Inside the stone gate, there is a circular hole extending downward. The stones on the four walls are as bright as a mirror. It seems that they have been hard burned by melting rules. Ye Feng and ten Jinfeng walk slowly all the way. There is a column of incense. There are traces of manual excavation on the four walls of the burned cave.

"Shopkeeper, since digging a cave can burn through the stone mountain, how did you dig it later? What's the matter?" Jin Zheng asked in a low voice.

"This cave may not have been dug out by one person."

"What do you mean?" a Jinfeng asked.

"You mean, some experts fought nearby and broke through the mountain. Later, people found that the hole was deep enough and hidden. They simply repaired it and regarded it as their own cave?" Jin Zheng asked.

"It's possible..."

Ye Feng said, drawing out the fire sword to illuminate the surroundings. There were many golden spots on Dongbi mountain. When the Golden Phoenix took a look, they immediately shouted - refined gold!

When the treasure hunt found the refined gold mine, Ye Feng was a little sad and laughing. As for the Jinfeng, they discussed whether to stay and sleep for a few years to turn the whole mountain into fine gold. But Huoer, the little financial fan, didn't want to let these go. He called out the fire sword and a group of Warcraft, burned and dug all the way and ran down to the bottom of the cave.

"Shopkeeper, your spirit is really strange. It used to be like an explorer. Now there's a housekeeper. How did you teach it?" Jin Zheng looked at Huoer, ignored Ye Feng and ordered a group of Warcraft, and his mouth would be grinning to his ears.

"The previous sword was the relic of an expert in exploration. The master and servant had traveled thousands of worlds. This fiery sword was trapped in the sword Pavilion for countless years. Seeing countless sword spirits dissipate into invisibility because they lost their Qi, they developed the habit of greed for money. If you and I had experienced that, it should be like them."

"No! My precious belt has fought with me many times and made many chicks. The strength of the weapon spirit is similar to that of the God. But thousands of years have passed. Every time he says that the master is dangerous and careful, he never runs out to hook up with other artifacts!"

Jin Zheng was complaining that his weapon spirit wouldn't pick up girls. There was a loud noise below the cave. When the Jinfeng were still stunned, Ye Feng had turned virtual and flew down directly!

In other words, the cave Ye Feng found was indeed a fine gold mine in ancient times. Later, the fine gold was almost mined. Someone set up an array here to rob and kill the practitioners who came here to look for treasure through the attraction of the fine gold mine. When Ye Feng flew to the bottom of the cave, he saw the guy who killed the robber and robbed his cave countless years ago - a monster!

The monster can be six or seven meters long and thick. It looks like a big snake, but it has four feet and six sickle like wings. When Ye Feng arrived, the monster was fanning two of the wings against fire and a magic plant.

The space in the mine path is narrow, and the surrounding stone walls are mixed with refined gold. The magic plants can't escape. They are blocked outside the battle. The sword spirit and sword intention played by the fire are rolled up by the strong wind fanned by the monster, and immediately become a little fire. Not only can't hurt the monster, but they burn the magic plants behind.

When Ye Feng saw this scene, he cried fool, jumped over and put the fire into the fire sword, and put a group of magic plants into the world.

"That smelly snake sneaked at me! It's more than five of my accomplishments in one bite!" Huoer shouted in the sword.

"That's because you're greedy for money, otherwise such a big monster would hide inside and you wouldn't see it!"

While talking, the monster had rushed up to Ye Feng. Ye Feng saw that the monster was not afraid of fire and didn't show his sword intention. He directly cast a sword and stabbed the monster's big mouth.

"All said Tun Xiuwei, you still poke..."

Huoer's voice didn't fall, and the fire sword was bitten by the monster! Ye Feng only felt a burst of emptiness in his hand, and the real Qi in his body was sucked by the monster. In a hurry, Ye Feng quickly applied the freezing law to shake back the monster, but the monster was not afraid, but even the freezing law was sucked!

"Back off, shopkeeper! That monster can't fight!"

Ye Feng was about to use the law of swallowing to fight the monster. Jin Zheng shouted behind him, and Fengyu sword also shot at him. The monster seemed to recognize this move and spit out a strong Qi in his mouth. After shaking back Ye Feng, he began to fan and sweep his wings again. As soon as those Fengyu swords met the strong wind, they immediately scattered into a piece of Venus and hit Ye Feng!

Ye Feng has never been afraid of anything and has never been hurt since he got the body of chaos. However, when the strong wind mixed with Venus blows, he feels cold and overcast. At this time, Jin Zheng has rushed behind Ye Feng, reached out and grabbed Ye Feng's collar, exercised his racial powers, and returned to the outer world through the space.

"It's said that you can't fight, but you run quickly! Can't you trust me?" Jin Zheng frowned and complained after letting go of Ye Feng.

"Do you recognize the monster?" said Ye Feng, tidying up his clothes and taking away the fire sword.

"You humans certainly don't recognize that monster! Because those who have seen them have been eaten!" Jin Zheng said, as if he thought of du'e Jindan and slapped his mouth.

"What kind of monster is it?"

"Hook the snake."

In Jin Zheng's mouth, the snake hook depends on cannibalism. As a monster in the same period as the four holy beasts, the hook snake also has a unique level division, like the dragon family cultivating horns, the Phoenix family cultivating feathers, the white tiger cultivating lines, and the basaltic culture increasing the lines of turtle shells. The practice of hooking the snake is to increase the back and sweep the wings.

The hook snake that Ye Feng just met has given birth to six wings. In terms of strength, it is equivalent to the existence of eight feather Phoenix or Horned Dragon. If you want to accept this level of monster, at least five veins and eight feather Phoenix work together. If you replace all the present Golden Phoenix, even if 120 go together, you may not be able to fight others!

"The monster is originally a water attribute. Every time you add a pair of wings, you will add an attribute. You just used the wood attribute, and the latter two pairs should be fire attribute and earth attribute. It will stay in the refined gold mine to cultivate. I'm afraid it's cultivating metal wings."

"It doesn't matter what it cultivates. The key is what happens after it is cultivated?"

"That monster eats people! Really cultivate eight wings for it. Xuanjing is not an opponent. What can you say?"

Ye Feng wanted to say that he didn't eat spirit bees, but Jin Zheng, a phoenix family, still had such consciousness. Ye Feng certainly wouldn't say that. He hesitated a little and asked the Phoenix to fly to Fengzhou.

On the border of the bee Island, there was a blood bee's eyeliner, and the bees' eyesight was good. Ye Feng came to the border here and stationed near the queen of blood. He came to greet him with a group of brothers.

"I have an urgent military situation to report to Fengji. Do you have any way to ask her to show up immediately?"

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