"There is a strong energy reaction in the outer space above Japan." Dunzi turned his head and looked at the commander of the stone room. "The energy reaction is second only to Zolim who appeared not long ago."

"Turn the screen over." Staff Officer Chiba sat up straight and looked at the screen with a worried expression.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zolim is the biggest crisis they have encountered so far. If Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Agur hadn't revealed their new forms, I'm afraid humanity would have perished long ago.

I Meng also looked at the screen. Along with Dunzi's transmission, two huge figures fighting each other appeared on the screen.

"That's...Ultraman?" Commander Stone Chamber blurted out. Although the silver figure was different from Gaea Agur, the blue light on his chest and milky white eyes clearly proved the other person's identity. .

My dream opened my mouth in astonishment. Not long ago, he had met Gai Ying in Xiao Mian's world, but he didn't expect to see him again in his own world.

"Is it senior?"

He whispered silently in his heart, watching the silver shadow of the golden giant with horns escape again on the screen. Although the color of the body changed to pure silver, there was no mistaking that look.

"That's Ultraman?"

Qiaoji blurted out that the familiar colored timer was so iconic.

"The new Ultraman." Staff Officer Chiba spoke immediately, and then became a little confused, "Is the person fighting him... also Ultraman?"

"No, absolutely not." Wo Meng blurted out. Having fought side by side several times, he knew Gai Ying very well, and he would never do anything to the Justice Ultra Warriors who were also his comrades.

Commander Shishi glanced at my dream and did not raise any questions, but continued to turn his head to look at the battle that was still going on.

Wo Meng suddenly spoke: "Dunzi, zoom in on the Ultraman who just appeared."

Dunzi nodded, and the screen was quickly enlarged. My Meng's sight immediately captured the wound on Gai Ying's right waist that was constantly scattering light particles. He quickly turned to the commander of the stone room and said.

"Commander, I need to confirm something."

Commander Shishi clasped his hands behind his back and said without looking back: "Go ahead if you want to confirm anything. Remember to report to me when you come back."

Seeing my dream's reaction, he probably determined that this strange Ultra Warrior might be acquainted with my dream. But as long as my dream's identity is not exposed to xig for a day, his personal trust cannot be used as evidence.

I Meng bent down and bowed, and then ran out quickly.

"What did I do in my dream?" Dunzi asked Qiao Ji sideways in a low voice.

"Who knows, maybe I have discovered something new." Qiao Ji stared at the screen in front of her, looking like she was working hard.

Dunzi glanced back strangely, and then caught the gaze of Staff Officer Chiba. After being stiff for a moment, she quickly turned around and pretended to be concentrating on her work.

But as soon as her eyes fell on the screen, a red figure appeared on the screen. Dunzi blurted out with some joy.

"Gaia! It's Ultraman Gaia."

Gai Ying crossed his arms and waved downwards. He was pushed back a few meters by the red bull-head-shaped totem. Suddenly he noticed a familiar wave of light energy appearing below and turned his head subconsciously.

"My dream?"

The familiar voice was introduced into the consciousness along with the fluctuation of telepathy. Gaia floated beside Gai Ying and replied through telepathy. M..


Gai Ying nodded, drew an imaginary circle with his right hand and pushed towards the center. The silver beam blocked Diavolo who was coming towards him again.

Gaia Yaping raised his arms, bent down and put his arms together in front of him. Countless red particles converged towards his head, and a red beam of light was emitted from the top of his head.

Just before the photon ice blade was about to hit, the golden transmission channel opened, and Tartarus spread out his dark gold energy barrier with his arms, blocking the red beam.

"I won't let you hinder the kingdom's plan, Ultraman Gee. But our decisive battle won't be today, let's go, Diavolo."

Diablo's eyes were fixed on the shadow opposite him, like an angry bull. But when he saw Tartarus beside him, he suppressed his anger and followed Tartarus into Narak and disappeared.

Watching the two golden giants disappear in front of him, Gai Ying pressed his chest. With his waist injured, his energy consumption was much faster than normal, and he was unable to dodge all of Diavolo's continuous collisions.

After a brief period of recovery, Gai Ying took the lead in canceling his transformation, and his body turned into countless silver particles and dissipated. Only a blurry stream of light fell to the ground in a flash.

Gaia also released her transformation and transformed into Gaoshan Gamu on the ground. As soon as he gathered his body, he quickly stepped forward and supported Maki Shuo, who was pressing his chest.

"Senior, you..."

I opened my mouth in Meng, with countless questions popping up in my mind, but seeing Maki Shuo's pale face, I still swallowed them all back in my stomach.

"Senior, follow me back to xig for treatment."

Maki Shuo nodded. Bearing Diavolo's impact head-on was no less painful than an ordinary person's being hit head-on by a bull.

It's just that his physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary humans, and the real injuries are not as serious as the pain he feels.

The injury to his waist in Ultraman's posture was not carried to his human body, but the long-term loss of "blood" still left him in a weak state of excessive blood loss.

I dreamed of turning on the Navi communicator, and after a short wait, I connected to the commander of the stone room. After reporting the situation concisely and clearly, I stopped where I was and waited.

After a brief inspection at the air base, Maki Shuo's condition was just as my dream judged. He showed excessive blood loss, but no wounds could be found on his body.

Other than that, there were only some minor bone fractures in the chest, but it was not a major injury to Maki Shuo. He turned to look at the rolling sea of ​​clouds outside the window and sighed.

After experiencing so many worlds, this is the only defense force whose base is in the sky. There was a soft "click" sound, the door of the room opened, and the commander of the stone room walked in.

"How is Mr. Maki's injury?"

Commander Shishi said as he sat next to Maki Shuo and spoke in a relaxed tone. After watching my dream leave with my own eyes, Gaia appeared on the battlefield.

And after I came back from the dream, I brought back this slightly injured person. No matter what kind of energy he used, this stranger only got the result of "no such person found".

Paired with the enlarged picture of the new Ultraman's waist wound, and Maki Shuki's symptoms of excessive blood loss. He was almost certain that the person in front of him was an Ultra warrior from outside the earth.

"An injury of this degree is nothing serious."

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