Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 407: Helpless

"Although it is called the ultimate life form, the level of life does not seem to change IQ." In the air base, Fujimiya thought about Diavolo's performance and said with a somewhat complicated mood.

Before that, he still had a certain degree of curiosity about the ultimate life form. Even the power of Tartarus that surpassed his and my dreams did not live up to his expectations.

But Diavolo's giving up on the winning battle because of a trivial anger not only lowered the level of the entire ultimate life form, but also proved with facts that evolution does not necessarily change the established fact that there is no brain. .

"You still can't underestimate Absolut. With two such powerful combatants, they might become one huge race."

Maki Shuo looked at the known information about Tartarus and Diavolo recorded on the screen, and pressed his temple with a headache.

Although Diavolo is not as powerful as Tartarus, he is by no means an opponent that can be defeated in a short time. Coupled with the elusive golden portal, it is almost invincible.

The other side can leave at any time, but they cannot give up this earth and the humans on it. In other words, this is the most typical "monk can escape but cannot escape the temple".

"What if we can find a way to block Tartarus' ability to travel through time and space?" I dreamed about it after thinking seriously for a moment.

Maki Shuo shook his head and said: "It is very difficult to do. Not to mention the difficulty of space solidification technology, even if it is really done, it will not be able to cover the entire earth."

"Chaotic energy fluctuations can indeed interfere with space capabilities to a certain extent, but we cannot keep energy fluctuations spreading throughout the entire earth."

I Meng was silent for a moment, and finally nodded unwillingly. Indeed, even if the space blockade in a certain area is achieved, Tartarus cannot be introduced into it.

If the other party's goal is really the huge energy of the earth itself, can they really put the entire earth into a space blockade?

There was the Origin Death Body before, and there was the Absolute clan later. The almost unique and huge energy reserve was not only an opportunity to give birth to Ultra Warriors, but also the source of disasters that countless life forms coveted.

Both Meng and Fujimiya fell silent, feeling a little helpless for a moment. So far, except for Zolim and Renlong, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they can always find a way to defeat it.

But facing Tartarus, who was stronger than them and could advance and retreat freely, they could not do anything even if they worked together.

"If I can reach the supreme form mentioned in the setting now..." I Meng clenched his fists and spoke unwillingly.

Although he has not experienced it personally and has no idea what extent the power of the supreme form reaches, he will definitely not be as powerless as he is now.

Maki Shuo raised her hand and patted his shoulder to comfort him: "It's not your fault. I also failed to solve Tartarus."

Facing Tartarus, who was almost evenly matched, it was difficult for him to spare the energy to help Gamu and Fujinomiya deal with Diavolo.

The Tian Ji horse racing that he had heard about in ancient China did not apply here either. Gaia and Agur in v2 form may not be able to stop Tartarus before he can deal with Diavolo.

Unless one of them suddenly increases in strength, or Tartarus voluntarily gives up the ability to travel through time and space, Shuo Maki can't think of any way to solve the current situation once and for all.

Looking at Fujimiya and Gao Meng who were thinking hard, Maki Shuo smiled and changed the subject first: "It seems that this special training has been ruined, but what is supposed to come will always come, so don't complain when the time comes."

Fujimiya nodded and said nothing, maintaining his usual aloofness. My dream nodded vigorously, not only not worried, but even looking forward to it.

Maki Shuo thought for a while and said consciously or unconsciously: "I trained Sero not long ago, but I have been training for almost a thousand years."

Fujimiya and I dreamed of looking at each other, both seeing the difficulty in accepting it on each other's faces. For them, who had only lived for about twenty years, the span of a thousand years was really unimaginable. ..

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of the two people, Maki Shuo turned around and walked out of the room, turning towards the command room.

"Mr. Maki."

Maki Shuo, who had just turned around, was stunned for a moment, then turned around, and the three people walked towards him in a Zigzag position, just like the fighter planes they were flying.

"Captain Kajio, what's the matter?"

Kajio hesitated for a moment and then said: "I heard from the commander that you are an expert in studying monsters and aliens."

Maki Shuo was stunned for a moment before he remembered that in order to stay in the sky base, Commander Shishi had indeed arranged an identity for him. But for someone like him who knows nothing about technology, apart from being a combatant, it seems that he can only be assigned the identity of a monster expert.

"Ah... yes, what's the matter?" Zhen Mu Shuo said as he patted his forehead.

Kajio, Kitada, and Ohgahara looked at each other, and the same question arose in their hearts: Is this so-called monster expert really reliable?

After hesitating for a moment, Kajio still opened his mouth with the strange mentality that he didn't need any money anyway, so he would just ask.

"We would like to ask if there are any better ways to improve our fighting methods for different aliens or monsters."

Maki Shuo thought about it for a while. Whether he had seen it in the settings or experienced it in battle, different enemies had various fighting methods and weaknesses, and it was impossible to pick out a single tactic that could be used universally.

If there is one thing to say...that is to fight all the way through with absolute crushing strength.

"When you ask me to arrange tactical improvement methods, you must give me a predetermined goal."

Kajio was silent for a moment before saying, "It's the giant with golden horns."

Maki Shuo's inner thoughts were choked in his throat before he could spit them out. It was a problem that the three Ultramen couldn't solve despite their hard thinking. Now you want me to arrange a battle plan with XIG's strength?

Seeing Shuki Maki fall into silence, Kajio sighed secretly, but did not show any disappointment. He just nodded and said "I understand." Then he walked around Shuki Maki and moved forward.

Maki Shuo did not hide her helplessness, and opened the room assigned to herself with a long sigh. The lights turned on automatically, and Maki Shuo walked into the counter, unpacked a pack of instant coffee and poured it into a cup.

He was not in the mood to grind it carefully by himself now. He was still thinking about countermeasures while brewing. Even boiling hot water spilled on his hands could not wake up Zhen Mu Shuo.

Under the bright light, streaks of white steam floated up. Zhen Mu Shuo stared directly at the source of the light without being affected at all.

As long as the Ultra Warriors don't give up taking care of the entire universe's business, this battle will never stop.

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