Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 611: The oriole is behind

The Ultramans, who had escaped Saga's harassment, took the opportunity to accumulate energy. Dozens of red, blue, purple, and gold rays of light converged together and condensed into a four-color beam with a diameter of tens of meters, hitting the Saga group on the ground. .

The large piece of soil was vaporized at the moment of contact, without even causing a terrifying shock wave on the ground. Just like the God who depicts this world holds a piece of eraser, the matter that comes into contact with the light is "erased" clean.

Even though the Ultramans quickly stopped releasing the light, there was still a larger pit on the ground than the one Hlau left just now.

Apart from monsters and other creatures that are as extraordinary as Ultraman, and apart from the man-made artifacts produced by extremely high technology, everything on this planet is too fragile for Ultraman.

They rarely need to adapt themselves to the environment, and more often the environment adapts to them.

After cleaning up a large number of Zoga, the densely populated huge figures in the sky became much sparser. Except for Golzan, who was emitting light from the ground, the giant of light finally got some breathing space.

"Som, please hold on for a while." Hlau fell to the ground, and the color timer on his chest lit up red.

At the beginning of the battle, he chose to use full firepower, causing heavy damage to the dark giants and monsters. At the same time, the huge consumption also forced him to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

"Don't worry. Before His Highness Abel comes back, he will definitely protect the earth for him." Som raised his forearm and made a fist to touch Hlaw. The energy erupting from the body formed the shape of an armor and directed the light that flew towards Hlaw. Block them one by one. .

The replacement of Achilles and Naro was completed quietly. No one except them even noticed that Achilles left the battlefield.

The reason why they can hand over with peace of mind is simple. Som and Naro are not weaker than them. The reason why they are not as well-known as them is because when Ultraman came, they chose to become Eber's followers.

Compared to Ultraman who is permanently stationed near the city, they prefer to deal with monsters in advance in places where humans rarely set foot.

Compared to Achilles's melee-based fighting style, Naro's choice is more inclined to light. Various light blades and light wheels fly to various parts of the battlefield, either interrupting the dark giant's energy accumulation, or blocking the giant who wants to make a sneak attack.

However, this method is difficult to produce effects when fighting alone, and the light energy in the body cannot provide this luxurious fighting method at all.

Although the light blade and light wheel could not cause effective damage to the dark giant with similar combat power to him, they suppressed the advantage they should have expanded.

The dark giants and monsters, who had the absolute upper hand in terms of numbers and energy recovery, remained evenly matched under the intervention of Achilles, Herao, Som, and Naro.

But Herao knew that this situation could only be maintained temporarily. If the victory cannot be decided as quickly as possible, the energy of the Giant of Light cannot support them to continue fighting. Read the book

Bright blue light blades streaked across the sky one after another. The dark giant completely ignored the monsters on the battlefield, and the fighting method began to become defensive. Energy ripples spread in circles during the collision, and chaotic fluctuations covered the entire battlefield.

The Giant of Light took the lead in lowering its altitude, not wanting to use precious energy to maintain flight. The dark giant unscrupulously absorbs the endless dark energy in the black mist, occupying the air superiority.

Hundreds of black, red and black blue rays of light were fired towards the giant of light standing on the ground. A slightly smaller number of golden rays of light rushed from the ground to the sky, colliding head-on with the oncoming light.

The two completely opposite energies in the center constantly offset each other, causing countless energy sparks to burst out. A bright purple light suddenly flew out of the black fog and swept towards the location of the dark giant.

It was obviously just a simple ray of light, but the dark giant that was hit instantly fell like Zoga whose wings were shot through, and fell in succession with continuous vibrations.

The originally solid ground inexplicably became like liquid, and the falling giants fell into the "lake" unexpectedly, sinking slowly under the pull of their weight.

"Welcome, my friend." The low voice was transmitted into their consciousness space under the fluctuation of telekinesis. Durham and Hitler were approaching them with their arms moving.

Dark purple lightning lit up on the Fork of Hitler in Hitler's hand, and Duram's ability to liquefy the ground seemed to have changed some of its characteristics.

The flickering current was conducted in all directions as if it really fell into the water, and jumping arcs lit up on each dark giant.

"See, Diga, this is our power." Camilla gently touched the side of Dark Diga's face with her palm, then turned around and waved the light whip in her hand, turning the color timer that had started to flash. The giants fell away one by one.

The liquefied ground rippled in circles, sucking them into the ground. Dark Diga still stood calmly, as if the previous light did not come from his hands.

He was neither repelled nor happy about Camilla's intimate actions, and was as silent as when he was still a stone statue.

Camilla didn't care at all. When she was a Giant of Light, everything she had now was just an impossible dream.

Tiga, who was originally out of reach, was standing beside him. He no longer had to protect those humans who never knew how to be grateful, nor did he need to carefully restrain his strength because he was worried about damaging something.

She can finally be Camilla, not Ultraman Camilla.

The incomplete buildings that had managed to escape the damage looked dilapidated as if they had been around for thousands of years, but the craters still emitting high temperatures indicated that the battle had happened not long ago. .

The four light bombs suddenly splashed a large "splash" on the ground, and Achilles and Herao, who had just exited the battlefield, also released a light ball of more than ten meters in a tacit understanding.

The energy poured into it is extremely dispersed and does not contain much destructive power at all. But after letting go, the ball of light split into dozens of light bombs in mid-air, all exploding.

The dazzling light illuminated the ruins of the city like daylight, and was accompanied by violent energy fluctuations. Several rays of light rushed out of the ground through the cover and flew away from the battlefield at high speed into the distance.

Achilles and Hero didn't dare to hesitate, and they turned into streams of light and chased after them.

Not long after flying out, the streamers of light scattered on the ground, condensing into human figures. At this time, they could not see the heroic appearance of the giant of light at all. They collapsed on the ground without any image, and their chests heaved violently.

"If I read correctly, that was His Highness Diga just now?"

After calming down for a moment, disbelieving voices rang out from the crowd.

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