Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 427 The Light of the Forest

The strong wind violently blew the bodies of Meng Meng and Catherine, and the powerful airflow that exploded instantly flipped them over and threw them heavily to the ground.

Catherine fainted almost as soon as she landed, while Meng gritted her teeth and took a breath. It was not very pleasant for him to be almost hit on the ground. Even if he was not injured, he would still feel pain.

Xia Zak continued to move forward, and I Meng stood up and reached out to hold the Sapphire Cone. Just when he was about to transform into Gaia, three lasers hit Shazak's chest and abdomen, splashing sparks that almost obscured his entire body.

"Team Lightning! Are there any seniors here too?" I Meng looked at the three fighter planes flying around Shazak and another one hovering not far away, and breathed a sigh of relief.

If Catherine hadn't insisted on having her own way, he really didn't want to try why he didn't enter the forest himself despite being reminded.

"The main attack is to force retreat, and try not to hurt Xia Zak as much as possible." Shuo Maki said in a deep voice. Kajio glanced at Kitada and Daheyuan to both sides. Although he was confused, he still chose to execute the order.

"Understood, fight separately and aim at Shazak's feet."

Zhen Mu Shuo glanced at Xia Zak and piloted the fighter plane to slowly land in the open space beside the cliff. The huge fighter plane dropped from the sky and set off strong winds that swept around.

Looking at the people walking out of the cockpit and walking in their own direction, I Meng looked at the Lightning Team who was still restraining Xia Zak and said with some worry.

"Senior, what is that monster..."

Zhen Mu Shuo did not answer immediately, but closed her eyes and extended her mind towards Xia Zak who was venting his anger.

The pure energy with vitality appears unabashedly in the range of perception. Not only does it not mean to destroy nature at all, but it is like a part of nature itself.

Just like Gaia and Aguru are to the earth, Shazak is not just a monster living here, but has a completely different meaning to this forest.

"If I use an inappropriate description, that monster is just like you." Maki Shuo opened his eyes and sighed, glancing at the sapphire cone that I Meng held in his hand.

"Is... the same as me?" I Meng repeated this sentence blankly, looking down at Sapphire Cone, the red light flickered slightly, as if responding to him.

"Well, if Gaia represents the earth and Agururu represents the ocean, then Shazak represents the power of the forest to the earth. It is replacing the forest and conveying their meaning to humans."

"The forest is rejecting the original shield plan? Why." I Meng turned around and glanced at Catherine, who was still unconscious.

"Perhaps, there is some kind of flaw in the original shield that we haven't discovered yet." Zhen Mu Shuo looked thoughtfully, "As creatures that have lived on this planet for who knows how long, they are also a part of the earth. "

"But, how can we calm down Shazak's anger?" Imeng watched with some worry as Kajio flipped the fighter plane to avoid Shazak's claw attack.

Maki Shuo didn't answer, and her body turned into a stream of light and flew towards the woods. The body wrapped in silver light quickly grew in size during flight and fell in front of Shazak.

The light gradually dissipated, and Gai Ying, who was kneeling on one knee, gradually revealed his figure. He slowly stood up and raised his right hand towards Xia Zak, making a blocking attitude.

"Stop it, Shazak, humans have understood what you mean, don't cause more damage."

Shazak paused for a moment, waving his claws and roaring. Just on its chest, there was a clear black mark, which was left by the explosion of Catherine's rocket.

Gai Ying reluctantly made a fighting stance, but he had no desire to fight at all. If Shazak vents his anger at being woken up, maybe he will return to his nest.

Xia Zak's claws struck Gai Ying's chest one after another, exploding a large number of sparks in vain, but failed to cause any damage.

Then the blizzard-like breath was like a breeze blowing through the mountains, unable to shake the shadow in the slightest. The only thing that showed that Gai Ying was under attack was the light flashing on his body.

Seeing that ordinary attacks had no effect, Xia Zak took a few steps back, curled up, wrapped his chest and abdomen, turned into a huge ball covered with spikes, and crashed towards Gai Ying.

Gai Ying quickly raised his hands and stretched his arms to the left and right, blocking the meat ball that was rushing like a chariot. Shazak's solid surface tissue even gave him the illusion that he was holding a piece of alloy.

Just as a thought flashed across his mind, Xia Zak, who was holding it down with both hands, began to spin rapidly. The thorns on his back that were originally hanging down from his body exploded and instantly turned into a thorn ball.

The back thorn that stabbed Gai Ying bent under the force of the huge force, like holding a stick and stabbing it at a hard stone.

Gai Ying spun his body in a circle and threw Xazak's curled-up ball away. He fell from the rock wall behind him amid a loud noise that shook the ground. The original spherical shape could no longer be maintained and stretched out again. M..

While it was a little dizzy from the impact, Gai Ying raised his hands up and down with palms facing each other in front of the color timer, and a colorful beam of light was pushed towards Shazak.

Aurora-like light appeared in the sky accompanied by strong winds and falling snowflakes, shrouding Shazak in it. Compared to Molochum's purification, the effect of Aurora Soothing is more to soothe emotions.

The air bags on both sides of Shazak's face are gradually shrinking, which means that the anger he is filled with is gradually dissipating. The originally tense atmosphere relaxed, and Gai Ying stood up straight and nodded to Xia Zak.

Shazak roared twice, lowered his head slightly as if to convey something, then turned around and looked back.

A small Shazak, more than thirty meters tall, was making a childish roar, seemingly trying to scare away the shadow and protect its relatives.

But its weak voice doesn't sound ferocious at all, but seems a bit clumsy. The aurora in the sky gradually faded and lost its line-like traces. It was like mist, surrounding two monsters, one big and one small.

Despite receiving no instructions from Maki Shui, Team Lightning stopped attacking the moment Gai Ying appeared.

Catherine, who woke up at some point, stood next to my dream. Four people and one Ultra Warrior watched as the two Shazaks, one large and one small, gradually walked into the depths of the jungle and disappeared from sight.

"Perhaps, I really thought wrong." Catherine did not act so stubborn and tough for the first time, and said softly: "They are also part of nature and should not be excluded from this forest."

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