Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 554: Both sides suffer losses

The red Zero had no intention of answering, and he continued to attack Beria one after another, and he had to deal with every punch with all his strength.

But this kind of non-stop continuous all-out attack is a burden to them. This kind of fighting style is not like the Zero that Beria knows. His narrow eyes stared at the red Zero for a while, and then he said suddenly.

"You can't stay in that state for long."

He guessed the result correctly, but Zero's violent attack remained the same. After a set of consecutive blows, Sero's right fist was collected at the side of his waist, and after a brief pause, he punched it out with a dazzling red light.

The Evil Beria also accumulated strength, black and red light surrounded his right fist, and countless lightnings raged around him. The two figures punched simultaneously with tacit understanding. Black and red collided in the center, and the completely opposite energies destroyed and destroyed each other.

Strong energy swept out from the center of the collision point of the fist. Both Belia and Cero were shaken back by this light. It seemed that it was because of the injuries they carried and that the energy had begun to weaken. Cero was shaken back. The distance is farther than Belial the Evil.

But he completely ignored the pain coming from his right hand and gathered energy in a more violent posture. An almost oval light was released as his arms were formed into an L shape and fired towards the enemy. .

The Evil Belial just took one step slower and began to accumulate strength. The Evil Explosion surrounded by black and red lightning collided head-on with the New Zero Concentrated Ray. Energy beams splashed from time to time in the center of the collision, with frightening and terrifying fluctuations. .

A dark red ball of energy surrounded by countless lightning bolts appeared in the center of the collision of two rays of light. The extremely evil Beria knew the result that was about to happen. The energy light ball formed by the convergence of energy from both sides was inherently unstable, not to mention that Zero's power in this posture was almost uncontrollable.

When this temporary balance ends, a huge explosion will inevitably occur. But he can't help it now. Once he stops releasing it, the new Cero cluster ray will push the light ball to fly in his direction.

Such a huge amount of energy exploded at close range, enough to cause extremely serious injuries to him. And Zero, who only briefly released the power hidden in his body, would only be in a worse situation, and might be directly blown into countless light particles.

The light ball in the center was slowly expanding, and the energy contained in it was becoming more and more unstable. After a few seconds, the weak balance was completely broken, and it exploded silently.

The expansion of energy suddenly accelerated. Both Belia and Zero could no longer maintain the release of light. They were pushed backwards by the huge thrust brought by the explosion, and their whole bodies felt as if they were being beaten with huge force.

The red color on Zero's body receded like water waves, returning to a figure dominated by red and blue. Even his instinctive behavior was no longer carried out. His whole body was burned black by high-temperature energy. It was completely impossible to see the high-spirited mood not long ago. look.

The colored timer on his chest flashed slowly, and the red light that lit up was extremely weak. The sudden outburst of uncontrollable power had already put a huge burden on his body, and the injuries on his body undoubtedly made his situation even worse.

The dim light was almost impossible to capture. In the cold and dead dark starry sky, there was only a huge black human figure floating aimlessly, with no idea of ​​the end point.

In the brightly lit cockpit, Amy Lana stared at the screen in front of her with a somewhat anxious expression. James was using all his computing power to try to calculate the whereabouts of Zero during the explosion.

They also captured the huge energy burst, and after it completely subsided, they returned to the battlefield to check.

But both the Evil Beria and Zero Zero have lost their power, leaving only the Deloch Star as if it had been bitten by something. The violent energy did not even leave the wreckage of the battleship group, and the entire planet was The domain is clean.

It looks like...the warrior of light from another universe died together with the demon who threatened the entire universe.

No one pays attention to the death of the extremely evil Beria. Whether it is rational thinking or data judgment, it is difficult for the strength that Zero has shown before to survive this terrifying energy explosion.

After calculation, James Bert gave a survival probability of less than 1%, but Red Lotus Flame did not believe that Zero would die like this. After everyone brainstormed, they reluctantly came up with a possible survival plan.

If Zero used all his energy to form a barrier to wrap his whole body, he might have a chance to escape with the help of the thrust brought by the energy burst.

But whether Zero, who has lost his mind, can still make accurate judgments, everyone is pessimistic about this.

But none of them wanted to believe that Zero was dead. It was clear that not long ago that guy was talking shamelessly about Noah in the spaceship, and he hadn't really done what Noah did. How could he die?

"Sorry, Your Highness, I still firmly believe in my calculations. With the power Ultraman Zero has shown in previous battles, the chance of surviving such an energy burst is less than 1%."

James reported coldly that he did not curse Zero, nor did he wish him to die. A machine without emotions will only perform its tasks coldly, firmly believing in its own results.

"Roast chicken, not everything in the world will go according to the results of that stupid calculation. That guy will never die like this." Red Lotus Flame retorted unhappily. As a free pirate of fire, he never believed it. The so-called probability.

How can the outcome of life be determined by calculated data?

"But there is no reason why he can resist an energy explosion of this scale. If there is no external influence, I can't calculate the reason why he might survive." James' voice was still cold.

"That's because you have no heart at all." This sentence blurted out during the argument. But soon Red Lotus Flame realized something was wrong. This sentence seemed a bit too hurtful.

But he has always been straightforward, and naturally he will not avoid his mistakes. He apologized simply and neatly: "I'm sorry, roast chicken, I didn't mean it."

"I don't understand what you mean by heart. This sentence is not offensive in my judgment." James paused. "But I did have some very strange moments that I shouldn't have." …”

He seemed to think for a moment, and then said: "...Emotions, emotions that I shouldn't have have affected me. Your Highness, I think I need a comprehensive self-examination to eliminate unknown factors that may have an impact."

"No, James." Emerana shook her head, "That's what you should have. I hope you will always be James, not the Royal Spaceship."

"Understood, Your Highness Princess." It was still a cold reply, as if he was simply executing every order of Emerana.

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