After Ye Feng explained the fierce relationship to Ye Qing, he sent a hundred Buddhist prisoners to meet the enemy!

The Buddha soldiers Ye Qing caught were all the top of the cultivation. Although Amitabha was furious by Ye Feng's practice, he didn't take these people who lost their magic nature as one thing. He ordered them to kill without amnesty, and 100 experts rushed up with their own means.

Buddhist means are nothing more than fist and foot Kung Fu and soul power attack. Amitabha Buddha sent level 8 Buddhists. The captives sent by Ye Feng were originally level 7 Buddhists. Without the help of magic, they were not the opponent of the other party. But just when there was still a short distance between the two sides, the prisoners actually drove the Buddha treasure one after another and launched a long-range attack on the opposite side first!

Five element spells and other means are also popular in the Buddhist world, but those means consume a lot of real Qi and are far less convenient than soul power. Therefore, everyone can learn several kinds of body side skills, but they will not go deep. In the face of the spells from low-level opponents with utensils, a hundred elite were even more dismissive, and rushed up directly with their strong flesh. But when the spell hit the body, the elite immediately had no idea - the power of all sentient beings was held in the spell!

The power of all living beings is the bane of magic. After a person with evil thoughts is hit, his evil thoughts will be destroyed immediately. The elite have high accomplishments, and their evil thoughts have long been deeply rooted. They are beaten by the power of all sentient beings. They look unharmed on the outside, but they are hollowed out in the heart.

Those prisoners had already received Ye Feng's instructions. Seeing that the opposite side was stupid on the spot, they immediately tried their best to drive the Buddhist tools and smashed all kinds of spells. Just a few rounds later, a hundred elite Buddha soldiers fell to the ground like lost souls. Then they were captured by the prisoners and brought back to the warship.

One hundred elite are all experts of the Tianjie discipline Academy. The master of the Academy watched his confidants get caught and wanted to rob them. At this time, Amitabha Buddha appeared on the battlefield, and Ye Feng immediately appeared opposite him.

"You damn boy! What means have you used to confuse our men!"

"Are you the only ones who can break the law?" Ye Feng asked with disdain on his face.

"You! You deceive people too much!"

"Amitabha, if you can't afford to play, just come if you want to. I promise I won't even hide. And I swear by heaven alliance, if you can send me back to the past for revenge, I will find you and make you the master of the origin. How about it?"

Ye Feng said this last time, which attracted the two gods of ice and fire and nearly destroyed the Buddhist world. Now he mentions the old story again. The expression on Amitabha's face immediately became colorful. Poked in place, gnashing teeth for a long time, Leng is a word did not dare to say.

"You are a real master of Taoism. Even now, the old monks of Shiyuan world still recite your Buddha's name. So I don't understand why you are like this?" Ye Feng saw Amitabha's silence and tried to deliver a message to him.

Amitabha did not respond. He still stared at Ye Feng fiercely. After a while, he turned into a golden light and disappeared on the golden top of the commandment hall. Ye Feng stopped in the distance and looked for a while, took out a bottle of antidote, threw it in front of the discipline yard, and turned back to the warship.

Amitabha Buddha, who lost two wars in a row, didn't fight again for nine days. Ye Feng lost the medicine bottle outside the discipline academy and was later taken back by the monk who took it back. It was a sign of weakness to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has been busy refining magic Qi for the monks in these nine days. Therefore, the spirit family and Warcraft had to pray all day to provide him with the power of faith. The whole battlefield fell into strange peace.

At noon that day, Ye Feng's power of faith was finally exhausted and had to stop to rest. Several Buddhist practitioners who had just refined their heart demons found him with Kun you.

"Father and God, these are my old friends. I want you to take them in for a while and study the true meaning of Buddhism together." Kun you knows that Ye Feng is busy and speaks directly.

"Buddhism, Taoism and so on, in the final analysis, are all to improve their cultivation, which is the true meaning." Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Is that true?"

"It's so simple. You'll be confused because you're wrong, or you're just holding a golden bowl in your alms." Ye Feng said, touching out a bottle of old wine and throwing it to Kun you.

Although Ye Feng's words are somewhat unrestrained, they are full of pearls. Seeing that he wanted to broadcast, Kun you immediately knelt respectfully to the ground. Several Buddhist practitioners who came with him hesitated and knelt down.

"The other side hasn't come to fight for nine days. Let's challenge them this time. Relax. I'll show you what the true meaning of Buddhism is."

When Ye Feng finished, they only felt that they were outside the warship. Looking from a distance, there were many low-level Buddhists in the opposite commandment yard, looking towards the warship. Pay a little attention to the feeling, there are thousands of soul power fluctuations, and make an unbridled inspection around everyone.

"Speaking of the true meaning of Buddhism, you have to start from the origin of Buddhism. You can certainly know a thing or two about this cultivation. Why don't you tell it first." Ye Feng said that he also took out a bottle of old wine, took out the flaming sword and sat down on his ass and drank the wine leisurely.

"Amitabha said that Buddhism and Taoism began at the beginning of the creation of the world with the Enlightenment of the ancient Buddha who lit a lamp. Later, it was continuously improved by the disciples to form Buddhism." Kun you said without hesitation.

"Unexpectedly, the Buddhist world and the origin world are separated by a thousand centuries, but the market rumors are the same, ha ha!"

"Is it really false..." Kun you had an expected expression on his face. The other Buddhists frowned.

"At the beginning of the primordial world, there were only two creatures. One was a fool who claimed to be Pangu and claimed to be the great God of creation. Later, he was bitten by another smart man and disintegrated into all things. The other smart man made the ancestor of the great road, which is what we call the ancestor of the Tao." Ye Feng said and shook the wine bottle to Kun you.

"Father God... I've stopped drinking for a long time." Kun you scratched his head.

"Read the Buddha's name again."

"There are no free leaves in the South..."

"I said I could drink, drink."

Kun you is a Taoist cultivation. Whether to drink or not is just an obsession. Ye Feng asked him to drink, so he simply closed his eyes and took a sip. I don't know whether it's because I haven't drunk for many years or for other reasons. I actually feel like I'm floating like an immortal.

"Pangu created all sentient beings, and the Daozu spread the avenue he mastered between heaven and earth. The creatures who got these inheritance created the original sect and sect. In the origin world, that history was called the flood and famine period, and the ancient monsters and saints in it were actually the disciples of the Daozu."

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