Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 416 The Path of the Ancestors

Maki Shuo did not leave Xiu Zuo's home, but notified the commander of the stone room, asking xg to be ready to attack at any time. Then he sat by the bed and watched Xiu Zuo fall asleep.

This is the method he proposed himself. He no longer relies on Ida Jinglong to have a good sleep, but enters the dreamland to talk face to face with his ancestors.

Maki Shukaku was noncommittal about this, but he didn't think that Devil Onijuro would change his mind and give up his desire to build his own kingdom if he really talked to his descendants.

A familiar energy wave spread out from Shusaku's body. Maki Shui closed his eyes and enveloped his whole body with ultra-psychic power, and put his consciousness into the dream maintained by the demon Onijuro.

The purple sky exudes a strange light, and black viscous liquid condenses into clumps and floats scattered everywhere. The weird purple and black scenes together make up everything above the head.

The entire space of consciousness was filled with the energy of resentment, and Shuki Maki finally understood why Ida Iryu was in such a mess just to have a good night's sleep.

Fighting the demon Onijuro in such an environment is no different than a fish jumping on the ground to attack land creatures. It's amazing that Ida Iryu was able to escape safely.

The devil Onijuro was suspended in mid-air, and the weird laughter coming from nowhere kept echoing, but Shusaku stood there blankly, looking up at the sky with blank eyes.

"See? What can you do without the abilities I gave you? Give me your power, and together we will create a kingdom that belongs to us. You will have everything you want, and no one will ignore you. .”

"Really? If the spell you mentioned is really omnipotent, why did you die?" Maki Shuo's voice suddenly sounded, making Xiu Zuo's eyes a little more agile.

"Xiusuo should have his own life. He is a thoughtful, living person, not a puppet to achieve your goals."

Ida Iryu's sword appeared in Maki Shuu's hand, and he threw it in front of Shusaku. The blade trembled and buzzed, completely waking up Xiu Zuo who was almost unconscious.

" Is it an can anyone care about someone like me..."

Xiu Zuo murmured to himself, a feeling of sleepiness gradually rising, and his eyelids couldn't control their movements and were about to close completely. Vaguely, a dazzling light lit up in front of his eyes.

Xiu Zuo tried his best to open his eyes, and in a daze, a silver human figure gradually grew larger in front of his eyes, quickly occupying the entire field of vision.

"Ultraman..." This thought subconsciously arose in Shuzuo's mind, and then he completely lost consciousness. His body gradually floated into the air wrapped in purple energy, and passed in the direction of the devil Onijuro.

"Ultraman, who never appeared in the prophecy, are you going to stop me too?" Devil Onijuro turned around and looked directly at the giant of more than fifty meters, without any fear in his tone.

Although this Ultra Warrior did not appear in his original prediction, his confidence at this time was unprecedentedly expanded, and he did not feel at all that he might lose.

The rotten eyes were quickly repaired by the energy injected from Xiu Zuo's body. The monster with a huge one-eyed head raised its arms, and dozens of eyes were embedded in the dense blood vessel-like veins on its body.

What's even more unacceptable is that every eye in front of it is turning to look in the direction of Gai Ying, staring at the giant standing in front of it.

Gai Ying staggered his legs some distance and cautiously assumed a fighting stance. The surrounding environment did not provide him with any help, and the energy was always offset by the purple light of the devil Onijuro.

"Do you feel it? Ultraman, this is the space I created. There is no light you need." The laughter of Devil Onijuro came from all directions, and the purple mist quickly gathered and solidified into five pieces around Gai Ying. The same eyes.

Six exact monsters moved around Gai Ying at high speed. The red afterimage formed a perfect circle. Purple light bombs were fired one after another and exploded on Gai Ying.

The light that lingered on the surface of the body dimmed slightly for a moment and then returned to its original state. Gai Ying did not even make any defensive gestures. He crossed his arms in front of the colorful timer on his chest, and the silver light shined brightly, illuminating those within dozens of meters. The purple mist was driven away.

The eye, which was moving at high speed, quickly raised its hand to cover its single eye, but the eye on the arm moved rapidly under the strong light.

Before the bright light disappeared, a powerful and heavy punch landed on Yan's chest. The top-down force pushed the huge body to the ground, leaving behind a large body with the same shape. pit.

The flash of the timer completely dispersed all the energy-condensed phantoms. Only the eyes of the whole body could not see the body of the shadow under the strong light.

Yan, who was still trying to stand up, suddenly felt a terrifying pulling force coming from his legs, and then his tens of thousands of tons of body was overturned and fell hard to the ground.

In the battlefield he built, he gathered hundreds of years of resentment and controlled the huge beast like never before. But even though he had such a huge advantage, Yan was still crushed without any suspense.

"This is impossible, my spell will never fail!"

Eyes stood up staggeringly, turned around suddenly, and the four eyes on the limbs separated from the body to form four disc-shaped things, surrounding the shadow in the center.

Purple light shone at Gai Ying from four directions, shrouding him in it. Weird energy fluctuations continued to disrupt his own light energy, and severe dizziness came in waves.

Gai Ying pressed his head with both hands, bent down in pain, and tried hard to control the energy-emitting light blade to shoot down the four discs. The light blade that barely flew out of his right hand fell into the air.

Shuzuo, who was suspended in mid-air, reluctantly opened his eyes. What he saw was the silhouette of his body curled up in pain and his eyes shining with four-color beams of light.

"Ultraman Maki?"

Recalling the light that bloomed in front of his eyes not long ago, Xiu Zuo had an idea in his mind that he himself found unbelievable.

But Gai Ying seemed unable to even stand still, and had no time to answer his doubts. Looking at Gai Ying struggling in pain, Xiu Zuo tried hard to concentrate on releasing his super power, but his power was already running low. His fingers lit up with a faint golden light, and then disappeared.

"Brother Maki!!"

Shuzuo struggled hard to escape from the shackles of the demon Onijuro, but without his superpowers, he was just an ordinary person. No matter how hard he tried to hold himself open, the purple light that controlled his body did not waver at all.

"Stop, I don't want to build any kingdom at all. I want to walk my own way!!!"

A faint golden light lit up in Xiu Zuo's hand, like a prairie fire, quickly extending to his whole body.

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