Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 721 The Dream of Coexistence

"If you can do it, just give it a try." Maki Shuo didn't take it seriously and had no intention of solving Tregear in advance.

Kirizaki said nothing more, but once again put one hand on his chest and saluted, then took two steps back and turned to leave. He didn't show any vigilance or defense, as if he was sure that Maki Shuo would never take action.

His guess was indeed correct. Maki Shuo would indeed help Ax and Dadi deal with super enemies, but he did not intend to interfere with his normal battle.

Another reason is even simpler. It's not just Maki Shuki who is watching here. If he really chooses to go all out, Kirisaki who leaves the next moment will become one of those four guys.

So the battle that should have happened at a fixed time will be brought forward to the present. This is what Maki Shuo sees in the infinite future, and it is also the most likely future.

Maki Shuo raised his head and glanced at the sky. His eyes paused for a moment in a floating room in space. The black-purple light ball transformed by Tregear was approaching there at high speed.

But he didn't mean to stop him, but silently withdrew his gaze, still walking away from the forest step by step like an ordinary person.

The branches that grew randomly in front of me had their leaf tips hanging low, blocking most of the light from the sun. A few fallen leaves scattered along the dirt road stepped by people underfoot rolled with the breeze.

This scene turned into a bright sunny sky as soon as I stepped out of the forest. A few scattered clouds drifted slowly, and in front of me was a flat ground at the foot of the mountain.

The rows of tents turned this place into a temporary camp for xio. In the small tower on the top of a short mountain nearby, huge energy was ready to go.

"Mr. Maki, how is the earth?" Asuna asked worriedly.

"I'm not the best person to persuade him to come out." Maki Shuo smiled, sat back on the chair prepared for him, and started brewing the coffee that was specially brought along with the experimental equipment.

"How are the preparations going?" Dr. Hermann put his hands behind his back and looked at Liu Yi and Mikazuki Mamoru, who were sitting at the table and staring at the screen, and then glanced at the Gomora doll in the container beside them.

"No problem has been found with the energy shield and it can be activated at any time." The image in front of Mikazuki Shou changed into the composition of a small tower on the top of the mountain.

"Is the energy intensity enough?" A'Du came over with some worry, and then found that the structures made with the latest technology were like a heavenly book to him, and he couldn't understand every structure.

"Absolutely - no problem! Even a hundred times of dark thunderstorm energy can't break through the latest energy shield." Liu Yi clenched her fist and moved her forearm downward, as if to encourage A'Du.

"Then the next step is Daichi." Hayato raised his head and looked in the direction that Maki Shuu was walking in, waiting for the figure to appear.

"Dad, where are we going?" Dadi looked back at the campsite that was gradually moving away, and looked at Daekong Takashi who was still moving ahead in confusion.

"Didn't you say that your dream is for humans and monsters to coexist peacefully? In this case, taking the first step bravely is an essential awakening." Ohkora Takashi stretched out his hand to push aside the branches blocking the road, revealing the open space behind of ground.

"Are you really ready to wake up?"

The xio team members were standing in a row in the light, looking at the earth in the shadows cast by the leaves with smiles.

Dadi's eyes stayed on the devices on the ground for a moment, and he instantly realized their role. Not long ago, he was still involved in research in this area. That was the first step in his dream, a device that materialized the glitter doll.

"Everyone..." Dadi couldn't help but smile. His persistence from childhood to adulthood finally took the first real step. The excitement and the touch of everything his teammates had done completely washed away the remaining depression.

"I thought the captain wouldn't approve this kind of experiment." Dadi turned to Captain Shenmu, who rarely had a smile, and was a little surprised.

"As Dr. Ohtora Takashi said, as long as we move towards the goal of peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters, this is the first step we cannot avoid. No matter how dangerous it is, we have to take it."

Captain Shenmu patted Dadi on the shoulder and looked at the team member who had just recovered but still looked a little haggard: "I need to confirm again. Are you ready for this? Can you complete the experiment in your current state?"

"I can!" Dadi stood up straight with his arms close to his body, standing straight like a soldier.

The smile on Captain Shenmu's face faded and he resumed

He returned to his usual serious self. The gaze he cast carried great pressure in Dadi's eyes, making him nervous unconsciously.

For a moment, Captain Shenmu finally withdrew his gaze and stepped back two steps: "Then let's get started."

Dai nodded and turned to look at Dai Kong Takashi. The man who represented the source of his dream and life was holding the container containing the Gomora glitter doll and handing it over just like he had done more than ten years ago.

Dadi was in a daze for a moment, and then he solemnly held Gomora in his hands and turned the face of the glittering doll to him: "Gomora, if you succeed this time, maybe you can live with us as you are in the future. "

The glitter doll was motionless, as if it didn't hear the sound of the earth at all. In this posture, even giant monsters with various magical abilities only have the ability to perceive and cannot have any influence on the outside world.

Someone in xio also mentioned that all monsters should remain like this. But Dadi thinks that if it is just like this, it is not coexistence at all, but another kind of cage.

Daichi opened the cylindrical container in his hand and placed the Gomora doll in the center of the huge X-shape on the ground. Then he took two steps back and nodded to Luyi and Mikazuki Mamoru in front of the computer.

"Amaru, activate the energy shield." Dr. Germann waved his hand as he watched Daichi retreat to the safe area.

Mikazuki Mamoru immediately pressed the start button, and the small tower on the top of the mountain released a blue beam of light. An energy barrier flashed the same light from top to bottom and disappeared again.

"The energy shield is activated."

Dr. Germann nodded, and his special body structure made his movements look more like a bow: "Luyi, irradiate the materialization beam."

"Start irradiation!" Luyi put on sunglasses, excitedly pressed the launch button, and clenched his fists. Four red beams irradiated the Gomora doll in the center, and the special energy was continuously absorbed by it.

"The Gomora doll is absorbing light particles. The time to complete the materialization is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!"

When the countdown reached the last number, Gomora's change also reached its limit. It completely changed from the size of a doll that could be held in a human hand to the size of a huge monster.

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