Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 421 Another Timeline

"An unknown giant appeared near the air base, and there was a signal response from the Falcons." Georgie turned her head and reported.

Commander Shishi frowned and turned to look at me who was standing aside: "The Falcons' fighter planes are still in the air base, right? How come the signal response appears outside?"...

"I don't know, Commander, the Falcons are still on standby." I Meng glanced at the communicator in my hand, and spoke with great certainty. There was no record of the hatch of the air base being opened. It was absolutely impossible for the Falcons to appear out of thin air. Outside.

"What about that giant? Like Agur, is he also an Ultraman?" Staff Officer Chiba couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe...I don't know." I Meng's tone was hesitant as he looked at the silver giant hovering in mid-air on the screen, inexplicably feeling a sense of familiarity that arose out of nowhere.

"Don't launch an attack for the time being. I Meng, you pilot the EX and see if you can try to contact the newly emerged giant." Commander Shishi turned his head to look at Dunzi and continued.

"Dunzi, try to call those three fighters by contacting the Falcons and see if you can get an answer..."

Before he finished speaking, the screen in front of Dunzi suddenly switched to the scene on the fighter plane: "Air base, this is Yoneda, the Falcon team is requesting to land."

"The air base has received it. Landing is allowed. Please follow the place where you land most often." There was silence for a moment on the other side, and then the voice of the commander of the stone room sounded.

Captain Yoneda looked left and right at Lin and Tsukamomo's fighter planes, and then said: "The Falcons understand and are preparing to land."

Gai Ying silently watched the three fighter planes flying towards the air base, but did not follow them. His telepathy had already covered the entire air base and captured my dream figure.

There is no energy fluctuation in my dream body in my perception, I am just an ordinary person. This is not the timeline of the Gaia world that he knows. In this timeline, there seems to be only Aguru, an Ultra warrior.

Maki Shuo's telepathy spread quickly, and it took only a moment to capture Fujimiya's figure. It is also different from the timeline that Maki Shukaku knows. The unusually huge energy far exceeds that of Fujimiya who has mastered the v2 form.

"Aguru...the highest form?"

This thought flashed past, Gai Ying crossed his arms and disappeared in a burst of silver light. The figure of Shuki Maki was condensed on the ground not far away. Opposite him was Fujimiya who unfolded his sapphire bracelet and stared at him closely.

"You are the giant just now, why did you come to Earth?"

"Fujimiya, no, Fujimiya in this world. I am Shukaku Maki, Ultraman Gaikage." Shukaku Maki stretched out his right hand and took the initiative to express friendship.

This is not the Fujimiya who calls him senpai and needs to receive special training from him. This is an Agur who has fought on his own until now and successfully possesses the power of the supreme form.

"What do you mean, Fujimiya in this world? A parallel world, or a different timeline?" Fujimiya frowned, and immediately guessed these two possibilities.

"It's a different timeline. In the timeline where I came, you were Agur, and my dream was Gaia. The two Ultra warriors protect the earth together." Maki Shuo pointed to the x mark on his chest .

"Did I dream?" Fujimiya nodded noncommittally, and suddenly said: "Then who are you? Are you the Ultra Warrior who represents the sky?"

Maki Shuo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I am an Ultra Warrior who came here from another universe. I was not born on Earth."

Fujimiya looked him up and down, then put down the hand with the sapphire bracelet: "Then, the second question, why did you come to this timeline."

"Erroppa, at present, seems to be a monster that can travel between different timelines. I was brought here while chasing it."

Shui Maki doesn't remember coming to this timeline in the original work at all. She can only say that the tokusatsu drama is just one direction of countless possibilities. There really is a possibility. Fujimiya did not go astray, and the light of the earth did not give me a dream.

Until now, the earth has been protected by Agur, an Ultra warrior.

In the endless timeline, there may be a world where Ultra Warriors have never appeared, and where humans strive to resist. There may be a world where the root-destroying body has not appeared and people still live peacefully.

Fujimiya felt the unforgeable light energy actively released by Maki Shuo, nodded and said: "Let's go to the air base to have a look."

Maki Shuo also nodded, and the two completed the transformation in the blue and silver light, then crossed their arms and disappeared.

In the corridor of the air base, Gai Ying and Aguru, who were as tall as the others, were standing outside the command room, using their keen hearing to capture the sounds inside.

"So, you are the Falcons from another world?" Commander Shishi still had a serious expression on his face, looking at the two teams of identical people in front of him.

Although their ability to skillfully fly the fighter plane to land along the Falcons' common passage without being prompted was enough to prove part of it, the commander of the stone room still did not dare to relax his guard.

"Well, at 14 o'clock this afternoon, that monster will attack the air base. The three of us met that guy before joining XIG, and saw our future in it." Tsukamomo said solemnly.

Lin nodded: "That is the future where we and the monster disappear into the clouds together, but we have no idea what happened specifically."

Commander Shishi glanced at Captain Yoneda in his own world next to him, received a negative answer from him, and then thought for a moment.

"So... in the future you see, is there that Ultra Warrior that you call Geying?"

Captain Yoneda was stunned, shook his head and said: "No, maybe it's because Ultraman Geying is an Ultra Warrior who came from somewhere other than the earth."

"Maybe it's because of this, but doesn't this just prove that the future can be changed?" Commander Shishi said forcefully.

"We will never trade victory with the lives of our warriors. Don't disregard your own lives like this. Falcons, I order you as commander to participate in this battle and come back alive."

Both teams fell silent, and the two Yoneda captains looked at each other, their eyes becoming more determined.

"Understood, Commander, we will do our best to survive. But if we need to sacrifice, the Falcons will not hesitate at all."

Time passed minute by minute, and the conversation in the room continued. When the hands officially pointed to fourteen, a gathering of dark clouds quickly formed in the sky.

Elropa swooped down from the dark clouds and crashed into the air base.

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