Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 425 Trust among life forms on earth

Not only Goldras, but also countless Erropas soaring in the universe. They disappear in the current space again and again, trying to create special clouds to escape from the universe, but they fail no matter what. Can't do it.

It seems that this universe has completely locked up all the possibilities brought about by different developments. It only has a fixed future that cannot be changed.

In the cosmic space, a ball of light energy suddenly lit up, transmitting the same energy fluctuations as the shadow. That was Erropa's horn that Gaiying sent away.

He originally wanted Hikari to analyze the energy in it and create props that could travel through the timeline. But the attitude of the King of Ultra is obvious. He does not want the power of time to overflow.

"I may not be qualified to restrict your ability, but I hope that if you really master the ability of time in the future, you will not use it casually."

The King of Ultra dropped his palm, and the cosmic ball in his palm disappeared. Gai Ying was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The Ultra King who really exists in the universe is not only completely different from the Tokusatsu drama, it can be said to be worlds apart. It is a power that cannot be created by relying on special effects. It is an incredible super life form.

If Ultra Warriors are like gods in the eyes of humans, then the Ultra King is a "god" in the eyes of Ultra Warriors.

"I will." Gai Ying nodded slightly. As for the Ultra King saying that he was not qualified to restrain himself, just listen to this. If you believe it, the Ultra King might invite you to the prison universe for a cup of tea.

You're too polite, come in and sit. jpg

"Go back, Ultraman Geiying. Your friends need you." The Ultra King's tone was still gentle, and then he turned into countless light particles and dissipated.

Maki Shuo woke up from the bed, quickly sat up and looked up at the watch hanging on the wall. 10:27, the sky has already brightened.

If the Stone Chamber Commander hadn't stopped them from looking for Maki Shuo after hearing the Falcon Team's report, he would have been woken up long ago and went to his post to "work".

He took out the communicator that he had not used much and connected to my dream. After a moment of waiting, the influence of my dream appeared on the screen.

"Senior, have you had a good rest?"

Maki Shuo nodded. Although he was still a little dizzy after transforming to join the battle before fully recovering, it would not affect his normal activities.

"It's nothing serious. I'm dreaming. Didn't Tartarus show up during my absence?"

I Meng shook his head and said: "No, maybe I am afraid of not knowing when you will suddenly return. But Diavolo appeared once, and if he is the only enemy, Fujimiya and I can barely cope with it."

There was a bit of joy in his words. The training during this period of time made the cooperation experience that was only a few times increase rapidly, showing an explosive progress.

But this is only the feeling you get when you first see results. If you want to continue to improve, you can only rely on grinding it out bit by bit over a long period of time.

But compared to the original result of being easily suppressed by Diablo, this is already a result that makes me extremely happy.

Maki Shuo glanced at the lush forest behind my dream and said, "Then where are you now?"

"I am currently in the forests of Alberta in Kaso (Nada), where a member of Alchemy Star is working on the Original Shield Project."

Zhen Mu Shuo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Don't transform at will, and try not to enter that forest. I will rush there immediately."

Although I didn’t understand the reason for my dream, I still became serious, nodded and said, “I understand, I won’t step into this forest rashly.”

Maki Shuo immediately stood up and quickly ran towards the command room. The door opened automatically. Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba turned around and said in a daze.

"Staff Maki, are you fully recovered?"

Maki Shuo nodded and said without further ado: "I need to go to the place where my dream is immediately. There is a monster there. They must not be allowed to conflict."

Commander Shishi was silent for a moment, and then said: "The monster is very powerful? Do you need support from the Lightning Team?"

Maki Shuo shook his head and said: "That monster has no malice towards humans. It just wants to protect the forest where it lives. Just like we protect the earth, from this perspective, it is a friend to us, and Not an enemy."

"Could monsters... possibly become our friends?" Staff Officer Chiba asked in disbelief. Although monsters like Renlong have appeared before, they have never fought side by side with monsters.

"Yes, because both humans and monsters on Earth exist in the same hometown. When faced with an external invasion like the root-destroying body, they will not hesitate to stand up to protect the planet they inhabit."

Maki Shuo recalled the sounds of the earth she had heard, which also contained the roars of monsters. They are not a threat to the earth, but just like humans, they are part of this planet.

"But trusting a monster so rashly..." Staff Officer Chiba hesitated.

"Let Staff Maki give it a try. The Lightning Team is dispatched. If they cannot ensure their own safety, they are allowed to attack freely without Staff Maki's orders." Commander Shishi suddenly said.

This time even the captain couldn't help but said: "Commander, this is too risky..."

Commander Shishi lowered his hands behind his back, looked at the illusory huge outline on the screen, and sighed: "As a life on earth, if we don't even dare to try to trust them, who can we trust?" Woolen cloth?"

As his words fell, the entire command room fell silent.

Yes, if you have a common enemy and you can't trust the other party, then who should you trust? The root of death? Or Tartarus?

"Team Lightning, move out."

Commander Shishi gave the order again, but this time no one spoke to stop him. Perhaps everyone has a sincere hope in their hearts for human beings to coexist harmoniously with all species on the earth.

Commander Shishi turned around and nodded slightly to Maki Shuo: "Then I'll leave it to you, Staff Maki."

Maki Shuo nodded and said: "I will try my best. If it causes danger to Team Lightning, I will terminate this mission early."

Four fighter planes projected out of the air base, stretched out in mid-air, and flew toward the Alberta forest. Maki Shuo held the joystick and looked at the control method that was completely different from the victory team and guys with a headache.

Even after experiencing so many worlds, it still doesn't affect him being a technological idiot.

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