Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 433: Shishi Commander’s Worries

"Not a cosmic person? Is it the root-destroying body?" Commander Shishi frowned. If it were a cosmic person, perhaps the problem could be solved through negotiation, but there is absolutely no possibility of negotiation with the root-destroying body.


Maki Shuo shook his head: "There should be no cosmic people with this level of technology in this world. As for what they are, we may need to investigate."

Commander Shishi heard the implication of Maki Shuo's words and breathed a sigh of relief. The absence of cosmic beings of this level means that humans do not need to worry about the dangers from cosmic civilization.

Although there was no evidence, he chose to believe Maki Shuo. Just when he opened his mouth to say something again, the picture on the screen changed, and Daniel's figure appeared on it.

"Commander Stone Chamber, we have recaptured the energy response from that unknown spaceship. This is the specific location."

The picture on the screen was divided into two. In the transparent city composed of lines on the right, a red light spot was flashing continuously.

"It's actually in the city?" Commander Shishi frowned and reached out to press the emergency alarm button.

Kajio, who was still exercising on the fitness equipment, glanced at Kitada and Ohgahara. The three of them immediately stood up, grabbed towels and wiped the sweat on their faces, put on their team uniforms and ran towards the command room.

In just a few minutes, several members of Team Lightning were standing in the command room. There was still the flashing red dot on the screen, without any sign of movement.

"My dream, what suggestions do you have?" Commander Shishi turned to ask after exchanging glances with Maki Shuo.

"With such technology, the signal source will be actively released. The other party should also have the idea of ​​​​negotiation, at least to meet." Wo Meng hesitated and said.

If a spacecraft of this level of technology can be built and cannot even hide signals, I will never believe it.

"If we rashly try to contact the opponent, will it cause damage that we cannot bear?" Staff Officer Chiba glanced at Team Lightning worriedly.

An actively released signal does not necessarily represent good intentions and may be bait to lure prey to a trap.

"Issue an evacuation order for the nearby area within a kilometer, and the ground troops will temporarily block it and prohibit unrelated persons from entering or exiting." Commander Shishi ordered.

"But, Commander..." I Meng said eagerly. The Commander did not look back, but looked at the red dot on the screen and asked in a deep voice.

"If the opponent attacks rashly, do you have any countermeasures? Can you ensure that you and your comrades will not be harmed?"

My dream fell silent. After getting the reply from Maki Shuo that he was not from the universe, it was difficult for Commander Shishi not to think that this was a trap.

The source of death is by no means a mindless intruder. Even though he knows that my dream is Gaia, he cannot let this young man go on unnecessary adventures with the power of an Ultra Warrior. .

"Then, why don't you let me go and take a look." Maki Shuo suddenly said. He could understand my dream, but he understood the concerns of the commander of the stone room better.

Especially not long ago, he, the strongest combat power, was seriously injured by a sneak attack, which completely sounded the alarm for mankind. If Renlong had not appeared that time, the only three Ultra Warriors might have been wiped out at once.

If Tartarus really succeeds, the only people humans can rely on now are the earth's monsters who have fought them.

"Sorry, Staff Officer Maki, just leave such dangerous matters to us." Kajio nodded to Maki Shui, and then said, "Let us, Team Lightning, go and make sure we complete the mission."

The sudden arrival of Tartarus, Gularei, and Mansheit made the XIG combatants simmer with anger. While the Ultra warriors were fighting desperately, they could not even contain them.

How can we rely on humans to protect the earth? Aren't they the one being protected from the beginning to the end?

"Team Lightning, contact at a safe distance, and do not make any move beyond the safe distance before confirming that the other party has no malicious intent." Commander Shishi was more serious than ever.

He didn't want to watch any soldier fall in front of him, but as long as they still chose to fight, they would never be able to avoid the dangers associated with this job.

The three members of Team Lightning stood at attention at the same time and said in unison: "Understood!"

"Captain Kajio, please take me with you." Kajio, who was putting on his helmet to check the equipment, turned his head and Yume bowed deeply.

"My dream, what we should do is to fulfill our due responsibilities, right? Combat and investigation are our business, it is your job to analyze the appropriate combat method." Kajio glanced at my dream.

He didn't understand why this genius scientist from the Alchemy Star was always obsessed with fighting with them, but I Meng still maintained his bowing posture.

But before Kajio agreed, Maki Shuu beside him threw a helmet to him. I quickly caught it in my arms with my dreamy eyes. When I looked up, I found that Maki Shuo was already fully dressed.

"Don't forget, I am the staff officer."

Kajio, who was about to speak, was choked back by Maki Shuki's words. Indeed, according to his position, he still needed to listen to Maki Shuki's command. If Maki Shuo really decides to go, he really has no power to stop her.

There was no one around, and a long blockade was stretched across the ground, and every street was guarded by team members with guns.

The source of the signal still showed no sign of moving. Kajio pretended not to see Maki Shui and Gamu, and said to the two people beside him.

"Beitian, Daheyuan, prepare for action."

The two of them nodded at the same time, stood in a Zigzag formation, one on the left and the other on the right, and cautiously moved towards the center of the blocked area.

Zhen Mu Shuo seemed to be much more relaxed, but his telepathy was always surrounding him, not letting go of any energy that might exist.

But no matter how he searched around, he couldn't find any sense of peeping, as if he didn't care whether they were approaching or not.

He wasn't a cosmonaut, and the Renlong-shaped spacecraft didn't look like a visitor from another universe. So, who owns that spaceship that never appears in the plot?

Maki Shuo was thinking dividedly, following closely behind the three members of the Lightning Team so that he could respond to possible dangers as soon as possible.

"Perhaps, they just want to talk to humans. I have a special intuition that it is not the root of death." Wo Meng whispered, "Absolutely not."

Maki Shuo was noncommittal. His telepathy had covered the center of the signal source, and several strange energy auras appeared in his perception.

It is somewhat similar to the energy of the earth, but some differences can be detected. The invisible mind power comes into contact with Zhen Mu Shuo's mind power, conveying his message.

"Ultraman Geying, welcome."

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