Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 402: Support from Team Lightning

Feeling Gaia's light energy appear, Gai Ying was completely relieved. Diavolo's strength is even inferior to Tartarus. Gaia and Aguru are both in v2 form, even if they can't take advantage, they will definitely not suffer any losses.

"Stop it, Tartarus, and return the Ultra Warrior doll."

"You are indeed a trouble, Gai Ying. But just like that, it's not enough!"

Even though the current situation does not favor Tartarus, his tone is still calm, and his fighting style even has a bit of elegance. Despite this, Gai Ying did not dare to underestimate the golden giant in front of him.

There are countless huge races in the universe that can rely on their own strength to span the universe. But not every life form with a huge figure can possess such power.

Just like the gap between the battle-hardened Ultra Brothers and ordinary cosmic people, when you face any of the Ultra Brothers and get into a tough fight, there are still hundreds of such opponents waiting for you.

And if there are two such powerful life forms in the Absolute clan, who can guarantee that there won't be more enemies behind them?

If another one jumps out at this time, it doesn't need to be as powerful as Tartarus. Even if it is about the same strength as Diavolo, it will definitely not be something that the current Gaia and Aguru can handle.

Until then, the only hope is whether the earth can fully support the light it was born in the face of invaders.

"Absolute destruction!"

The terrifying golden current centered on Tartarus and spread to all sides. It looked like the red current released not long ago by the downed Yanshan Mountain next to it.

But the power of the two currents is completely different. If the red current is just a barbecue fire, the current in Tartarus is a hot star.

Absolute Destruction did not form a dark golden torrent of energy or countless balls of light like what Tartarus had released in the past. Instead, it surrounded the shadow in the form of thunder and lightning, quickly converging toward the center.

The silver light on the cover's body shines brightly, colliding with the golden lightning surrounding it.

A violent wind that was countless times stronger than before swept over, and even Diavolo, who was repelled by Gaia and Aguru together, turned his head in shock.

Even though he had learned about Gai Ying's strength from Tartarus, Gai Ying's dodge-based fighting style last time made him subconsciously feel a little contemptuous.

But this enemy he despised forced Tartarus to release his energy with all his strength, but he still failed to defeat him.

Even Gaia and Aguru did not take advantage of this perfect opportunity to pursue the victory, but stared blankly at the center of the violent energy storm.

Different from weak fighting or light collision scenes, real energy collision will only be more terrifying.

The "whooshing" wind contains extremely unstable energy after the collision, which explodes on the first thing they hit, bringing an unprecedented "energy rain" to this continuous mountain. .

The dense and rapid explosions were deafening. Giant trees that had grown for countless years were blown to pieces, and countless dead leaves with sparks were swept up into the air.

Gaia and Aguru held up the Ultra Barrier at the same time, and the same continuous explosions sounded on the Ultra Barrier. Diavolo, relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, just crossed his arms to cover his head.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that the explosion that resounded in the sky gradually subsided. Only part of the withered and yellow valley was completely reduced to scorched earth. Only scattered tree stumps still had burning flames. The fractures were jagged and clearly destroyed by violence. evidence of.

Not to mention the vibrant greenery, at a glance, no living things can be seen on the mountain now, which is in sharp contrast to the lush vegetation not long ago.

"What a terrible battle." Gaia sighed with lingering fear. If it weren't for the constraints of the vast terrain that caused most of the energy to rush up into the sky with the strong wind, I am afraid that everything within a few kilometers would have been razed to the ground.

Although there was nothing unusual about Aguru on the surface, his heart felt like everything was turned upside down. Although the pressure brought by Zolim's huge body was greater, the damage caused was not as good as the Geying and Tartarus in the battle.

This is the first time that they have seen the individual power displayed in front of them in such an intuitive way. What does defeating Zolim mean in comparison?

"If you are distracted during the battle, you are not a qualified warrior at all."

Accompanied by the roar, the golden figure rushed out of the black smoke and knocked Gaia and Aguru back dozens of steps after the Ultra barrier had just been lifted. Diavolo hit the two Ultra's abdomens with two fists, completely forgetting the last moment. He was the first to lose his mind.

Gaia's back hit the devastated mountain hard, and she bent over in pain, pressing her abdomen. Aguru barely held up his body, and swung a blue light blade out of his right hand towards the charging Diavolo.

Not to mention blocking Diavolo, that insignificant little light blade was smashed into pieces by the golden body before he could even take a look at it.

"We will lose if we continue like this, my dream. We must stand up."

Fujimiya's familiar voice sounded in his consciousness, and Gaia forced herself to raise her arms, barely holding Diavolo's left fist with both hands.

The power from that fist made Gaia barely stop him. All the strength of his arms exploded at this moment, trying hard to resist the huge fist that kept approaching.

Aguru was not much better. Having fought Yanshan first, his chest was already the first to light up with a flashing red light, which meant that he did not have much time to maintain his transformation.

Although stepping on the earth can obtain the energy supply of the earth, his physical exertion and injuries still cannot be recovered quickly.

The arms of Gaia and Aguru lit up at the same time, and the surge of power under the blessing of light energy actually pushed Diavolo's fist back a little.

But soon, Diavolo raised his right knee and hit Agururu hard in the abdomen. The severe pain instantly interfered with his control of light energy. The light in Aguru's arms went out, and he struggled to support the pressing fist.

Gaia's eyes caught three fighter planes speeding towards the sky, and some hope arose in her heart.

As long as XIG's fighter aircraft can interfere with Diavolo for just a moment, he can seize the opportunity to break free.

Continuous red lasers hit Diavolo's back, causing no real damage except for scattering sparks.

"Commander, the current weapons alone cannot harm him." Captain Kajio glanced sideways at the battlefield below and reported through gritted teeth.

"Aiming at the golden giant's face and using humiliating attacks may divert his attention, but you..."

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