Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 591: Diga’s past

"Geddy, are you thinking about your brother too?" Touching Geddy with the colored timer on his chest, Diga stood up straight and looked into the distance: "Let's go and see if there is anything in Gatanje. abnormal."

As he said these words, he could clearly feel Gatanje's scarlet eyes. But he didn't care about that, even if he didn't call them by name, Gatanje was always watching them.

Let him keep an eye on it. Even if only Diga is left alone, he can reach a stalemate with Gatanjie and buy more time for the return of the two brothers.

After confirming that Gatanjie was still where he was, Diga turned around and flew back to the outside of the gathering place. The light blade containing energy was released from his hand and penetrated each Melba, leaving a series of explosions in the sky.

These dependents polluted by dark energy are not his opponents at all, but they are somewhat difficult enemies for Ultraman who were born after merging with humans.

The Ultramen spread out like this, sweeping away the approaching monsters, allowing the humans behind to rebuild the city in a safe area.

It seems like they have already started researching new weapons, right?

This thought flashed through Diga's mind, but it didn't stop at all. He knows very little about human beings and has almost no contact with them except in battle.

His eyes noticed the two nearest warriors. The red one was mainly red, and the strong one was fighting in close combat with Flame Gorzan, while the dark blue one relied on speed to fight several Melba.

"Are they called Achilles and Herao?" Looking at the two warriors who turned back after the battle, Diga nodded slightly and then turned around and flew back to the valley.

This is the place where the three of them stay most often, and it is also the place where Gaiying met Gedi. For wanderers who have no home to speak of, the comfort of their temporary habitat seems to be less important.

Geddy nuzzled Tiga obediently, then lowered his body and closed his eyes, as if he wanted to rest. His energy is no better than Tiga's, and after going around in a circle and going through a battle, he still doesn't feel any loss.

Diga touched Geddy's head again and stood quietly, his ultra-psychic power spreading, feeling everything around him. Although Gatanje'e has not changed much, the dark energy on this planet is becoming more intense.

Even when he was dealing with Melba just now, he saw several monsters with scarlet eyes that were supposed to be gentle, mixed in with the attacking herd and approaching the city. Their originally flat bodies were covered with dense monsters like the shells of Gatanje. holes.

There is no doubt that they are tainted by darkness. Even Gorzan and Melba, who appeared with Gatanje, may have been normal monsters that were not contaminated a long time ago.

Since Gai Ying and Ai Bo left, these changes have quietly begun. Gatanjeou is testing whether his two old rivals have really left, but is unwilling to take risks. .

"His Royal Highness Diga." A crisp call attracted Diga's attention. He turned his head and looked towards the valley. Achilles, whom he had just seen not long ago, was standing at the only entrance.

He did not fall from the sky and land directly in front of Diga, but walked over like a human being, and even called politely "outside the door".

"General Nova still hopes that you can join us. The analysis of light may allow us to have more Ultraman, and one day we can completely eliminate the evil god's harm."

Diga did not answer, but shook his head to express his attitude. He knew the source of this power very well. Without a correct heart and only the energy of light, how could he be called Ultraman?

Achilles didn't care either. He was just ordered to deliver a message. Whether he could succeed in studying the power of light, he had already made a judgment in his heart.

Before he and Hero became Ultraman, they were warriors of this civilization and subordinates of You Lian. The original intention they always upheld prevented them from getting carried away after receiving the huge power that fell from the sky, but continued to follow orders as warriors.

After receiving a negative answer, he just bowed slightly to show respect, turned around, took two steps back and left the valley, and then jumped into the sky.

Diga is not a talkative person. He prefers to express his choices through actions rather than long conversations. Among the giants, there were only five or six who had come into contact with Diga. A shaking head was enough for Achilles to understand what he meant.

But one thing is correct about human attitude: the trouble caused by Gatanje must be solved as soon as possible. If the influence of dark energy continues to spread, the demise of civilization will only be a matter of time.

Although it was just an idea, Tiga should not relax at all. He just stood there, observing every change coming from Gatanje. The two enemies faced each other across the vast sea, and neither one took the lead.

It was like... two lifeless stone statues looking at each other from a distance where they should not be able to see each other.

One night passed silently, and under the darkness of night, Gatanjie's dark energy blocked the only light from the sky. Diga's figure was hidden in the shadows, and only his eyes and three rays of light on his chest could be seen.

The stars in the sky were moving slowly, and the morning sun slowly rose from the horizon, shining red as blood on Diga's body. His silver body reflected red light and shone in the early morning valley.

Geddy's head popped up from the entrance of the valley. He had long been accustomed to the daily life of the three brothers. After a short rest yesterday, he began to wander around, wary of any monster that might approach here.

Life forms that rely on energy to survive completely eliminate their need for food and sleep. The only things that can make them feel mentally exhausted are racial reasons or a large consumption of physical strength and energy.

Although they had not slept all night, Diga and Gedi did not show any signs of fatigue. They once again relied on anti-gravity to fly into the air and flew in the direction of Gatanjie.

After turning around outside the thicker black mist and confirming that Gatanje was still motionless, Diga flew towards the battlefield between giants and monsters.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but today's monster wave seemed particularly ferocious. The leading ones even completely abandoned their defense, just so that their huge claws could fall on the giant one more time.

Diga paused, suspended in mid-air, and released a silver beam of light from his right hand, sweeping towards the densely packed monsters.

The roaring monsters all stopped in place, and the monsters that released the energy beam also stopped. In an instant, the bodies of each monster were easily split into two by the beam, and at least thousands of tons of the upper body were severed. Parts of them separated from the body and fell to the ground.

The vibrations caused by the continuous impact on the ground spread throughout the battlefield, and even the city thousands of meters behind could clearly feel the unusual trembling of the earth.

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