue, white, and gold spiral rays of light hit the chest of the five emperors of Nao who had just landed.

The red and pink light flashed away at the point where the light fell, and Wuao stopped the light emission at the same time.

The terrifying fusion light did not cause any harm to the opponent, not even leaving any cracks or melting marks on the body surface.

"Are you kidding me? You managed to catch the fusion rays of five Ultra Warriors with your body's defense?"

"Unexpectedly... no harm was done at all?"

"Damn it, how on earth can we defeat such a monster?"

Countless voices filled with disbelief and despair sounded one after another, and only five Ultra Warriors once again put their fighting stances into action.

But then, their colored timers began to flash one after another, indicating that their condition was not as good as it seemed.

"What's going on with this guy? The previous five combined can't resist such a light attack."

The old man in military uniform murmured, with a hint of trembling in his tone. When the most powerful attacks are ineffective, how can you defeat that guy?

"No, it's not relying on surface defense. That guy probably superimposed Kipbu's electromagnetic shield and Neogaigared's subspace barrier, which greatly reduced the power of the light."

The young man who was flipping through the settings beside him replied without looking back, and quickly turned to the next page, looking for possible weaknesses.

"It seems... none of them have any long-range light that is lethal enough?"

But this is not a weakness that is enough to defeat the opponent. The biggest problem is always the opponent's terrifying defense.

The twelve fighter planes gathered together again, opened their bellies, and twenty-four missiles hit the entire body of the Five Emperors of Neo with a winding smoke trajectory.

The small explosions that rose up one after another were completely ignored by the opponent. It looked up to the sky and roared, and red and purple light bombs were fired towards Wuao one after another along with the red beam.

The flames of the explosion quickly covered the five huge bodies. Wrapped in the red light and black smoke, Wuao stretched out his arms and rushed out.

The light blades and light bullets fired one after another hit the body of the Five Emperors of Nao, and were blocked by the electromagnetic shield covering the whole body.

"Who designed this monster? Why is it so outrageous?" Dyna, who had most of his body burnt black, couldn't help but convey his thoughts. At this time, he couldn't see what an Ultra Warrior should look like at all. He looked like a man who had crawled out of the ground. Coal digger.

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