Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 601: Tiga can’t help himself

The "blood" from the giant blends into the rivers, lakes and seas, and penetrates the mountains, rivers and vegetation. It was the light of hope that came from the hearts of countless people and briefly focused on him.

They will be passed to the future over time. If the human civilization at this time eventually perishes, the new civilization on this planet will inherit their will and experience, adding a negligible power to defeat the darkness.

After doing all this, the always bright colored timer on Diga's chest began to flash. The energy in his body can only maintain the figure of a giant, and it is difficult to even carry out ordinary battles.

Achilles and Herao broke through the black fog and entered outer space one by one. They relied on their own light energy to protect Tiga and quickly landed towards the ground.

As the black mist rolled in, three huge figures landed on the ground. Achilles and Herao could still maintain anti-gravity, and they did not let their own weight bring much burden to the ground while landing. In an instant, he knelt down on one knee, and the colored timer on his chest flashed even more rapidly.

He returned to the familiar valley, and the light in the consciousness space gradually split into two, separated into a smaller light group, revealing an illusory Tiga.

Achilles and Herao reached out to help Tiga, who was kneeling on one knee, but he raised his hand to block them. The silver light on Diga's body has been completely extinguished, revealing his true appearance.

He stood up straight slowly and steadily, his hands clenched into fists hanging naturally by his sides. A ray of light separated from Diga's body under the gaze of three eyes, and lost its light. The silver giant began to turn gray from the color timer.

The petrification quickly spread throughout the body until it completely turned into a stone statue. Only the Tiga crystal on the forehead flickered for a moment, and then fell into silence...

Next to You Lian at your feet, a fluffy puppy whined and whined, trying desperately to break away from You Lian's arms and pounce on the lifeless stone statue.

Achilles and Hero put one hand on their chests and bent down to express their respect for the Ultraman with the same etiquette.

The light group that separated from the body suddenly disappeared in just an instant. Even Ultraman's eyesight could not detect how he disappeared.

They didn't know whether Diga's plan was successful, but now it seemed that they could only continue according to the original plan.

Tiga lost all perception of the surroundings. The creature's observation of the world comes from its own sensory organs. It uses its eyes to receive electromagnetic waves to provide vision, and its ears to capture sounds to provide hearing.

Even if vision, smell and hearing are all lost, you can still be aware of everything around you by relying on the touch of your body.

But right now, Diga couldn't sense anything around him. Any ability to observe the outside world seemed to have been cut off, as if he was in a void.

He does not know whether he succeeds or dies, and has no one to provide him with experience in becoming a concept. But this can no longer be made up for by hard work. It seems that all he can do is wait.

"Captain, everyone knows Diga's name, but the superiors are very dissatisfied with your actions..." Herao hesitated, his worry evident in his words.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore. If it succeeds, humans can escape from the darkness. If it fails, they can welcome death calmly. No matter which one it is, it doesn't matter whether they are satisfied with me or not."

Youlian didn't take this matter to heart. She just looked up at the dim sky outside the window, hoping that there would be a bright star shining there. But the sky was still so gloomy, depressing and desperate.

"Sorry, Hero, and Achilles. You have obviously done a lot for mankind, but now they only remember Tiga."

You Lian sighed. She made Diga the representative of hope in people's hearts just as planned. For Tiga, who needs to incarnate hope, there will be no companions.

As a result, the frequency of other giants being mentioned in people's mouths began to decrease visibly to the naked eye. This is not fair to the warriors who fight to protect humanity.

"It doesn't matter. We don't fight for praise and cheers." Achilles answered, with worry in his expression: "I just don't know how His Highness Tiga is doing."

Youlian wanted to tell them that Diga would succeed, but when he opened his mouth, no words of comfort came out.

Turning it into a concept has exceeded the scope of science they are currently studying. If they find anyone in civilization, they will say it is impossible. After a long silence, she said.

"You guys should go and rest. Operating in such a thick black mist will not have any impact on Ultraman."

The two of them responded in unison, then turned and walked out of the tall arch, gradually disappearing amid the sound of footsteps. You Lian's upright body seemed to have suddenly lost strength, and she leaned softly on the back of the chair behind her.

She didn't want to think about anything anymore. She was already very tired, both physically and mentally. Do everything you can, and it won't matter whether you succeed or fail.

She closed her eyes, and the black mist, the monsters, the reports on the table, and the giants that gradually created a gap between humans, all disappeared from her mind.

"I hope mom can bring me a cake on the way back from get off work. I've been waiting for a long time." This is a childish voice.

"It would be great if the war could end here." This is the exhaustion inadvertently revealed in the determined leisure.

"Can I really wait until the day when the black fog disappears? I really want to see the blue sky again."

When Diga came back to his senses, there was no way to measure time in the void. From some unknown time, he began to hear the prayers of intelligent beings.

That was their pure and beautiful hope, and that voice spanned the distance of endless space and sounded in Diga's consciousness. This seemed to mean that he succeeded, that he truly became hope.

Diga's consciousness flashed. On a certain planet, a middle-aged woman returning home from get off work suddenly seemed to remember something and turned to the cake shop on the roadside: "This is it, the cake that Xiaoyou has been promised for a long time. Really, how could I almost miss it?" Forgot again."

The ruler of another civilization that was still in a feudal society sat on the throne tiredly and sighed. Years of fighting had made the country no longer rich in supplies. After repeated persuasion by his subordinates, he finally said.

"Give me the order to withdraw the troops and stop all foreign wars."

Tiga's consciousness stayed on the voice that hoped that the black mist would disappear. It came from the planet that he tried his best to protect, but he was no longer Ultraman Tiga and could not use his power by his own will.

He can only respond, respond to the hope in people's hearts.

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