Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 471 Dark Green and Glacier

The warm sunshine falls on the ground, coating the deserted city with a golden glow, as if the ground is no longer a desert with little life, but a paradise filled with golden sand.

Only the remaining crooked ruins in the desert are proof of the battle that took place here not long ago - the traces left by the Phantom Dragon.

Just at the edge of the ruins, transport trucks were transporting yellow sand. When rebuilding the foundation, as the loose sand separated to the left and right, a green bud quietly emerged from the ground.

"Well, since the emergence of the root-destroying body, the building has been like tofu, breaking at the touch of a touch. How much does the construction cost increase every year?"

Looking at the transport truck that was still loading, the driver lit a cigarette. The white smoke floated upward and disappeared into the light.

"Just be content, maybe one day the person will be gone if you fall asleep." The worker on the side sighed, wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened a bottle of water and drank half of it.

Not far from the feet of the two of them, emerald green buds were growing rapidly. This color that should have belonged to life was filled with a heart-stopping sense of fear at this moment.

The trees that should have taken a long time to grow began to sprout branches and leaves that were visible to the naked eye, surpassing the height of the two of them in just a few dozen seconds.

The two drivers, who were taking a break from their busy schedule, stared blankly at one plant after another growing in front of them for a few seconds. For a moment, they forgot what to do and let the water bottles and burning cigarettes in their hands fall to the ground.

It wasn't until the piercing siren sounded that the two stunned people suddenly came back to their senses. Their bodies followed their first reaction and ran away.

But the transport truck parked aside was half covered by the leafy trees in this short period of time. The two of them struggled to break the branches that were still growing rapidly, opened the cab door and got in.

Through the transparent car window, the trees outside are still growing like crazy. Not only the trees, but also the weeds on the ground complete the process of taking root, sprouting and growing up in almost a few seconds.

"Quick, get out of here!"

The driver of the first car in front hurriedly stepped on the accelerator, and the transport truck started suddenly, hitting the small trees in front that had not completely formed a dense forest, creating a path for the transport truck behind, and rushed out with a series of snapping sounds. .

At the air base, the warning was immediately conveyed here, and the scene was quickly transferred to the screen in the command room by satellite.

Seeing the plants growing thicker at an extremely obvious speed, the well-informed commander of the stone chamber was stunned for a moment. .

"The target area has a high energy response. All plants within a hundred meters are growing hundreds of times faster, and this range is still expanding." Qiaoji reported very quickly.

The central screen is divided into two halves, with the North Pole dominated by white on the other side. Seawater quickly freezes and turns into a hard solid state at an equally noticeable rate.

"High energy responses are also found in the central Arctic region."

"With the North Pole as the center, the ice surface is gradually expanding. At this speed, in a minimum of 21 minutes and 27 seconds, the originally separated icebergs will be completely connected into a continent made of solid ice." Dunzi immediately compared the results. , continued.

"The expansion of the ice surface has gradually slowed down, and the expansion in other directions has stopped. However, the energy source is moving in the opposite direction, and the predicted target is Japan."

Staff Officer Chiba looked at the predicted action route seriously. The route of the unknown high-energy source was as long as the radius of the earth, and even if it really reached the end, part of this route would perfectly coincide with Japan.

Even if the opponent's target is not Japan, they will still be affected.

"Japan's high-energy reaction has also begun to move!"

Dunzi and Qiaoji's reports almost never stopped due to the situations that appeared one after another, but it still seemed that they were not chaotic enough, and two red dots lit up on the screen in succession.

Dunzi no longer reported, but followed the command of the commander of the stone room and transferred the satellite footage to the screen.

Two huge machines quickly took shape in the flowing metal, converging into their extremely familiar appearance. The foreign trade is like a catalpa-shaped insect, with two extremely conspicuous horns, and there are words similar to seal script on the chest.

The other overall shape of the bronze bell is somewhat similar to a giant top. The surface is still engraved with two characters that appear to be written in seal script.

"Those are... Yanshan and Tianjie?" Staff Officer Qianye blurted out, "But haven't they been defeated?"

Dunzi quickly fell out of the records of ancient civilizations that Connors had described. That part of the information had been stored in the archives by xig as a reference for natural control machines.

My dream was to stand in front of the computer and tap the keyboard quickly, bringing up the comparison of the detection of energy sources when the natural control machine appeared.

The similarity of the comparison results is less than 20%, but the similarity with the metallic life form reaches 67%, and the fluctuation of Absolute particles is clearly visible.

"No, it's not the original natural control machine."

Hearing Wo Meng suddenly speak, Commander Shishi immediately turned around and said, "What on earth is going on, Wo Meng?"

"These two guys are weapons imitated by the Origin Death Body using Tianjie and Yanshan as samples." I Meng stared at the four seemingly similar but completely different machines on the screen.

"Heaven, Yanshan and the two latest energy sources have begun to move!"

"What did you say?" Staff Officer Chiba, who had just been attracted by my words in my dream, stared at the screen. The images of the abnormal energy sources on both sides began to vibrate violently at the same time.

Countless yellow sand rose up like a wave, and a huge machine broke out of the sand. The plants around it seemed to support the king's people, automatically making way for its appearance.

It was as if a huge copper bell had been cut open from the front, revealing a robot-like body inside, with the word "Dark Green" written in seal script engraved on the surface.

"Sure enough, is it also a natural control machine that appears this time?" Wo Meng murmured.

At the same time, the iceberg on the other side also broke apart, and countless broken ice blocks hit the glacier below, but failed to create the proper cracks.

The ice here is already tens of meters thicker than before, and the extremely fast freezing speed prevents some marine creatures that were originally close to the ice from escaping.

It was also a huge machine, looking like a four-legged square bronze tripod, but the obvious traces of technological manufacturing on its body clearly showed that it was also one of the natural control machines.

Also on the chest and abdomen, the word "glacier" written in seal script is engraved.

The screen switched to a world map, with four light points representing Yanshan, Glacier, Heaven, and Dark Green extending a red line from the predicted movement route toward the center.

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