Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 487: Destroyed Air Base

"The defensive firepower of the air base has been fully activated, but there are too many Debixi, and there is no way to prevent them from destroying the base." Director Di's report sounded, making Commander Shishi's brows frown even tighter.

"Instruct all non-combatants in the air base to evacuate and retreat, and drive all vehicles to leave the air base as much as possible." Commander Shishi thought for a moment, then turned around and said.

"Commander Shishi, what do you want to do?" Staff Officer Chiba stood up. He was too familiar with this old friend who had been doing business for so long, but this time he still couldn't guess what he was thinking.

No, it's not so much that I can't guess it, it's more like I don't dare to think about it.

"We have no way for the air base to safely escape from the sea of ​​demonic insects and land on the ground." Commander Shishi looked at the surging sea of ​​demonic insects outside the window. Although all defensive firepower had been activated, the explosion flames that had just risen were very powerful. Will soon be submerged in darkness again.

"Instead of being destroyed in vain like this, it is better to take the initiative to turn the air base into a weapon."

"You mean to actively detonate the energy source of the air base and turn it into a bomb?" Staff Officer Chiba took two steps forward. "This is too dangerous."

"Do you have a better way?" Commander Shishi's voice increased slightly, and Staff Chiba thought for a moment and fell silent.

Indeed, as Commander Shishi said, so far, this is the plan that has caused the least casualties. Even if you are lucky enough, the only loss will be the air base.

And this base, which mankind had been most proud of in the past, completely lost all its advantages in the endless Derby West group, and became a liability in the battle for the first time.

"Execute the order." The commander of the stone room finally said, the Debixi outside the window had already begun to collide, and the faint dull collision sound was densely packed into the ears.

The Debisies collided one after another almost desperately. As soon as the previous one got out of the way due to the reaction force, the next one crashed into it.

More Derbys were crawling on the surface of the air base, biting everything that built the base with their sharp mouthparts. The miracle created by the hard work of countless people lost its original shape at an extremely fast speed in the eyes of everyone in the command room, and the defensive artillery also lost power one after another.

As the time left for them diminished by the second, Director Di finally calmed down and turned around and said: "Understood, execute the order. Members of each group will drive vehicles to leave the air base in batches."

Dunzi, Qiao Ji and Director Di all walked out of the combat command post, but Staff Officer Chiba remained standing.

"Why don't you evacuate?" Commander Shishi stood in front of the console, turned to look at Staff Officer Chiba, and his tone was as calm as ever.

"We have worked together for so long. As a staff officer, we cannot leave the commander alone to carry out the task at this time." Staff Officer Chiba smiled, with a natural smile on his wrinkled face.

The command broadcast rang in everyone's ears, and the air base, which was already in some chaos due to Derby's invasion, became more lively than ever at this moment.

People in XIG uniforms passed by one after another. Under the seemingly noisy appearance, they were running in the direction they should go in an orderly manner without any collision or stampede.

The few remaining laser cannons that could still fire were controlled by the command room and turned to the drop port under the air base. The bursts of exploding flames cleared away the blocked demonic insects.

In just a few minutes, the release port was forcibly blown open, and transport planes or fighter planes were launched one after another. The engines were started in mid-air, and the nine fighter planes lined up on both sides to eliminate the sea of ​​demonic insects blocking the road.

Watching the transport plane gradually land under the escort of fighter jets, Commander Shishi finally breathed a sigh of relief. After confirming that the time of detonation would not affect the transport aircraft, the two people ran out of the command room at the same time.

Just before the Demonic Destruction Insects once again covered the release port, the EX successfully took Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba out of the air base and swooped down.

The countdown on the main screen in the command room slowly decreased until the moment before reaching zero, three rays of red, blue, and silver light rushed out of the air base, leaving behind the sea of ​​fire set off by the explosion in the sea of ​​demonic insects.

"According to the plan." Gai Ying's telepathy was transmitted to the left and right, Gaia and Aguru both nodded, and Sanao quickly landed towards the ground.

The sea of ​​demonic insects separated ten swarms of insects as if consciously, and gathered on the ground into ten flat fish that seemed to be lying on their sides, with slightly changed colors.

Some dark golden lines were added to the original body, which were attached to the edges of the undulations on the body surface. The round eyes in the center were staring at the three Ultraman, which looked a bit scary.

"Don't waste time with them, these are meaningless cannon fodder." Gai Ying took the lead in a fighting stance and rushed towards the six Caesar Debixi in the center.

At Geo Base, the people who had just transferred from the air base, including Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba, were standing in this temporary command room, looking at the three Austrians on the screen who were facing ten Caesar Debixi. Terman. ..

"Commander, let us take action!" Kajio stood up first, with Captain Yoneda and Captain Inari standing on either side of him, looking at Commander Ishiro with extremely firm eyes.

"No, dispatching now has no meaning except wasting the fighters that were finally brought out. Wait for the order!" Commander Shishi said without any doubt.

Kajio still wanted to argue, but looking at Commander Ishiro's eyes, he could only stand back to his original position silently. He is a warrior after all, and following orders is the most basic quality.

"But I didn't say that we can only watch like this and be ready to go out at any time." Commander Shishi changed the topic, causing the fire that had just extinguished in the eyes of the three people to ignite again.

But when Kajio looked at Commander Ishiro again, he had already turned his head to look at the screen.

"As expected, these bugs block the earth's light, no problem, I dream." Aguru maintained the v2 posture, spread his arms and hit Caesar Debisi's abdomen.

"Don't underestimate me, Fujimiya." After dodging the impact of a Caesar Debisi, Gaia replied without hesitation. He also maintained his v2 form and did not transform into the supreme form.

After the earth's energy connection was blocked by Debisi, they once again lost the energy supply to transform into the supreme form.

Not only them, but also Gaiying has lost the blessing of the earth's energy and can only maintain its original form to fight.

The six Caesar Debixi's three eyes surrounding him on his face and the joints of his legs are all concentrating energy, and eighteen orange destructive rays are launched from six directions aimed at the position of the shadow.

Gai Ying opened his arms without any hesitation, and a silver cylindrical barrier enveloped his whole body, blocking out all the orange light.

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