Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 540: Zero was fooled by Zeta

Even though Gai Ying didn't release his telekinesis, he could still detect Beria's ever-increasing energy aura in the huge claw-shaped celestial body.

It was mixed with the kingdom's Absolute particles, Emeralu ore and some unknown dark energy, which reminded Gai Ying subconsciously of the special energy he had noticed not long ago.

It seems that he is not the only one who has invaded the so-called Galactic Empire, but there is also some unknown darkness. Gai Ying still did not let down his guard at all, watching as Zero transformed and lifted the two of them into space.

Now the two sides fighting against each other are no longer Beria and Zero, but the shadow and the unknown darkness standing behind them. The other party has personally ended the fight, but Gai Ying is still sitting firmly behind the scenes, unmoved at all.

No, he may have already ended. The Mirror Knight was purified much earlier. It may provide unexpected help to Zero, or it may become the key to reversing the situation.

"So, where is the Shield of Palagi you are looking for?"

Hovering in space, Zero looked around distressedly. This is not the universe he is familiar with, and he cannot remember the coordinates of the corresponding star map.

"Go to the Pirates of Fire. They know where the Shield of Palagi is." Just as Lan was about to speak, Xiao Zhi spoke first. He clearly remembered every word of what his father told him.

"Understood!" Zero's body suddenly changed from stillness to high speed, but just after flying more than a thousand meters, he suddenly stopped again: "Wait a minute, where is the Pirate of Fire?"

"In the sea of ​​nitromethane?" Xiao Zhi scratched his head. In fact, he had only heard many stories from his father, but he had never actually been to the places in the stories.

"Where is the Sea of ​​Nitromethane?" Zero still didn't know why. The universe was too big, and without exact coordinates and star maps, even Ultraman couldn't find the target.

"Aren't you Ultraman who can fly in the universe? How come you don't know these famous places?" Lan was a little strange. Even civilians like them who can't enter the universe at will have heard of names. How could Zero not know them? .

"I'm not Ultraman from this universe. That guy Beria and I both come from another universe." When Beria was mentioned, Cero was a little irritated.

It's not that he has never performed the mission of the Space Guard alone, but those were all in the universe where the Kingdom of Light is located. He was familiar with everything there, but after coming to this universe, everything seemed to go wrong.

The bracelet Gai Ying left for him could solve the problem of energy storage, but it couldn't solve his unfamiliarity with this universe. M..

Sudden in confusion, Zero suddenly turned around. At the place where he had just rescued Xiao Zhi and Lan, a special energy wave was moving rapidly. It was a spaceship powered by Emerald ore.

The red and white spacecraft suddenly accelerated, leaving the surface of the planet and entering super-light flight.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Zero was wrapped in light as the opponent accelerated. He also entered super-light flight by turning into a photosphere, and chased after the spacecraft.

The red-white light and the golden ball of light successively changed from invisible high-speed movement to stillness. Zero quickly turned into a stream of light and carried Lan and Xiaozhi into the cabin.

"You rude guy, stay away from Princess Emerana!" The central console lit up, and an unfamiliar shouting voice sounded.

"Don't be so vigilant, I just want to ask for directions." When he was not sure whether it was safe, Zero did not cancel the transformation, but just maintained his miniaturized posture.

"Dark Lops?" The moment the light dissipated and Zero revealed his figure, a startled voice sounded again, "Your Highness, stay away from that guy!"

"Here we go again, open your eyes and take a good look. I look nothing like that guy." Sero raised his right hand and pointed at himself with a thumbs up.

"After my analysis, the physical similarity between you and Dark Lops is 73%." The voice known as James showed a comparison picture of Zero and Dark Lops on the screen.

"I have never hated Beria so much." Zero clenched his fists. This was the second time he was recognized as Dark Lops. He had made a fool of himself before because he didn't know the way. It must be because that guy Zeta keeps pestering him to call him senior brother, and even he is regarded as a fool.

"Where are you going?" Looking at Zero who was arguing with James, Emelana stood up from her seat, her white dress dragged to the ground, and her hair was tied up with a silver metal headdress. Neatly.

"We are going to find the Shield of Palagi and defeat Belia!" Xiao Zhi spoke first again. Lan was a step too late and failed to stop him, so he could only step forward to block Xiao Zhi behind him.

The identity of the other party has not yet been determined, and it is never a good choice to rashly expose one's target.

"Can something like that that only exists in legends really be able to defeat Beria?" James Robert questioned aloud. As a mechanical creature, he did not have the respect and trust for legends.

"Are you doubting what my father said to me?" Xiao Zhi broke away from Lan's arm and rushed out from behind him to retort loudly.

"No, it's just that there are no facts to prove that it really exists." The question did not involve the princess's safety. James' answer became emotionless, as if he was just a pure machine.

Xiaozhi still wanted to refute angrily, but he couldn't think of how to refute. His words were all based on his trust in his father, but even his father himself had never actually seen the Shield of Palagi with his own eyes.

"Try it, James." Emerana suddenly spoke, her words filled with exhaustion and sorrow. "We can't run away like this forever. I don't want to run away just to live anymore."

"But princess, your safety..." James was still worried. The order he received was to ensure the safety of Princess Emerana at all costs.

"Can we really wait until the day when Beria is defeated by running away blindly? If we don't intend to resist, how can we expect the heroes descending from the sky to fight for us." Emerana interrupted James Robert's words .

"And...I'm tired of hiding around like this. Esmeralda's royal family can't just accept protection, but it also has to do something for my home planet."

James was silent for a moment, and the center lighted up again: "Your order has the highest authority. If you decide, I am willing to comply."

"Then let's go to the Sea of ​​Nitromethane with them!" Aimee Lana looked at the main console and spoke firmly.

"As commanded."

The spacecraft that had just hovered for a moment was once again enveloped in light, and a moment later it turned into an uncaptured shadow and flew toward its destination faster than the speed of light.

"Thank you, James." Emerana nodded gratefully.

"This is my duty." James' cold voice sounded.

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