Ye Feng is not interested in Warcraft, but the grandson of the commandment house master is a little interesting. Habitually, he arched his hand to the passer-by and was about to go to the restaurant. Several guys had taken out butchers' knives and were ready to bleed the Warcraft.

"Master..." Qixia appeared behind Ye Feng and gently pulled him.

"Why, can't you get used to these?"

"Can't you save it?"

"If you save it, you'll kill the other one, unless you save all the Warcraft in the shop." Ye Feng said with a smile and threw a few guys a glance. "Don't kill, sir. I'll pack all the Warcraft in here!"

Ye Feng then went straight into the store. Several guys who heard him talk were like demons. They lost their blood basin and butcher's knife and walked in with them. A group of passers-by who didn't know why thought it was a senior official from the upper world. They whispered to each other, and they all hid away.

There were no guests in the shop. Only a sweet looking and well-dressed landlady sat in front of the wine cabinet and fiddled with the account books. Ye Feng is white and handsome, and her clothes are different from those in the world. When the landlady heard the footsteps and looked up, she was hooked like a soul and forgot to call.

"What old wine is there in the shop?" although Ye Feng doesn't like to take the initiative to beg for wine, he doesn't hate being seen.

"... yes! Shunzi! Dig out the best wine in the wine cellar!" the landlady shouted with a red face immediately after she recovered.

The guy named shunzi followed behind Ye Feng. Seeing the owner's wife's spring heart rippling, he didn't dare to say anything. He dragged the other three guys to the wine cellar. In such a large restaurant, Ye Feng and the beautiful owner's wife were left.

After a while, the old wine was moved to the cabinet. The boss's mother cooked, cut four plates of cooked meat and brought it to Ye Feng's table. Qixia wanted to show up in the middle and was stopped by Ye Feng. The two guys wanted to stay and serve Ye Feng for a drink, but they were also taken away by the landlady with an excuse. Finally, there was a world of two in the restaurant.

"My guest doesn't look like a native. I don't know where your house is located?" the landlady asked in a low voice beside Ye Feng while pouring wine.

"I used to live in shiyuanjie, but now I'm homeless and wandering around." Ye Feng didn't have the concept of lying in his mind, nor was it necessary.

"Ah! Why haven't you heard of that place? Isn't it in this world?"

"Listen to what you mean, you know a lot about the world?"

"My mother's uncle is the leader of the discipline hospital. Do you think I should know?" the landlady smiled and patted Ye Feng on the shoulder with a jade hand.

"Ha ha, it's the family members of the hospital owner. It's disrespectful."

"What a shame! I'm not a cultivator. I just want to live a few more days. Someone hurts every day. It's a pity to marry a waste..."

The landlady said, she was going to lean on Ye Feng. As a result, her body was soft and was blocked by Ye Feng with a porcelain bottle.

"The boss's wish is difficult for me to come down, but I have a secret recipe if I just want to be young and immortal."

Ye Feng was entangled by others and used the Ruyi rule when talking. The landlady believed it at that time and showed an amazing expression. Until Ye Feng put the spirit honey in her hand, she quickly retreated a few steps and said a blessing to Ye Feng with trembling.

"I have no eyes. I have offended an expert. Please forgive me!"

"Hehe, being liked is not offensive, and you really find a man who can use it when you use this folk prescription."

Ye Feng's mouth was unobstructed, but the landlady was very useful. She poured wine and vegetables for Ye Feng with a smile, waited on Ye Feng and drank three pots of old wine. Then she ran to the back room with spiritual honey to experience the so-called immortality.

Ordinary people live forever, their demand for food will become more, and the struggle between people will certainly become more and more intense. So even though he knew what Ye Feng had done, Amitabha didn't intervene.

Ye Feng was detained in the guest room of the restaurant. After staying for two days, seeing that no one was looking for trouble, he came to the store again and found the coquettish landlady.

There is no vegetarian diet in the Buddhist world. After eating honey for two days, the landlady's skin looks much better than before. She naturally believes in the efficacy of this secret recipe of "Immortality". Seeing Ye Feng show up, he left the guests around him, ran to Ye Feng like a gust of wind, poured wine and vegetables in person, served him, drank old wine, and then asked about the purpose of this trip.

"The effect of your medicine is not bad. Have you ever thought of using this baby to make a fortune?"

"How can I do that! It's too late to ask for this baby. How can I sell it!"

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't adapted to immortality. After you think it over, I'll come back."

Ye Feng said that and left with the wine pot. The landlady wanted to keep him, but no matter how she chased him, she couldn't catch up with Ye Feng. She watched him disappear at the corner.

Ye Feng left the restaurant and didn't go far. He found a medicine shop two blocks away, inquired about the prices of various medicinal materials, bought many low-grade fairy herbs, and then continued to stroll.

Along the way, some people heard that he applied medicine to the boss's wife, so they secretly followed him and wanted to get a secret recipe or something. The vast majority of people are looking at their strange clothes and secretly commenting on them.

"Master, are you playing tricks?"

"Hmm? Where does this start?" Ye Feng was stunned by Qixia's question.

"What did you say about immortality when you gave the proprietress honey? Now you go to the city to buy this and that. Don't you just want to deceive them into buying fairy grass and force the cultivators in the whole world to go out to find fairy grass? What's that supposed to be?"

"Hahaha, I just want to pick up some small bargains. It's not as mysterious as you said. Besides, honey is sweet and most of these fairy grasses are bitter. Even if people here are stupid..."

Ye Feng looked subconsciously while talking. The result was really like what she said. Those who had heard of immortality had surrounded the medicine shop just now. So halfway through this, I can't go on.

The next day, the fairy grass Ye Feng had bought was out of stock. The Commission to buy fairy grass was posted on the notice board near the city gate. The beautiful landlady and some guys who have seen Ye Feng find Ye Feng all over the city.

"Why, do you know that you are immortal so soon?" in the evening, after the restaurant closed, Ye Feng appeared out of thin air in the position where he had sat before.

"You're really here!" the landlady answered Ye Feng and waved to the four guys. "Come on, go get the good wine!"

"Forget the wine. I have some good old wine here. Just bring wine utensils."

Ye Feng only wanted wine utensils, and several guys went out. The landlady took out her precious jade cup and pot, cut four dishes of cooked food, served Ye Feng and drank Baihua wine.

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