Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 457: Life and Death Battle

"It seems we have to accept the challenge." Commander Shishi took a deep breath and looked at the giant monster more than 300 meters tall on the screen.

You may lose if you fight, but you will definitely lose if you don't fight. This is the fact that there is no second option, and it is the outright conspiracy of the fundamental body of destruction.

Everyone knew their intentions, but had to abide by the rules they set.

"Then, according to the information given by Staff Maki, formulate a combat plan and give priority to solving Mochian as much as possible. The only way to destroy the demon is to leave it to the Hercules team." Commander Shishi said seriously.

Director Di immediately nodded and said: "Understood, the Lightning, Falcons and Cool Dragons will all be dispatched to resolve this crisis."

Wo Meng and Zhen Mu Shuo looked at each other, quietly retreated amidst the discussion, opened the door of the command room and left. The moment the door closed, the commander of the stone room cast a look but said nothing.

Such a crisis cannot be overcome by humans alone. Speaking purely out of selfishness, he didn't want Wo Meng and Zhen Mu Shuo to challenge at all, but apart from exposing their identities in public, what other way could be done to stop them? .

After leaving the surveillance range of the air base camera, Maki Shuo grabbed Wo Meng, and his whole body turned into a ray of light and rushed out of the window in front of him, falling quickly through the sea of ​​clouds.

As soon as they got close to the ground, Fujimiya appeared in sight wearing black clothes. Apparently Fujimiya had already received the news about the Demon Destroyer and rushed to the bottom of the air base as quickly as possible.

The silver light fell to the ground, the light dissipated, and the figures of Maki Shuo and Ga Meng were revealed in front of Fujimiya. Fujimiya quickly stepped forward and stood side by side with the two of them.

"Senior, what should we do? Facing Mochian and the possible Tartarus alone..." I Meng turned around and glanced at Maki Shuo with some worry.

But he didn't detect any worry or hesitation on Maki Shuo's face, only the calmness that remained unchanged.

"Of course I accept the challenge. The enemy's goal is to set up this cosmic version of the arena battle. There is no winning or losing, only life and death." Fujimiya frowned and looked up at the sky.

"This is a conspiracy that cannot be dealt with. The source of death is forcing you to fight alone." Maki Shuo looked at Gaimeng and Fujinomiya from left to right.

"Do you want to hold back senior and take advantage of the opportunity to deal with us? We are really underestimated, my dream." Fujimiya said with a somewhat dismissive smile.

I Meng took out the sapphire cone and glanced at the red light in the center: "The other party is still worried about the power of the seniors. The unnecessary casualties may be the support of xig or earth monsters."

"However, that monopole is indeed enough to attract most of the senior's attention." Fujimiya raised his arm, and the radiant blue light spots in the sapphire bracelet were clearly visible.

"Maybe more. No one knows whether Tartarus will suddenly appear. I may not have the extra energy to pay attention to you this time, so be careful." Maki Shuo sighed.

He was never afraid that he would be defeated or even die. He was just worried about the irreparable consequences that would be caused to the earth if he was defeated.

If something happened to Fujimiya and Kamuo because of his difficulty in getting out, even if it wasn't his fault, he would never be able to forgive himself.

Seemingly seeing Maki Shuo's thoughts, Fujimiya turned his head, looked across Maki Shuo and Ga Meng and looked at each other and said: "Don't worry, we don't always need the protection of our seniors."

"Well, we are also making continuous progress. Senior, please let go and fight. Kipbu and Blitzblots will be left to me and Fujimiya." Imu nodded firmly.

Maki Shuo said no more, opened his coat and took out the spark prism. The three of them raised their hands in tacit agreement, and three beams of red, silver, and blue light shot up into the sky at the same time, causing their bodies to grow rapidly.

The original coat was also replaced by the Ultra Warrior's skin, and the transformation was completed in just a few seconds.

The red and blue light pillars dissipated on the ground, and Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Aguru appeared. The silver beam of light continued to rise until it reached outer space before stopping. The light dissipated, revealing the shadow of Ultraman.

Kipbu and Blitzblotz landed in front of Gaia and Aguru one after another, opposing the two. One is black and white all over the body like a strange bird, and the other looks like a huge insect in human form. Gaia and Aguru took the lead and rushed towards their chosen opponents.

With each step, the mud and gravel splashed up formed a curtain of soil tens of meters high. Blitzblotz swung his claws at extremely fast speeds, clearly aiming at Gaia's life meter.

The order of the root-destroying body is clear, don't delay, and deal with Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Agur as quickly as possible.

Gaia's reaction was much faster than he expected. Blitzblotz's right arm was easily grasped by Gaia. Even though the sharp claws were only a few meters away from the life meter, they were still difficult to reach.

Blitzblotz raised his left arm and repeated his trick, but was caught by Gaia's other hand. No matter how hard he tried, the power Gaia displayed was not inferior to him.

Gaia recalled the scene where she trained until her whole body was sore and she wanted to give up every second. She was happy with her improvement, but she was sober and did not give up training.

Even though they have alternately trained each other's events, the ones I dreamed of training the most and persisting the longest were still physical fitness and fighting.

In contrast, even after undergoing physical training, Fujimiya is still best at light, superpowers and telekinesis.

And now is the best stage to show the results. Gaia's strength increased slightly again, pressing Blitzblotz's arm back to an invisible distance.

Blitzblotz quickly gave up the option of continuing the stalemate, raised his leg and kicked Gaia in the waist. The sudden pain caused Gaia's body to curl up slightly, but she immediately raised her knee and pressed it against Blitzblotz's abdomen without showing any signs of weakness.

Aguru didn't mean to look down upon the place. The blue energy particles in his right hand extended and condensed into the shape of a lightsaber. The light energy continued to flow, like the chain of a chainsaw, with terrifying cutting power.

He raised his right arm and pointed the tip of his sword at Kipbu. Although he didn't take any other actions, the provocative meaning was extremely obvious.

Fujimiya is not someone who talks easily like I dream. The best way to face the contempt of an enemy is to fill his mouth with facts. I hope Kipbu can still have his mouth by then?

Kipbu raised the blade of his right arm and slashed downwards diagonally. The trajectory of the blade crossed Aguru's life meter from left to right to his waist.

The blue lightsaber produced a sword shadow as it swung, and it collided with Kipbu's blade. It was just a collision, and both sides closed their hands and distanced themselves almost at the same time.

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