Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 604 The Birth of the Dark Giant

Tiny pollen invisible to the naked eye gathers into a thin yellow smoke and mixes with the black fog. Not only does the black fog in Gatanjeou not affect these flowers, it actually helps to cover up the pollen.

Without human energy supplies, Ultraman struggled to hold on and began to retreat one after another. The black mist enveloped their bodies as if they had their own consciousness. Saga also stopped attacking and chirped at a special frequency.

The color timer flashed faster and faster, and countless Ultraman pressed their heads and rolled on the ground in pain. The already insufficient energy was no longer able to help them resist the darkness, and they could only endure the torture of the black mist.

All the emotions they had as human beings were completely aroused, and scenes of people's rejection in the past, and scenes of being criticized even though they tried their best, all appeared before their eyes.

That kind of unwillingness, that kind of sadness, and that smile on their faces hurt their hearts. A faint light gradually extinguished, his eyes began to become ferocious, and black stripes appeared on the body surface.

Attachments like octopus tentacles also appeared on many giants, and the originally harsh chirps suddenly became normal and no longer caused severe pain and torture.

The environment that originally made them extremely resistant suddenly became suitable. The black mist continuously replenished the energy shortage in the body, which was the power of darkness.

Deep in the black mist, a black vortex formed on the chest of the huge stone statue standing in the valley. The black mist was rapidly pouring in using the colored timer as the entrance, completely obliterating the light of participation left by Tiga.

The stone colored timer lit up with blue light and gradually spread to the surroundings, restoring the stone statue to its giant appearance. More than half of the originally pure silver body turned black, but there were no other changes.

"Diga" looked down at his hands and the black parts on his arms in confusion, feeling a little confused for a moment. But an unreasonable irritation and anger arose, making him want to destroy something.

"I didn't expect His Highness Tiga to be unable to resist the erosion of darkness." After becoming a dark giant, the power of ultrasonic energy began to flow unimpeded in the black mist, and even helped its transmission like an excellent conductor.

Dark Diga looked up and saw a gold and silver female warrior standing in the black mist looking at him. The excitement and joy contained in the fluctuations of her mind were clearly there.

Standing next to her were two red and purple giants. Durham's clear and solid muscles turned into armor-like skin, his waist and abdomen were completely covered by black armor, and his oval eyes turned into a straight line. .

Hitler's upper body was wrapped around this tentacle-like thing, and the twisted tentacles were like part of his body growing out of him. The eyes have also become as elongated as Durham, and the mouth looks like the gills of some kind of marine animal.

If it weren't for the colorful timer on the chest and the still humanoid shape, no one would think of this weird guy as Ultraman at first sight.

Dark Diga didn't answer, he just stood there blankly, his mind in chaos. Is he Tiga? But why do most of the memories in my mind consist of how to fight?

Dark Diga, who was struggling in the chaos, didn't notice that Camilla was already standing beside him. The silver palm gently rested on Dark Diga's shoulder, feeling the huge dark energy in Dark Diga's body, and conveyed the message again.

"If you have nowhere to go, why not come with us?"

No matter how he thought about it, his mind would only become more and more confusing. Dark Diga nodded blankly, looking as if he didn't hear Camilla's words at all and was just reacting blindly to outside interference.

Dharam and Xitra stepped forward together, consciously standing behind Camilla and Diga. Led by Camilla, they left this valley that was familiar yet unfamiliar to Dark Diga.

Tiga knew nothing about what was happening on the earth, but he could clearly tell that the hope from the earth suddenly disappeared completely.

There was no gradual diminution, no new disaster even to be discovered among those hopeful prayers. It was as if the entire earth was wiped out by something in an instant, leaving no trace.

But no matter how anxious he was, it couldn't change the fact that he was trapped in the concept of hope. He can respond to everyone's hope, but who can respond to the hope of "hope" itself?

"The blooming Qijela satisfies everyone's desires, so they no longer have hope." Gai Ying sighed. If Qijera had not appeared, Diga's plan was enough for him to fight Gatanje with the power of hope. A decisive battle.

But Qijela extinguished the hope of the entire civilization, and the erosion of dark energy plunged the Ultraman into a long civil war, and they would never have enough power to summon Tiga.

Diga looked far calmer than Gai Ying. This long period of loneliness had made him no longer mind his original failure. But the pain of not preserving that civilization is always engraved in the depths of memory and will not be dimmed by the passage of time.

"Yes, no one expected that Qijela would be stuck in the most critical step of this plan and bloom on the earth."

"But I didn't expect that my remaining consciousness would be contaminated and become Dark Diga. When he completely dissipated, he also brought me this power."

He looked down at his body, and the red and purple lines were still visible on the translucent outline. That power changed his body surface from pure silver to its current complex shape.

"So, do all the subsequent memories come from Dark Diga?" In the consciousness space, Gai Ying sat on the ground, with his bent right knee and his arm, leaning against Diga.

Diga also sat down in a similar posture on the "ground" that emitted light and could not see the entity at all: "Not entirely. After becoming a hope for a while, I found that I can observe the outside world in a way similar to the perspective of the universe."

But that is not a gift from heaven. Fate always likes to play nasty tricks on people. He can indeed observe everything that happens on the earth, but watching everything happen with his own eyes and being unable to do anything, isn't it more cruel than knowing nothing?

Gai Ying was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "So Camilla is also your lover? Originally, I was still curious about how you fell in love with her."

Diga was choked for a moment, and he didn't know how to judge whether the relationship between the residual consciousness should be extended to the main body. The sadness in his heart was interrupted by Gai Ying's changing topic, and then he calmed down.

"Brother, what about you? Thirty million years have passed and you haven't met anyone you love?"

Gai Ying also choked, and the two brothers turned to look at each other and suddenly laughed. The daily scenes of brothers getting along emerged one after another, as if the 30 million years of separation had never existed.

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