"There is a Buddhist verse called lust is emptiness. In my opinion, it means that there are many things. No matter who, if you think about it carefully, you can almost understand it, but everyone usually only looks at the present, but looks at the truth instead of seeing it."

"Isn't that lecherous? Besides, why do you suddenly say this? It shouldn't be the little nun of the lover's family. I'm going to be a little monk and stay with her forever? Gaga, gaga!"

"Fengzu doesn't aim at zafeng. You just said that, right?" Ye Feng ignored Jin Zheng's ridicule and said to himself.


"If something happens to Fengling, can elder Qing certainly lead troops to rescue? Is it really possible, or did LAN Chuang talk big for face?"

"He must come back! Even if he doesn't aim at the same family, it's hard for him to live outside if something happens to the Feng family!"

"In your opinion, what are the benefits of doing business better than sleeping at home?"

"There must be a lot more! Is that unknown!"

"Then you can say for yourself that in terms of mind and means, you are not as good as zafeng. There are more benefits of doing business outside than at home. The Phoenix family is prosperous. In that case, why did Fengzu let Huofeng shut down and let you do business?" Ye Feng suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Jin Zheng wanted to say that he wanted to exclude us, but sleeping in turn was what he had just said. It was also true that there were many benefits to being a layman. And as a phoenix family, the Phoenix ancestor can't really force anyone to die... "Then why..."

"After seeing the outside world, what do you think of Feng Ling's combat power?" Ye Feng interrupted again.

"I think Fengling is similar to Fengzhou..." with the lesson just learned, Jin Zheng kept aiming at Ye Feng when he spoke again.

"What will happen when the tool refiner goes to Fengzhou, changes all the bee and beast families with artifact, and then gives them a pot of immortal pills?"

Before Jin Zheng left Fengling, like other Fengs, he thought he was invincible. However, on the way to rescue Shen Qing, although the Phoenix family did not suffer a loss, he really saw the number and accomplishments of human cultivators in several cities.

In addition, mountain city residents can gather people to build the city in just one year. There are also a large number of bee people in Fengzhou. If ye Fengzhen changes their artifact and takes pills, their strength will at least double! Although their accomplishments are not as good as those of the Feng clan, they can definitely crush the Feng clan with their quantitative advantages!

"The fire phoenix and the black phoenix are closed, and the white phoenix has also cultivated the fairy grass garden. The suppression of natural attributes and the physique of the Phoenix family can not be made up by the number of insects!"


"Of course!"

"Well, I really have to be a coolie these days."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the pill I forced you to take?"

Ye Feng only forced the Phoenix to take a pill, du'erjin pill. Although no one had a chance to verify the efficacy because of the appearance of hook snake, Jin Zheng remembered the feeling after taking medicine clearly. And Ye Feng refined it in the lower world. If it is refined with the materials of the original world, the strength of Fengzhou will immediately double. It is not afraid of the pressure of the Phoenix family and wants to counter attack the Phoenix family... "Shopkeeper, how can I listen? It seems that you are targeting our Phoenix family?"

"It's just a matter of being entrusted and loyal to others. There's nothing targeted or not targeted."

"What! You trade in Fengzhou and give them those refining elixirs. It's! It's to deal with our Phoenix clan!"

"Compared with these, don't you want to guess who wants to target the Phoenix family?"

"Who! Who wants to deal with us?... I see! It's Buddhism! It must be them! They first traded with the bee clan and sent that woman to watch us!"

"Hehe, it's said that you only care about your eyes. You don't have a long memory. Your Fengling is personally sealed by the great God of creation. Under his protection, the Buddha dares to move you?"

Buddhism dare not touch us. The other two sects are the same, not to mention the bee clan and Warcraft, but who else wants to deal with the Phoenix clan and dares to deal with the Phoenix clan!

"You're still confused when you say so. It seems that you can't do it."

"You have to deal with us. I'll be your team leader!"

"This is a big deal involving the interests of the Phoenix family. Of course, you have to choose a team leader from among you, otherwise Fengzu will take advantage of you with me."

Hearing the word "Fengzu", Jin Zheng was stunned, and then finally thought of who was going to deal with the Fengzu. Ye Feng chose to do business with Fengzhou because the Feng clan is the enemy of the Feng clan. Ye Feng wanted to take this... "It shouldn't be told by me, but you can see it by yourself, but I don't seem to be able to wait for that day. Remember not to tell others, otherwise the efforts of Fengzu to revitalize the Feng clan will be wasted immediately." Ye Feng said and drank another cup.

"If you want to wander the Jianghu, you must be brave and resourceful. If you want to wander the Jianghu, you must be kind and righteous. You have these conditions with LAN Chuang. In addition, you have the background of Fengzhou and Fengling, and the relationship between Buddhism and weapon refining sect. If you just travel the Jianghu to do business, no one dares to make it difficult for you. Next, as long as you maintain the existing cargo station, all kinds of businesses will come to you."

"Shopkeeper, you suddenly say this, this is... What's the matter? If there's something, you say it and let's find a way together. Don't scare me!"

"I didn't hide anything from you, but you haven't thought of it. But when you think of it, you should understand why I'm worried."

Ye Feng said and disappeared directly! But beside his wine glass, there were more than a dozen Najie. Jin Zheng picked it up and saw that except for a ring filled with yellow crystals, all the rest were all kinds of goods purchased by Ye Feng!

Jin Zheng didn't dare to say anything about Ye Feng directly. He just said that Ye Feng had something urgent to go to Fengzhou. He arranged a rotation for a group of brothers and nephews, so he asked Gao Lin to take them to the Buddha city on the border of Zhanxi state.

When the Phoenix left home for the first time, they got many benefits on the way. When they came to the border, they didn't care about Jin Zheng and Gao Lin, so they went back to visit their relatives together. Jin Zheng wanted to invite Gao Lin to Fenghuo city. As a result, Gao Lin spoke first before he spoke.

"What did shopkeeper ye do?"

"I went to bee state. What's the matter?"

"It's only a few days' journey to Jiangjun city using the secret method of transmission, and then to Fengzhou. It will take at least three years to fly directly from Lianzhou." Gao Lin said in a deep voice.

"Hey, hey, aren't you the one who likes our shopkeeper? Why, I haven't seen you for a day, so I want to be like this?" Jin Zheng smiled.

"There is a saying called unreasonable, which means that the more unreasonable, the more bluff."


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