Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 423 Timeline of Destruction

"Well, it looks like... it's part of the air base." Captain Yoneda paused and looked at the light lingering around his body.

"The light released by Ultraman Geying is protecting us. This gray mist may be harmful to the human body. Lin, Tsukasamu, be careful."

"I understand, but what exactly happened on this earth?" Tsukasamu clenched his fists, as if he wanted to remember everything around him. "If we failed to save the earth, would it be like this?"

But Gai Ying, who was standing next to him, turned around and looked to the right as if he noticed something, then bent down and stretched out his palm to place it in front of the three Falcons.

Even though it was covered by gray mist, the huge silver palm still had a huge impact like seeing a miracle. The giant hidden in the mist subconsciously made people feel awe.

"Do you want us to go up?"

Even though he was subconsciously afraid, Captain Yoneda still stepped forward without hesitation. Lin and Tsukasamu looked at each other and followed closely. Gai Ying slowly raised his palm, and his eyes illuminated a ray of light, which penetrated the fog and illuminated the ground on the right.

The three of them subconsciously looked over. Among the countless hills formed by sand, half of the dark yellow stone statue was exposed. The breastplate and measuring device on its chest were so obvious that they blurted out.

"Gaia? Is it Ultraman Gaia?" M..

"And it Agur?"

"The Ultra Warriors...are defeated."

Looking along Gaia's half-buried body to the other side, Aguru appeared in front of him with only his head exposed.

Captain Yoneda gritted his teeth and looked to both sides, but did not see the stone statues that he expected, and was stunned for a moment. After seeing Gaia and Agul, he subconsciously thought that this was a future with a timeline very similar to theirs.

But now it seems that either this is a timeline in which the shadow does not appear, or the shadow in this timeline has left the earth, or his stone statue is buried deep elsewhere.

The three members of the Falcon team were guessing like this, but Gai Ying had already determined that this timeline would be like the timeline of Aguru alone, without him.

I'm afraid it's not just these two, except for the timeline of the dream he knows, all other timelines will not have Ultraman Geying.

Hundreds of lightning bolts exploded in the sky at the same time, but failed to illuminate even a single bit of sight. The terrifying energy flow mixed with countless fire bombs fell from the sky and exploded on the ground everywhere indiscriminately.

Gai Ying quickly bent down and protected the three people in his palm. Deafening explosions continued to sound, and billowing heat waves spread in all directions with the strong winds set off by the explosions.

Groups of Erropas flew across the sky one after another, releasing fireballs and lightning one after another. The exposed parts of two stone statues not far away were also affected by the explosion and fell apart.

Gai Ying holds his right hand empty, and the flashes of silver light gather in the palm of his hand to form Gai Ying's lightsaber. The sword body quickly extends under the infusion of light energy, slashing horizontally towards the sky.

The silver light blade cut through the fog, splitting an Erropa in mid-air that had no time to dodge, and cut off the lightning and fire bombs that had not yet fallen, and then brought up a series of continuous arrows. of explosion.

"No, there are too many enemies."

Tsukasamu listened to the faint, reptile-like roar, roaring at the top of his voice amidst the explosion, and finally managed to make his voice heard.

"It's too late to fly the fighter plane. We can't help at all." Captain Yoneda also yelled.

What Gai Ying had in mind was completely different. Thinking of the Eleropa that blended into the black mist like a fish in water, a guess suddenly emerged in his mind.

If Erropapa is a pioneer sent by the source of death, does it mean that they themselves have the ability to travel through time lines?

Is this timeline that they came to by accident the true source of the root cause of death?

The ground suddenly trembled violently, and the ubiquitous gray mist was blown away for a moment. A terrifying monster that looked a bit like a snake and was many times bigger than the Otto warriors raised its upper body and looked down at him, its eyes bright. Glowing dark yellow.


Captain Yoneda gritted his teeth as he looked at the giant beast that was obscured by the fog that gathered around him again. Even though it was just a glance, the huge monster that had once frightened countless people and almost driven Ultra warriors into despair was deeply impressed in his heart.

"Geying, don't be distracted by us. Use that monster's ability to go back, the earth needs you."

Captain Yoneda said solemnly, at this moment he was really fully prepared to die here. Not only death, but even being buried in the land of my hometown is a luxury.

Gai Ying did not speak, but raised his hand and the three members of the Falcon team pressed the colored timer on their chests. Endless light surrounded the three of them, which also left Gai Ying with his left hand free, allowing him to fight without any scruples.

The Geying lightsaber in his right hand was extended again, and his wrist suddenly turned, crossing the shape of a C in mid-air. The wounds of the three Elropas that had just appeared lit up with silver light and exploded one after another, turning into a bright firework in mid-air.

Zolim slowly rotated, and his body, which was at least 10,000 meters above the ground, began to rotate and coiled layer by layer, completely blocking almost all directions in which Gai Ying could leave.

The surviving Elrobpa kept hovering in the air, completely giving up the idea of ​​close attacks, and instead continued to interfere with fire bombs and lightning.

Zolim's huge mouth that could swallow hundreds of shadows opened, and the black hole was like a passage leading to the abyss, which made people shudder.

A pillar of fire, hundreds of meters in diameter and twice as thick as Gai Ying's height, fell from the sky, and the huge space formed by Zolim's surroundings instantly turned into a steamer.

Erropapa disappeared one by one and hovered in the corner with the lowest temperature, constantly disturbing the surrounding space fluctuations, making it impossible for Ge Ying to escape through teleportation.

As the pillar of fire continued, everything in sight was distorted. Every moisture in the air seemed to be evaporated, and the yellow sand on the surface melted into a red liquid under the high temperature.

The original desolation was replaced by a hellscape of flowing lava in just a moment. The silver light on Gai Ying's body shone brightly and continued to expand in the light, until he reached a height of 540 meters before stopping.

The Gaiying lightsaber in his hand also grew from the 20 meters that returned to normal after the slash to more than 200 meters, and then slashed forward violently.

The silver light blade released a bright light that illuminated everything, dispersing all the gray mist around it, and without hesitation, it slashed towards Zolim's body in front of him.

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