Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 400 Yanshan

"I dream, if you go home, there is no need to take Fujimiya and me with you." Maki Shuu sat in the passenger seat and said to me, who was driving next to me. ..

"I specifically explained the situation to the commander. There is a large mountain forest near my home that can be used as a special training location. You can also come back to visit your parents." I looked at the road ahead without looking back, sweat beads on my forehead. .

I don't know why, but as we got closer and closer to his home, the temperature gradually began to rise.

"Why is it so hot at this time?" Maki Shuo glanced out the window. The vegetation was still lush and green, and it did not look yellow due to the high temperature.

Fujimiya frowned, but apart from the temperature rising a few degrees, there seemed to be no other abnormalities, so he could only temporarily put aside his doubts.

The orderly buildings gradually approached, and the speed of the car gradually slowed down. Until they stopped completely in front of a house, the three of them opened the car doors and got out of the car one after another.

"Dream?" the middle-aged woman sitting in front of the door called out. She said she was middle-aged, but she looked much younger than her age.

"Mom." I smiled and ran two steps forward to meet her. Then I raised my hand and said behind me, "This is Shuki Maki and Hirano Fujimiya. They are both friends who have helped me a lot in my work."

Takayama Shigemei glanced at my dream with some reproach: "You didn't tell me in advance when you brought your friend home, and there was nothing prepared at home."

Zhen Mu Shuo smiled and stepped forward and said: "It doesn't matter, we are just going home with my dream, so I won't bother you."

"Is it true that you came back this time because you have work?" Gao Shan Shigemei looked at the XIG uniform that I Meng was wearing, feeling slightly worried.

This is not the first time that monsters have appeared in people's sight. She knows very well what type of work xig does.

"It's just some investigation work, there won't be any danger." I Meng smiled and comforted.

There was indeed a temperature anomaly in this area, but it increased extremely slowly. I only returned here in the name of investigation after using radar scanning to get no results.

The special training will be conducted after the investigation results are reported to the headquarters. Although the time is a bit tight, the commander should turn a blind eye...right?

"Where's dad?" I Meng looked inside the house, but didn't see his father. Takayama Shigemei smiled.

"He went to the mountains. Life was very inconvenient for the people living there. He always used to go and see."

I Meng nodded and was about to say something more when Zhen Mu Shuo pulled him back. I Meng was about to speak, but when I saw Maki Shuo's serious expression, I could only wave my hand and said.

"Sorry mom, I still have work to do. I'll see you when I get back."

"No, I dream, you should inform nearby people to evacuate as soon as possible." Maki Shuo stared at the mountains in the distance, the surrounding temperature was still rising slowly but steadily.

"Could it be that... the temperature rise is because of the monsters?" Wo Meng gritted his teeth and quickly took out his communicator to connect to the air base.

"Commander, the source of the heat may be the enemy, and nearby people need to be evacuated."

"Is that so? I understand. You continue to investigate and I will send an evacuation notice to that area."

I Meng breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Maki Shuo and Fujimiya who had already walked away, and hurriedly chased after him: "Senior, what exactly is this..."

Maki Shuo said in surprise: "Don't you remember the settings you saw in Xiao Mian's world before?"

I Meng scratched his head and said, "Except for seniors and Dagu and the others, other parts of my memory have become blurry since I came back here, and I can't recall them."

Fujimiya also nodded, still maintaining an expressionless expression, with a feeling of keeping strangers away.

"It's Yanshan. It's widely speculated to be a huge machine built to reset the earth's environment. It was built to prevent the earth from falling into an ice age, just like the heaven you have seen before."

"Then the other party may have used metal on the surface that is enough to isolate the radar, so it was not detected by xig's radar detection." I Meng tried to explain while looking left and right.

The three of them, led by Maki Shuo, walked along the rugged dirt road towards the mountains.

"Perhaps, but being able to block radar does not mean being able to block Ultra telekinesis. After recalling this plot, I used telekinesis to bring all these mountains into the detection range."

Zhen Mu Shuo pointed at the vertical rock wall in front of him, but as soon as he stretched out his finger, the ground began to shake violently.

"Senior, isn't this a function of Ultra Telepathy?" I dreamed that I spread my legs farther apart and lowered my center of gravity to stand still.

"...I can do it, but it's not me." The corners of Maki Shuo's mouth twitched, but he still bent down to stabilize his balance.

Not only did the vibrations not subside, but they became more intense. The stone wall in front of him cracked, and countless rubbles fell into the woods with a loud collision.

Among the broken rock walls of the mountain, a red word "Yan" can be seen gradually emerging. The temperature that was rising steadily suddenly soared like a rocket, and the air was distorted by the scorching heat.

Looking around, the vegetation covering the surrounding area is a bit more yellow and curled than outside. The distance is so close and the temperature is so high that it is simply not an environment in which humans can survive normally.

Under this situation, the water in the body is losing at an incredible speed every moment, and even the bodies of Ga Meng and Fujimiya are a little unbearable.

But when I thought of my father who was still on the mountain, the pace of my dream subconsciously accelerated. But after running a few steps, a stronger vibration came from under my feet.

The mountain cracked, and a huge metal creation was completely revealed in front of it. The forest around it was already ablaze with blazing flames, and the dried branches and leaves were easily ignited under the high temperature.

I just took a step forward and couldn't steady myself in time. I stumbled and fell forward. Zhen Mu Shuo quickly reached out and grabbed my dream's wrist, and then said.

"You go rescue your father and leave Yanshan to us."

Fujimiya also nodded and said: "Go, my dream. We will deal with this guy."

I stood up straight in my dream, didn't care to say thank you, and ran towards the mountain without looking back. Maki Shuu reached out to touch the spark prism on her chest, but was stopped by Fujimiya.

"Senior, leave it to me. You conserve your strength to deal with the Absolutes who may appear at any time."

Maki Shuo hesitated for a moment, recalling the wounds caused by the Ampera Blade, and finally nodded. Fujinomiya took two steps forward and raised his arm. The sapphire bracelet was turned upside down and unfolded, and blue light shot into the sky.

The light gradually dissipated, and the blue giant appeared opposite Yanshan. He stepped back diagonally and raised his hand to point at the changing Yanshan opposite.

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