Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 723: M1's Mistake

"Human beings who will not hesitate to attack after feeling fear cannot coexist with any life." M1's tone was as calm as ever, but the meaning contained in his words was full of deep doubts and superior judgment.

It seemed that Asuna, who had no time to escape, was about to die at the feet of EX Gomora. The suppressed emotions of the earth continued to surge. Electronic Zeton's card was inserted into the terminal, but no reading prompt was sent.

He raised his arms and hit the transparent bottle wall with his clenched fists with all his strength, making a dull banging sound. But the bottle that hindered him still looked like new, leaving no trace.

"Give up, those cards of yours can't be used here." M1 was still watching everything calmly, showing no concern for the life that was about to disappear.

A crisp snap of fingers sounded, and everything that was originally moving was stopped at this moment. It was like a pause button was pressed on the screen, and Asuna's life was suspended at the moment before death.


Zhen Mu Shuo's voice sounded, and the two words without any emotion carried a coldness that seemed to be equal and indifferent to everything. The M1 was not fixed in place, nor was the figure in the mist and the X in the bottle.

In the sight of the earth, X and the mysterious figure, the body of M1 kept twisting and changing, and soon changed from the ugly ape-man with its nostrils facing forward and thick lips to the posture of Ultraman X.

No matter the appearance or the energy fluctuations released, there is no difference from the real Ax. Before he could wonder, the scene around him instantly changed to EX Gomora who was about to step down with his foot.

Asuna, whose life was hanging by a thread, had already taken advantage of EX Gomora's stop to move out of its attack range. EX Gomora, who resumed action, immediately locked onto the "X" that appeared in front of him.

The blood-red eyes exuded violent anger, and a pair of giant claws swung down on the head.

Even if it is an artificial life form, the survival instinct still makes "X" subconsciously raise his arms in front of him. Heavy pressure came from his hands, and his strength seemed to adjust to the same level as Aix as his body changed.

Realizing that his body was being gradually bent, "X" hurriedly raised his knee and pressed it against EX Gomora's abdomen, taking the opportunity to quickly

Flip back to create distance.

"Sure enough, M1, who will attack without hesitation after feeling fear, cannot coexist with any life." A familiar voice came with telekinesis, and the figure in the fog used the exact same words for M1 himself On the body.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to accumulate energy to deal with the EX Gomora charging again, "X" paused and stopped in place.

"It's so boring. Your so-called judgment method is to simply isolate Aix, but turn a blind eye to the dark thunderstorm energy. This is not a successful exploration."

The black mist around him dissipated, revealing a figure that was eerily similar to Ultraman. The special metal on the chest formed an X shape, and the luminous body exposed in the gap at the intersection was vaguely visible, like a huge colorful timer.

It has a black and blue body and a head that is very similar to Ultraman. The blue mask covered the eyes, revealing only a pair of eyes that glowed red and were narrower than most Ultraman.

"Aren't you... his companion? Tregear!" Dadi looked at the black and blue giant who kept rebutting M1 with some surprise. He had already recognized the other party's identity.

Shui Maki once mentioned the visitors from this parallel universe when Aix was telling her past.

"Companion? No, I just want to enjoy an experiment about the light and darkness in the heart of life. It's a pity that because of that guy's wrong concept, an excellent experimental opportunity was wasted."

Tregear waved his hands regretfully, turned to look at the screen that still existed and the two sides fighting on it, and continued.

"But thanks to the legendary warrior, this failed experiment has taken a wonderful turn. The life of a self-proclaimed observer is still a chaos of good and evil, isn't it?"

"Look, all the words he used to question mankind have come true for himself."

But his words did not bring him the response he wanted. They came from the legendary warrior. Tregear sighed regretfully and looked at Aix who was still struggling against the bottle wall in the bottle, trying to escape.

"Although using that card can get you out of this container, let me help you." He raised his hand, grabbed the bottle, and pulled out the cork blocking the mouth of the bottle.

Originally imprisoned

His power suddenly disappeared, and without thinking much, Ax quickly turned into a beam of light and flew out, returning to his original size.

After roughly judging his location and seeing that Tregear had no intention of blocking him, Aix turned around and flew towards the Earth not far away.

Tregear seemed to have thought of something interesting, and also left the M1 laboratory and followed Aix.

On the ground, X, transformed by M1, was still dodging left and right under the attack of EX Gomora, trying to hold on. With the snap of Maki Shuo's fingers, all his abilities were easily sealed, and only Ax's power could be used.

But he neither has the electronic monster card made by xio, nor the Ultraman cards given by other Ultraman, nor the X head dart used to transform into X's transcendent form.

The result of fighting the violent EX Gomora with the power of the basic posture seemed obvious. A huge tail kept expanding in his sight and hit his face.

The continuous battle made him quickly consume the light energy that he was not familiar with, and the color timer on his chest actually flashed red like a real Ultraman.

The feeling of weakness continued to spread throughout his body, and it felt like the "recovery from a serious illness" he had heard of. The real X, who often experienced this situation, would not feel anything, but M1, who experienced it for the first time, felt that feeling very clearly.

The double horns on the head of EX Gomora released scorching energy, and the EX super shock wave was ready to go. The X that M1 turned into seemed to have given up resistance, just standing there with his head down.

Three beams of blue light were emitted from behind, hitting the EX Gomora who was accumulating energy. M1 looked back in surprise. He should have been the weakest party on the battlefield, but humans still chose to fight in this situation.

He knew very well that the support of xio came from his posture that was exactly the same as X. But because of this, the bond between humans and other creatures is more clearly reflected.

EX Gomora's whole body has been wrapped in the red energy, and the EX super shock wave has been launched under the violent energy fluctuations.

A colorful light suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of M1. He held up an illusory purple shield with both hands and absorbed all the energy.

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