Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 718 Silver X

The patterns on Gai Ying's body kept flickering and twisting. His waist and abdomen still maintained their original appearance, but his chest changed to look like Ax, and even the colored timer turned into Ax's unique X shape.

Such intertwined flashes appear frequently throughout the body, as if two Ultramans were dismembered and put back together again, revealing a sense of horror and weirdness.

The silver Mordiwus opposite was also constantly twisting and changing, and various parts of his body were chaotically switching between the various lives known to Ge Ying and Aix.

The completely unreasonable structural splicing started to move in real way, and a pillar of unknown light or material hit Ultraman's chest.

The energy sparks that exploded shrank back contrary to common sense, causing secondary damage to Ultraman's chest. The sparks that should have been so insignificant, that they could not even be felt, were rewritten in the chaotic reality to cause far more damage than that pillar.

The mixed Ultraman fell back uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

What is distorted is not only the attacks released by both sides during the battle, but the gravity is changing every second. Vehicles, character models and everything in the city that is not fixed to the ground suddenly float into the sky and then fall violently. Under the huge gravity The bottom was crushed into a piece.

Not only gravity, but also space is constantly changing. The battle in the city a second ago was transformed into the cold and dark space in the blink of an eye, and appeared in front of a huge star.

Ultraman, who was still fighting normally, suddenly seemed to have the accelerator button pressed. His body collided with Mordevous at a speed hundreds of times higher. Every punch and kick, and even his dodge movements, were too fast. aware.

But just for a moment, the ultra-high-speed battle turned into slow motion that even the old man in the park could surpass. It's not some special ability of Mordemus or Ultraman, but time is also distorted into chaotic and disorderly changes.

"Aix! Aix...kes...s...!"

The calling voice flashed past at a very fast speed, and at the normal flow speed, it was completely impossible to hear what the earth was saying. But when he called out for the second time, it turned into a long-drawn-out slow play.

At the moment of transforming into Geying, the earth reconnected with X. But Ax’s telepathy is always cut off

Continued, it's like being in a place with poor signal and unable to convey any useful information.

"It's useless, Dadi. You, Aix and I are in the same position in different times and spaces, integrated and dispersed. It is difficult for me to describe this state in words."

In a world of chaos, Maki Shuo's voice is the only thing that always maintains the same speed as him and can be understood. The X head dart at the waist releases a faint colorful light, allowing the earth to maintain its own safety in a state of weak connection with Ultraman.

He finally realized deeply what the power of rewriting reality was. In comparison, the ability of Ax Head Dart was like a child's play.

Time, space, matter, consciousness, everything he knew seemed to have become Mordius' plaything. For a scientist, this is tantamount to a devastating blow.

If reality can be rewritten at will, what's the point of the natural laws they study? With just one small parameter change, thousands of years of wisdom will collapse in an instant.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Dadi. I was not born to distort reality. The stability of natural laws is the prerequisite for all existence."

He didn't say anything, but Maki Shuo instantly realized what Dadi was thinking: "What you have to do now is to protect your home and defeat Mordiwus."

"But, how on earth are we going to defeat such a guy..." Dadi reluctantly cheered up, but his messed up brain couldn't think of a suitable strategy to deal with the enemy.

"Dadi, don't give up." Maki Shuo still reminded patiently, "Do you still remember the word I said at the beginning?"

Dadi was stunned for a moment, and then he caught some thoughts from his chaotic mind, lowered his head and took off the Ax head dart. The colorful light surged with his thoughts, gradually covering Ultraman's tens of meters of figure.

The two figures that were originally confused with each other gradually stabilized, and what appeared opposite Mordiwus was Aix, whose whole body was emitting silver light, and even the color of his body changed to silver.

"Using power beyond the original character in the story..."

Thanks to the power of Gai Ying and Ax's head dart, the earth, which was integrated with Ax again, looked down at his hands that glowed silver.

"Welcome back

Come on, Ax. "The familiar comrades returned, and the earth's originally tense state finally relaxed a little.

"I feel... very strange now." Aix tried to make a fist, and the special power he had never had before made him feel a little strange. It's not powerful in the conventional sense. If I had to use one word to describe it, it would only be "magical."

The power brought by Gai Ying is not strong, but it almost represents omnipotence.

"Let's go together, Aix. We will definitely defeat this guy this time." Along with the sound of the earth, Aix raised his right arm, and a silver beam of light rose into the sky, and the chaotic space and time around him were fixed. This moment.

Time stopped flowing, and the distorted space stayed in the solar system where the earth is located. Two different forces acted on reality at the same time, causing everything in the entire universe to stop at this moment.

The battle that determines the survival of the universe begins its second round in a desolate and silent corner without any observers of the universe.

Aix spread his limbs and released a silver light blade of the same shape in a huge X-shape formed by his body. Mordiwus released an identical light blade in a high-speed twist.

The silver and silver-gray X collided in the center of the two and canceled each other out. No energy particles scattered, and no explosion unfolded.

The particles condensed into light blades stopped moving at the moment when the energy was exhausted, and stopped together with the surrounding environment, stuck at the moment when they were about to bloom and explode.

Aix began to turn his body sideways at the moment when the light blades collided. While the light blades canceled out, the silver Zanadim light was released immediately afterwards.

Mordiwus' body still had an abstract feeling that could not be described in words, and at the same time released the exact same Zanadim light, but the color changed to the silver-gray color of the metal plate.

But its body followed closely and began to change to a fixed shape. The silver-gray body flowed and extended several pairs of arms forward. The power of Gaiying and Aix's head darts prevented it from distorting the reality around it, but it could still distort itself.

X and Daichi both recognized the origins of those arms. Without exception, they were all Ultramen who had come to this world.

Only one pair of arms representing Gai Ying could only stay in the basic red and blue form after flowing for a while.

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