"It's a windy city, but what's the allusion?" Ye Feng asked with a smile, pointing to the large red lacquer characters on the upper floor of the city gate.

"Buddhism? Of course, there must be an allusion! Good nephew, tell shopkeeper Ye quickly and let me have a long experience!"

The good money boy glanced at the monkey king and turned to tell him that there was a wind eye near the city. There were frequent wind disasters every year, and there were no people living around. It was the Bodhisattva who borrowed the supreme treasure Dingfeng bead, calmed the eye of the wind, and sealed it with great magic power. Only then did it develop into today's scale.

"There is a kind of wind spirit grass, commonly known as wind chime grass, which is hung in ordinary people's homes. It can ventilate the house and cool down the summer. Low level practitioners wear it and can make themselves as light as a swallow. There is an exquisite jade pendant in the Taoist door that can predict danger, which is refined by this. If the shopkeeper is interested, I can take you to collect some."

"Oh! This is good! If it can be sent back before the Buddha's birthday, it will sell well."

"Shopkeeper ye also participated in the Buddha's birthday ceremony?" the boy shancai asked curiously.

"This year is in the name of the South China Sea. Next year, I don't know if I can participate!"

"In the name of Nanhai? Are you in charge of Nanhai?"

"I don't dare to say escrow. It's just to help take care of some daily chores. I helped entertain all kinds of gods and Buddhas on the birthday of the elder. The elder seems not happy about this. Maybe we businessmen do things, which is too utilitarian..."

It's not the first time that Guanyin was disturbed by outsiders in the lower world, but before he met Ye Feng, Guanyin had no money in the lower world, so he endured the wind and waves for a while.

This time, if it were not for the one billion yellow crystals of Ye Feng, as well as the honey royal jelly and fairy fruit, Guanyin still had to swallow it. Shancai boy is in charge of Nanhai finance. Why don't you understand this! Hearing Ye Feng's complaint, he immediately went to Guanyin to ask for orders and let Ye Feng continue to help Nanhai manage business.

"This year, I'm going to get rid of demons in the purple bamboo forest. I should do it for her. In the coming year, even if the senior doesn't say, I don't dare to do that!" he said with a smile and flew slowly towards the city.

"Hey, hey, little boy, I'm happy to see money! Unfortunately, Ye Feng has some business to do and some people want to ask for help. You Nanhai have missed the secret!"

The monkey king finished saying that, without waiting for the attack of shancai boy, he chased after him with a bad smile all the way. Shancai stamped his feet a few times in a childish manner, then frowned and fell into the city together.

There are not many practitioners in Dingfeng City, and their accomplishments are only the king of martial arts. Although they can't see through the accomplishments of Ye Feng and his party, Ye Feng and his party are more powerful and have higher accomplishments than them. Therefore, as soon as they settle down in the street, the people around them give way to the roadside. Two famous kings of martial arts in the local area immediately came to their separation and took the initiative to say hello.

Ye Feng is a guest. After being well asked, the boy shancai stepped forward and asked them if they had seen other advanced practitioners wandering around.

Dingfeng city was indeed harassed by Shura monsters before, but since the lower boundary of Guanyin, peace has been restored here. The boy of good fortune asked these questions, which was just a formality. Unexpectedly, he really asked some questions.

According to one of the King Wu, when he practiced his secret arts outside the city in the morning, he once met several practitioners wearing gray strength clothes. At that time, he wanted to say hello to others. As a result, they ignored him and flew directly towards the wind eye seal.

Shancai boy didn't expect to meet this kind of thing. At first glance, he heard that there were suspicious people wandering around and immediately informed Guanyin.

"Hey, good nephew, what are you going to tell the Bodhisattva? Bodhisattva, I found a bad man. Come on! Gaga! Gaga!" the monkey king shouted in a strange voice.

"You stinky monkey! You're just a loser! Dare you laugh at me!"

Monkey King can't beat the good money boy? Where does this start? Thinking separately, he didn't make a sound. Taking advantage of their quarrel, he called the king aside and asked about the wind chime grass.

The Phoenix followed Ye Feng. Although the king of Wu could not see their real bodies, he was surrounded by more than 100 masters who could not see through their accomplishments, and the sweat on his face was even bigger.

"You don't have to be afraid of us. We are businessmen introduced by master Guanyin. We want to buy some wind chime grass here. As long as you can help us, Xianjing, Huangjing, and even pills and immortals, you can choose one and pay for it."

Pills and refining utensils are rare in the real world, and most of them are made by practitioners themselves. As soon as Ye Feng said this, King Wu wiped a sweat first, and then told him about the wind chime grass.

"Only their family can pick Campanula in the city. If God wants to buy it, I can show you."

"OK! First tell me what you want."

"God... I don't deserve reward for my useless work! Why don't we go and have a look first?"

"I can trust you. You just say what you want."

"Well... I've been stuck in Level 3 for hundreds of years. Do you have any treasures that can break the bottleneck, even if you sell me some?"

"Give him a miraculous pill," he said to the green kites with a smile.

"Shopkeeper, we don't have ordinary goods. We keep them for ourselves..."

"I left in a hurry this time. I didn't bring anything with me. Remember to use it first. Go back and give it back to him."

King Wu listened clearly to the dialogue between him and the Phoenix. When he really got the unique julingdan given by the Phoenix, he immediately knelt down and thanked him.

"If you really thank me, remember to take care of the younger generation when you grow up in the future. Get up."

Although a gathering elixir can't make people become gods overnight, it is definitely a great opportunity for the king of Wu with low qualification. Ye Feng's style not only affected the king's life, but also set an example for the Phoenix. Later in the business, he helped many ordinary people and practitioners, but that's a digression. Let's just talk about Ye Feng.

King Wu got the benefit and introduced the local conditions and customs all the way. He separated ye and led him to the chamber of Commerce called Caifeng hall. First introduced the separated person to the boss, and didn't leave until the boss mentioned the wind chime grass. The monkey king and the good money boy didn't finish arguing until this time. One was angry and the other was smiling and walked into the chamber of Commerce.

"It's very easy to get wind chime grass for your accomplishments. Why come to the shop!" the boss nodded and asked.

"We are businessmen, not adventurers. Just say what you know. We won't rob your business." a green kite said with a black face.

"We want to buy Campanula for a long time. If the boss is interested, we can talk about it carefully." Fenshen smiled.

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