Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 585: Battle of the Space Guard

"Although it is very difficult, it would be good if we could save some." Diga's remaining consciousness once again conveyed the message. He had never seen this kind of scene where everything was still, but he was not sure yet where his brother had gone. Which step.

"Although I really want to solve all this as soon as possible, you'd better wait with me for a while, Diga." Gai Ying remained still, showing no signs of difficulty.

Although Diga was confused, he still trusted Gai Ying's choice and did not say anything to stop him. Gai Ying looked at the shadow formed by the translucent golden light, and seemed to have returned to the time when they fought side by side 30 million years ago.

"What exactly happened after Amber and I left the earth?"

Without relying on the power of time to observe the past, Gai Ying wanted to hear the answer he wanted from Diga himself. After being missing for 30 million years, except for the remaining fighting body and the gathering light of hope, why can't there be any trace of Tiga's body anymore?

"After the two brothers left, I could only delay the fight against Gatanjie, and it was even difficult to cause any effective harm to him."

"So I started looking for any possible way to save that civilization. Maybe I found it, but I was just a residual consciousness and did not retain the memory of that plan."

After all, it was just an incomplete consciousness, like a reverberation left in the long river of history. He was not the real Tiga, and it was difficult for Gai Ying to get a real answer from him.

Gai Ying nodded tiredly in response, crossing the vast hyperspace, still unable to find any valuable clues. But he didn't show anything, and it was an unexpected surprise to see part of his consciousness.

The space is full of cracks like broken lenses. The hole in the center is about to swallow the entire earth. The evil god from another world has completely arrived, and the thousands of meters of tentacles have just begun to dance.

All this stopped because of his will. Except for the legendary warriors, he could not find any opponent, but he was powerless about Tiga's whereabouts.

After a moment of silence, everything around him began to flow on a small scale. The huge tearing force from the exile was completely unable to affect anything on the earth due to the existence of the shadow.

Only Gatanjie, who had just arrived, escaped from the ground uncontrollably. The huge shell twisted a few times in the air before being swallowed by the hole. The mobile evil Tiga, who had just completed the transformation, froze in place, and the armor separated from his body on its own, turning into brand new armor of red, dark blue and silver.

The mobile suit that the Gaiying readjusted according to his degraded posture - the Mobile Gaiying, completely transformed at this moment. Without the wearer, the armor stood quietly in place without any reaction.

"Is that... the legendary warrior?" Ed stared closely at the huge figure protecting the earth. Even if he was a man from the universe, he would not be much calmer than the earthlings who saw this scene.

Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light is already a very powerful biological individual in the entire universe, and few races can surpass them. But the strange Ultraman in front of him showed power from a completely different dimension.

The final solution of Jeton's core - exile, has no effect on the silver giant. The cosmic rift that swallows everything and is much more terrifying than a black hole is like an ordinary breeze to him.

Not only him, but even all life on the earth is also unaffected. It seems that the earth and the cosmic rift are in two different spaces that cannot contact each other.

"He is indeed the legendary Ultraman." Hayata Shinya couldn't help but sigh. No one present knew the strength of Geying and Ultraman better than him.

Shinjiro stared blankly at the giant protecting the earth, feeling a little at a loss for a moment. Although I have long heard the description of the legendary warrior, when this kind of power is actually displayed in front of me, it brings a completely different feeling.

Especially since he had seen the human form of Ultraman before. At that time, he had not thought of the other person's identity, and even now he still couldn't believe it.

In the hyperspace, the light path carries the emerald green planet towards the opened gap in the universe at high speed. This was the most exciting scene they had seen in their decades of travel.

The hometown they thought they would never be able to return to really appeared before their eyes. But everything in the universe observed outside the cosmic wall is still, and even the cracked cosmic wall has stopped.

"Captain, do you want to find a way to solve the cracked cosmic wall first?" Zuo Fei conveyed worry. Even though the hometown he longed for was right in front of him, his first concern was the safety of the universe.

"No, I can feel the light of Ultraman. We just need to use the rift to return to the universe." The father of Ultra looked at the connection point of the light path. The end of the light flow was exactly the same as the wall of the universe. The gaps are connected.

"But before that..." His eyes spanned a distance of hundreds of light years and captured the black conch suspended in the void outside the wall of the universe, with its tentacles constantly dancing: "First defeat the darkness in front of you."

Zuo Fei was the first to nod, and the red cloak behind him was lifted up by him, and he stretched his arms and flew towards the sky. The father of Ultra raised his palm, and an Ultra signature was displayed in the sky above the entire Kingdom of Light.

Hundreds of streams of light flew out from the headquarters of the Space Guard, led by the Ultra brothers and flew towards Gatanje.

Gatanjie quickly stabilized himself, relying on his own flying ability to offset the remaining power brought by the exile. Tentacles several times longer than his body length spread all over the surrounding space, waving continuously.

The light balls spanned a distance measured in light years at super-light speed. After the light balls dissipated, they turned into giant figures tens of meters tall, suspended up and down in front of Gatanjie.

"Such a strong dark energy." Zuo Fei looked around at the soldiers around him and warned uneasily: "Cooperate with each other, don't fight alone."

Jack, Severn, Ace, Tyro and Max beside them all nodded. Apart from the captain, they were the only ones in the Space Guard who had enough combat power to sustain themselves for a moment when facing Gatanjie alone.

Hundreds of warriors from the Space Guard spread out and surrounded Gatanje in the center. Light blades of different colors and shapes kept colliding with Gatanje's tentacles, but were easily shattered into countless pieces by the powerful and heavy tentacles. light particles.

Ordinary attacks cannot break through the surface defenses of Gatanje, so the Space Guards, who should have the advantage due to their numbers, are at a slight disadvantage.

The light on Max's head lit up, and a hidden head dart flew out, silently cutting off the tentacles binding a warrior.

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