Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 501: Time Vortex

A colorless vortex suddenly appeared on the sleeping Gaiying's abdomen, but he felt nothing. There was no pain, no attraction coming from the vortex. Even Geddy, who was lying aside, was equally clueless.

It is not a dark corner of the universe, nor is it a sea of ​​stars. Gai Ying didn't know where he was, but he knew he was dreaming.

His powerful telepathy allowed him to easily control his dreams, but Gai Ying did not do this. If it is a battle to protect peace, then it is best to have everything under control.

But since it is a dream, it has the capital to be willful. The more powerful the power, the fewer things that can cause waves for him. At least keeping this unknown curiosity in dreams is also a kind of fun.

There are countless colors of light all around, not limited to the colors that human vision can capture. With Ultraman's sight, he can see much more than humans.

Whether it is colors that cannot be captured by human sight, or various energy rays and electromagnetic waves, the world in Gai Ying's eyes has long been completely different from that of humans.

Dreamy colors flowed slowly like water waves, and he seemed to be in another kingdom of light, but what was everywhere was not the rays released by the plasma sparks, but a slightly unfamiliar energy.

Some are similar to the energy fluctuations of some monsters we have encountered before, and some are similar to the "black holes" we have encountered in hyperspace.

"Time and space... some kind of special power of time and space?"

Gai Ying raised his palm thoughtfully, and the "ocean" composed of countless colors flowed in his palm, feeling the fine sand-like feel. It seems that this is not just a dream, or that some kind of force has distorted this dream. ..

The shadow began to slowly move upstream along this "river of time and space". The closer it got to its source, the more the lights of various colors began to decrease.

At this time, the "river basin" in sight was completely covered by golden quicksand. They flowed like liquid, forming an extremely huge vortex. Countless fine sands from bottom to top form a series of "bubbles" swinging, everything is wrapped in golden light.

Gai Ying looked up and saw a huge black cave leading to nowhere directly above his head. A circle of golden light surrounded the edge, and a sloping roar like a waterfall continued to reach his ears.

This familiar sight immediately made him guess something, and he stared at the center of the whirlpool in surprise. In that world, he had seen the novel of Ultimate Zero Guard.

Exactly the same as the scene described in the text, here is... a vortex of time.

"Isn't it said that only those who are summoned can reach the vortex of time?"

"Yes, you are no exception." For no reason, a familiar voice sounded in his mind. It was low and majestic, as if a powerful and reliable old man was speaking.

"The guardian of time?" Gai Ying didn't know whether the other party existed in a certain corner with consciousness, or whether he was everywhere in the time vortex.

The fluctuations of his mind power were transmitted indiscriminately, trying to be received by the unknown time guardian.

"Ultraman Gaiying." In a burst of golden light, Gaiying could vaguely see a giant with a cloak raised behind him, which was almost the same size as him.

That is not a real body, but more of a projection when telepathy transmits messages over a long distance. But he didn't know if it was an illusion or something else, but he always felt that that figure looked a bit like...

"King of Ultra?"

Either a sound of temptation or surprise came out of his "mouth", and the Time Watcher gradually turned around and showed his true appearance in front of Gai Ying.

This was a meeting in a "dream". Gai Ying's consciousness came to the vortex of time, and the time guardian lost his body.

"Long time no see, Gai Ying."

The King of Ultra nodded slightly, and the golden quicksand around him penetrated his "body" without causing any impact.

"Time Watcher, I didn't expect you to have such an identity." Gai Ying couldn't help but sigh. He had thought about many possibilities that could affect his "dream", but he had never thought about the Ultra King.

"As the Ultramans from the Kingdom of Light said, with such power, you should do something with it." The Ultra King watched the golden sand flow continuously along the direction of the vortex.

"I sensed that as your original form gradually becomes stronger, it is logical to inherit the power of time from your predecessor, so I summoned you to come here."

"The power of time, Fast?" Gai Ying followed and cast his gaze towards the whirlpool. He had already guessed what he was going to do.

"This vortex contains the flow of time in this world. If you don't have the power to control time, no matter how powerful it is, it may be wiped out. Whether you want to take risks or not, the decision lies with you."

The Ultra King moved aside, revealing the center of the vortex in front of Gai Ying.

Gai Ying only hesitated for a moment, then immediately stretched out his arms and flew towards the whirlpool. The moment it came into contact with the golden quicksand, huge pressure came from all directions.

Gai Ying seemed to be in a hydraulic press, but the difference was that huge pressure was everywhere, and it seemed that he could be crushed at any time. Not only outside the body, but also inside the body, there was a tearing pain.

A tiny grain of golden sand quickly magnified in his sight, turning into a golden rock that was larger than his body. Gai Ying subconsciously wanted to escape, but was restrained in place by the ubiquitous pressure.

The huge golden rock smashed into pieces on his body, and an extremely clear image appeared in front of him. The beginning of the image was accompanied by severe pain caused by the impact.

He seemed to have returned to the empty universe in the early days, before life was born, everything was chaotic and disorderly, and only deathly silence and loneliness accompanied the three of them.

Yes, three of them.

Beside Gai Ying, Ai Bo and Di Jia were floating on the left and right of him. This scene was extremely familiar. The scene when Fast first split, the moment when Gai Ying, Aibo and Diga were born.

"This is my memory..." He immediately confirmed everything in his heart, but the following boulders would not slow down at all. The second one hit Gai Ying's chest again, and then broke into pieces.

The scene in front of them changed from the empty universe to everything they had seen during their continuous travels. The scenes flashed by quickly until they transformed into the ultra-ancient Earth in the universe where TPC was located.

Three silver giants landed on the earth with countless streams of light. The lights merged with humans one after another, condensing into the form of giants.

His sight only stayed for less than a second at the moment when countless giants were born, and the severe pain brought about a change in the scene again.

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