Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 453: Strengthening Manxihat

Maki Shuo looked at the dense pile of buttons and levers in the cab, trying to recall the operations he had seen before.

Thanks to his strong memory, he reacted quickly and pushed a rocker on the right side of the seat, then held the joystick and pushed forward. The speed of the ex increased again, and soon left the Mir far behind.

Manxiuheite's intention was obvious. Now the transport plane was attacked just after it left the air base. Tartarus doesn't care about the life or death of a few children at all. The opponent's target is the entire air base.

The transport plane was just an appetizer that happened to crash into it.

In just a short moment, the air base that had just been left appeared in sight again. With his super five senses, the transport plane descending rapidly next to the air base was also captured by Maki Shuo.

Mansuhat was floating above the transport plane, with red stripes and some blue lines all over his silver body, and his face was as ferocious as a demon.

Maki Shuo aimed at Manxiuheit, and while locking the target, he quickly pressed the launch button. The two missiles separated from the fighter plane and flew towards Manxiuheit, one on the left and one on the right.

The semicircular wings behind Manshuhite spread out and easily withstood the explosion caused by the two missiles. There is no other effect except the slight blackening left by the high temperature.

Despite this, Maki Shui also succeeded in diverting Manshehat's attention from the transport plane to himself. The demonic beast turned around, its wings beating slowly.

Terrifying winds swept towards the EX accompanied by flames ignited out of thin air. Maki Shuo quickly raised the control stick, and the EX turned almost ninety degrees, and the fighter plane pointed straight into the sky and flew upwards.

He started to control the fighter plane almost as soon as the fire storm appeared, but he barely managed to avoid the attack. The tail of the EX was wiped by the flames, with clear traces of melting.

The fuselage suddenly tilted and spun around in mid-air, causing Maki Shuo in the cockpit to spin as well.

Just such rotation is almost unbearable burden for ordinary drivers. However, Shui Maki relied on his body that was far superior to that of an ordinary person to hold on. He tried hard to hold the joystick and restored the EX to a more or less stable state.

Even so, the fighter plane in the clouds continued to sway left and right, and the black smoke on the tail left a long trail behind it.

Maki Shuo took a deep breath, looked at the cartoon version of the robot on the screen in front of her, and tried to say: "Pal, you drive the EX to land as smoothly as possible."

"I got it, Shuo."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Maki Shuo released his hands on the joystick, and the EX still maintained a shaky flight, trying to land towards the ground.

Mansuhat raised his arms, and the pink electric current-like light was emitted from both hands, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, aiming directly at the EX.

Maki Shuo opened his coat and took out the spark prism from the inner pocket. Along with his will, the two wing-like sides expanded, and the energy core released a dazzling light, wrapping his whole body in it.

The silver light penetrated the cockpit and rushed out at a speed invisible to the naked eye, blooming suddenly in mid-air. A huge silver giant appeared out of thin air in the light, with his arms crossed, blocking all the current.

"Gai Ying, you did show up."

As the powerful telepathy spread around, Gai Ying, the children on the transport plane, and even Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba in the air base command room all heard this sentence ringing in their consciousness at the same time.

"Are you really here for Gai Ying? Where's Team Lightning?" Commander Shishi turned to look at Dunzi and Qiao Ji. Dunzi immediately nodded and reported.

"Team Lightning is out."

Below the air base, three fighter planes spread out in mid-air, and then flew towards Manxiuhite in front of Gai Ying.

When passing over the EX, Kajio's eyes swept across the cockpit, and he vaguely saw the empty driving seat, and was slightly startled.

But his attention was quickly pulled back by Bei Tian: "Captain, Mansheit fired lightning at the transport plane again."

Gai Ying's figure quickly turned into a blur of silver light, and in the blink of an eye he stood in front of the transport plane, once again blocking Mansuhat's attack.

"Each aircraft, give priority to protecting the transport plane from landing, and then support Ultraman Geying!"


The answers from both sides rang out at the same time. The three fighter planes turned around, and six lasers were aimed at Manxiuheit and fired at the same time.

Manshuhite completely ignored Team Lightning's attack, paused in mid-air, and rushed towards the transport plane again.

Since Gai Ying wants to protect humans, attacking the enemy and saving them is undoubtedly a better choice than chasing Gai Ying.

Exactly as he had guessed, Gai Ying took the initiative to meet him, stretched out his right arm and collided with him. The strong wind swept away quickly, causing the three Lightning team fighters to shake.

The energy storm contained in it was mostly blocked by Gai Ying's body, but it still caused them to temporarily lose communication with each other.

"Beita? Daheyuan?" Kajiao called twice, but received no answer. He stared at the transport plane that was also affected and gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Even if communication was disconnected, their numerous experiences of flying together still gave them a tacit understanding. There was no confusion in the formation, blocking the transport aircraft at the rear.

If the Geying fails to withstand the next attack, they will be the transport's only barrier. Although there was no communication, everyone on the Chargers team was ready to sacrifice.

Gai Ying's right hand slashed towards the long vertical horn on Manxiuheit's head with a palm knife, but Manxiuheit quickly raised his arm to block it.

The majestic power of thought spread like an invisible ocean, trying to forcibly control Gai Ying's actions. But to his surprise, Gai Ying's telepathy was also released at the same time, colliding with Manxiuhite's telepathy.

Maki Shuo, who had been working extremely hard in the battle of telepathy in human form, now almost completely suppressed the telepathy that Manxiuheite was proud of.

The energy instantly became chaotic, and even the air was squeezed and eliminated by the duel of telekinesis, forming a vacuum area of ​​100 meters in diameter.

Manshehat's arms moved down uncontrollably, and his huge body seemed to be bound in place by invisible shackles.

Gaiying waved his hands horizontally, and the light blade cut by Gaiying cut through the air and flew towards the corner of Manxiuheit's head. Just before he was about to be hit, Manshehat broke free from the restraints and swung his arms out to meet him.

The huge crescent-shaped light blade of tens of meters was instantly shattered and turned into countless silver particles that dissipated.

Dark golden light lit up all over Manshehat's body, and then merged into his body, but there seemed to be no change at all on the surface.

If it weren't for the surge of energy, the scene just now would be like an illusion.

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